Unofficial and experimental docker build instructions for eth2 clients
This project builds clients from source. A similar workflow for binary images is a TODO, as long as it does not duplicate work by client teams.
Currently included clients:
- Lighthouse, with local geth
- Prysm, with local geth
A file 'default.env' is provided and needs to be copied to '.env'. If this is not done, running docker-compose will fail.
You likely want to set GRAFFITI
inside the file .env
, and you might
adjust NUM_VAL
if you are going to create keys for more than one validator.
On Linux, docker-compose
runs as root. The individual containers
do not, they run as local users inside the container: With the exception of
eth2.0-deposit-cli, because it has no network connection and does not run
as an ongoing service.
In the interest of readability, warnings about the dangers of running
eth2 validators have been moved to
. This file
also contains comments on key security. Just know that funds can be
lost unless precautions are taken.
Some troubleshooting commands are at the very end of the file.
Installation prerequisites are towards the bottom of this file.
Once they are met, navigate to a convenient directory that you
have write access to - your $HOME is fine - and pull this repo
via git: git clone
then cd eth2-docker
into the newly created directory.
There is a default file which runs lighthouse with local geth. If you are good with the default, just run with that.
You'll be copying from the directory clients
to the file docker-compose.yml
in this directory. Current options are:
- lighthouse,
cp clients/lh.yml ./docker-compose.yml
- prysm,
cp clients/prysm.yml ./docker-compose.yml
If you are going to use a 3rd-party eth1chain provider, edit .env
and set either LH_ETH1_NODE
point to your provider, and use the eth2-3rd
target once you have imported keys and are ready.
You will deposit eth to the deposit contract, and receive locked eth2 in turn.
has comments on key security.
Edit the .env
file to set the number of validators you wish to run. The default
is just one (1) validator.
This command will get you ready to deposit eth:
sudo docker-compose run deposit-cli
The created files will be in the directory .eth2/validator_keys
in this project.
This is also where you'd place your own keystore files if you already have some for import.
They go into .eth2/validator_keys
in this project directory, not directly under $HOME
Warning Import your validator key(s) to only one client.
Import the validator key(s) to the Lighthouse validator client:
sudo docker-compose run lh-validator-import
If you specify the password during import, it'll be available to the client every time it starts. If you do not, you'll need to be present to start the validator and start it interactively. Determine your own risk profile.
Warning Import your validator key(s) to only one client.
Import the validator key(s) to the Prysm validator client:
sudo docker-compose run prysm-validator-import
You will be asked to provide a wallet directory. Use /var/lib/prysm
You will be asked to provide a new wallet password.
If you choose to store the password during import, it'll be available to the client every time it starts. If you do not, you'll need to be present to start the validator and start it interactively. Determine your own risk profile.
Once you are ready, you can send eth to the deposit contract by using
the deposit_data-TIMESTAMP.json
file at the Medalla launchpad.
Before you start any clients, make sure you have the validator set up with a wallet, see above.
To start the Lighthouse client, both beacon and validator, with local geth:
sudo docker-compose up -d eth2
Instead, if you are using a 3rd-party eth1chain, make sure that LH_ETH1_NODE
in the file .env
is pointing to it.
To start the Lighthouse client, both beacon and validator, with 3rd party eth1chain:
sudo docker-compose up -d eth2-3rd
If, however, you chose not to store the wallet password locally, bring the services up individually instead:
With local geth:
sudo docker-compose up -d geth lh-beacon
Or with 3rd party eth1chain:
sudo docker-compose up -d lh-beacon
Then "run" the validator so it can prompt you for input:
sudo docker-compose run lh-validator
After providing the wallet password, use the key sequence Ctrl-p Ctrl-q to detach from the running container.
The Prysm client requires copying in a file, see the start of this document.
Note that the Prysm client will find its external IP, but this repo assumes
that IP is static. You can restart the container, possibly via crontab, with
docker-compose restart prysm-beacon
if your IP is dynamic.
Work to support dynamic DNS would also be welcome.
To start the Prysm client, both beacon and validator, with local geth:
sudo docker-compose up -d eth2
Instead, if you are using a 3rd-party eth1chain, make sure that PRYSM_ETH1_NODE
in the file .env
is pointing to it.
To start the Prysm client, both beacon and validator, with 3rd party eth1chain:
sudo docker-compose up -d eth2-3rd
If, however, you chose not to store the wallet password locally, bring the services up individually instead:
With local geth:
sudo docker-compose up -d geth prysm-beacon
Or with 3rd-party eth1chain:
sudo docker-compose up -d prysm-beacon
Then "run" the validator so it can prompt you for input:
sudo docker-compose run prysm-validator
After providing the wallet password, use the key sequence Ctrl-p Ctrl-q to detach from the running container.
To see a list of running containers:
sudo docker ps
To see the logs of a container:
sudo docker logs -f CONTAINERNAME
sudo docker-compose logs -f SERVICENAME
To run the client with defaults, assuming an Ubuntu host:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install docker docker-compose git
git clone
cd eth2-docker
cp default.env .env
You may want to adjust the contents of .env
to your environment.
Other distributions are expected to work as long as they support git, docker, and docker-compose.
Install Docker Desktop, git, and Python 3. Note you can also type python3
into a Powershell window and it will bring you to the Microsoft Store for a recent Python 3 version.
You have to copy the default.env
file to .env
, from Powershell: cp default.env .env
After copying this file, you may want to adjust the contents of .env
to your environment.
Docker Desktop can be used with the WSL2 backend if desired, or without it.
You will run the docker-compose and docker commands from Powershell. You do not need sudo
in front of those commands.
Install Docker Desktop, git and Python 3. MacOS has not been tested, if you have the ability to, please get in touch via the ethstaker Discord.
This project does not monitor client versions. It is up to you to decide that you are going to update a component. When you are ready to do so, the below instructions show you how to.
sudo docker-compose build --no-cache geth
Then stop, remove and start geth:
sudo docker-compose stop geth && sudo docker-compose rm geth
sudo docker-compose up -d geth
lh-beacon and lh-validator share the same image, we only need to rebuild one.
sudo docker-compose build --no-cache lh-beacon
Then restart the client:
sudo docker-compose down && sudo docker-compose up -d lighthouse
If you did not provide the wallet password to the container, come up more manually instead.
prysm-beacon and prysm-validator share the same image, we only need to rebuild one.
sudo docker-compose build --no-cache prysm-beacon
Then restart the client:
sudo docker-compose down && sudo docker-compose up -d prysm
If you did not provide the wallet password to the container, come up more manually instead.
A few useful commands if you run into issues.
docker-compose stop servicename
brings a service down, for example docker-compose stop lh-validator
docker-compose down
will stop the entire stack.
docker-compose up -d servicename
starts a single service, for example docker-compose up -d lh-validator
The -d
means "detached", not connected to your input session.
docker-compose run servicename
starts a single service and connects your input session to it. Use the Ctrl-p Ctrl-q
key sequence to detach from it again.
docker ps
lists all running services, with the container name to the right.
docker logs containername
shows logs for a container, docker logs -f containername
scrolls them.
docker exec -it containername /bin/bash
will connect you to a running service in a bash shell. The geth service doesn't have a shell.
If a service is continually restarting and you want to bring up its container manually, so you can investigate, first bring everything down:
docker-compose down
, tear down everything first.
docker ps
, make sure everything is down.
HERE BE DRAGONS You can totally run N copies of an image manually and then successfully start a validator in each and get yourself slashed. Take extreme care.
Once your stack is down, to run an image and get into a shell, without executing the client automatically:
docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash imagename
, for example docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash lighthouse
You'd then run Linux commands manually in there, you could start components of the client manually. There is one image per client,
the client images currently supplied are lighthouse
and prysm
docker images
will show you all images.
- Reduce the attack surface of the client where this is feasible. Not all clients lend themselves to be statically compiled and running in "scratch"
- Guide users to good key management as much as possible
- Create something that makes for a good user experience and guides people new to docker and Linux as much as feasible