Windows, Mac, and Linux pre-release. The MSD Calculator is receiving heavy chiseling.
- TopScore flag introduced for HighScores for identifying Top Scores properly for EtternaOnline parsing - d518aed 5df2fc0
- The Calculator has been updated - dd1ed41 7e0bcc7 0848477
- The SSR cap is now 97% instead of 96%.
- The distribution of all Stamina files is a bit more even.
- Stamina associated with Stream or JS/HS is better rated.
- Calculating the Player Rating also sets Top Scores - ff9bee9
- Only TopScores are considered in Player Rating Calculation - 3cd733a
- Player Rating Calculation ignores CC On scores, is a flat average of skillsets, and had the internal algorithm slightly changed - c7cc786 bb6dfc5
- TopScores should not be read from the XML, and always calculated - f2216ac