Vuefinder is a file manager component for Vue.js version 3
npm i vuefinder
JS entry point (it can be index.js or main.js)
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import 'vuefinder/dist/style.css'
import VueFinder from 'vuefinder/dist/vuefinder'
const app = createApp(App)
//By default, Vuefinder will use English as the main language.
// However, if you want to support multiple languages and customize the localization,
// you can import the language files manually during component registration.
You can manually import the localization files from the package and register them with Vuefinder. The localization files are located in the dist/locales folder.
import en from 'vuefinder/dist/locales/en.js'
import tr from 'vuefinder/dist/locales/tr.js'
import ru from 'vuefinder/dist/locales/ru.js'
app.use(VueFinder, {
i18n: { en, tr, ru }
Alternatively, you can import the localization files asynchronously during component registration. This can be useful for lazy loading or if you prefer to load the files dynamically.
app.use(VueFinder, {
i18n: {
en: async () => await import("vuefinder/dist/locales/en.js"),
de: async () => await import("vuefinder/dist/locales/de.js"),
// Add more locales as needed
<vue-finder id='my_vuefinder' :request="request"></vue-finder>
<script setup>
const request = "http://vuefinder-php.test"
// Or ...
const request = {
// ----- CHANGE ME! -----
// [REQUIRED] Url for development server endpoint
baseUrl: "http://vuefinder-php.test",
// ----- CHANGE ME! -----
// Additional headers & params & body
headers: { "X-ADDITIONAL-HEADER": 'yes' },
params: { additionalParam1: 'yes' },
body: { additionalBody1: ['yes'] },
// And/or transform request callback
transformRequest: req => {
if (req.method === 'get') {
req.params.vf = "1"
return req;
// XSRF Token header name
xsrfHeaderName: "X-CSRF-TOKEN",
Vuefinder uses the BEM (Block Element Modifier) convention for its CSS classes, with default styles applied using TailwindCSS. This structured approach helps maintain a clear and consistent naming convention for CSS classes, making it easier to understand and manage styles across the project.
To customize or update the styles, simply find the appropriate BEM class in the component’s style section and override the styles as needed.
Prop | Value | Default | Description |
id | string | null | required |
request | string/object | object | required - backend url or request object, see above |
locale | string | en | optional - default language code |
theme | string | system | optional - default theme, options: "system","light","dark" |
max-file-size | string | 10mb | optional - client side max file upload |
max-height | string | 600px | optional - max height of the component |
features | array | null | optional - array of the enabled features |
path | string | null | optional - initial directory, example: 'media://public' |
persist | boolean | false | optional - keep current directory on page refresh |
full-screen | boolean | false | optional - start in full screen mode |
select-button | object | object | optional - adds select button in status bar, see example |
onError | function | function | optional - a callback to implement custom error handling |
Event | Description |
select: (items: any[]) => void |
The callback function is invoked when the user selects a file or folder, and the selected elements are passed as arguments |
update: (path: string) => void |
The callback function is invoked when the user opens another folder. |
There are 2 ways to select files and folders.
First one, you can use the select button in the status bar. To enable the select button, you can use the select-button prop. when you set the select-button active to true, the select button will be visible in the status bar.
<script setup>
// other codes
const handleSelectButton = {
// show select button
active: true,
// allow multiple selection
multiple: false,
// handle click event
click: (items, event) => {
if (!items.length) {
alert('No item selected');
alert('Selected: ' + items[0].path);
console.log(items, event);
Alternatively, you can use the select event to get the selected items.
<script setup>
// other codes
// we can define a ref object to store the selected items
const selectedFiles = ref([]);
// handle select event, and store the selected items
const handleSelect = (selection) => {
selectedFiles.value = selection
// then with a button click, you can get the selected items easily
// you can add this method to the click event of a button.
const handleButtonClick = () => {
- Multi adapter/storage (see
- File and folder operations
- Create a new file
- Create a new folder
- Rename
- Delete
- Archive (zip)
- Unarchive (unzip)
- Text editing
- Image Crop Tool
- Upload / Download files
- Search (deep based on current folder)
- Nice UI
- Context Menu
- Breadcrumb links
- Toolbar
- File explorer
- Status bar
- Image thumbnails
- Toast notifications
- Appearance
- Multi language
- Full Screen
- View Modes: list, grid
- Dark Mode
- Accessibility
- Drag & drop support
- Move items (to a folder or up one folder) with drag and drop
- Mouse selection
- PHP: VueFinder Php Library
- Python: Python WSGI
You can use any backend language. Just be sure, the response should be compatible. If you develop a backend library for another language, please let me know to add it here.
If you want to contribute to the project, please feel free to fork the repository and submit your changes as a pull request. Ensure that the changes you submit are applicable for general use rather than specific to your project.
- Vue3
- Cropperjs : JavaScript image cropper
- DragSelect : Selection utility
- Uppy : Upload library
- vanilla-lazyload : lightweight and flexible lazy loading for thumbnails
- mitt : Tiny 200 byte functional event emitter / pubsub
- OverlayScrollbars : scrollbar plugin
Copyright (c) 2018 Yusuf ÖZDEMİR, released under the MIT license