Each of these could be their own mini-site at their own URL. Would that make sense?
What does the incremental process to these look like? Small bets approach: Publish 1-3 lessons for each of these, then just move on... Or 10 lessons?
JS60. Free-ish course: JavaScript in 60seconds. Lang only. Each lesson is a 60s video max. Short code samples and explanations. 1 principle at a time. 90% free and capture email? Give me exercises with broken syntax. Teach the beginner to read the error and fix it.
JSCasts. Like railscasts. Weekly videos. With paid tier. For slack & assistance? Discord community?
JS101. JS refresher. Just a long page of interactive repl'd exercises.
explain-the-docs: Go through docs like MDN and explain any page in much simpler terms. And explain what the terms on the page actually mean.
- Same for github readme etc...
Web dev by example. Hacking on webdev. Hacking on JS. Immersion into building things quickly. Explain later (often). Learn by doing. Literally. https://blog.sbensu.com/posts/2022-01-24-apis-as-ladders/ Apply this Emphasize: now that you learned X, you could build A,b,c,d, etc
lesson: fix the broken thing. eventListener with () (base this on real problems my students have had). out of order variables. Global scope pollution. JS file runs before the dom is ready. for some let's do assertions. For others we can inject & run some JS... Fix the erorr
Give me exercises with broken syntax. Teach the beginner to read the error and fix it.
- HowToAPI. Intro into API calls. curl. postman. etc... Tokens. oAuth. Demo several APIs. Twitter API and other APIs. Use SW to intercept the ajax requests in my example? in an iframe? Use something like this? https://understandlegacycode.com/
- show the code execution
- BV -> JS playground...
- explain my code
- show the scope
- explain this error
- fix my braces. - assistive AI / code that tries to guess the intent and fixes your code. (missing brace etc)
- Ask an architect series / ask an experienced web dev... Answer technical / soft questions (like the 1st portfolio)
Read this principle on learning curve & effort vs reward!!! https://blog.sbensu.com/posts/2022-01-24-apis-as-ladders/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ghu2o-2iqK8 (WOW). as you scroll, you change the viz on the right... https://urban-institute.medium.com/4-observations-on-animating-your-data-visualizations-cf987b069c35
Elm docs are amazing
https://understandlegacycode.com/ (great set of guides and videos)