This is the client SDK for Keploy API testing platform. There are 2 modes:
- Record mode
- Record requests, response and all external calls and sends to Keploy server.
- After keploy server removes duplicates, it then runs the request on the API again to identify noisy fields.
- Sends the noisy fields to the keploy server to be saved along with the testcase.
- Test mode
- Fetches testcases for the app from keploy server.
- Calls the API with same request payload in testcase.
- Mocks external calls based on data stored in the testcase.
- Validates the respones and uploads results to the keploy server
- Installation
- Usage
- Configure
- Supported Routers
- Supported Databases
- Support Clients
- Supported JWT Middlewares
go get -u
Create your app instance
k := keploy.New(keploy.Config{
App: keploy.AppConfig{
Name: "<app_name>",
Port: "<app_port>",
Server: keploy.ServerConfig{
URL: "<keploy_host>",
LicenseKey: "<license_key>", //optional for managed services
For example:
port := "8080"
k := keploy.New(keploy.Config{
App: keploy.AppConfig{
Name: "my-app",
Port: port,
Server: keploy.ServerConfig{
URL: "http://localhost:8081/api",
There are 3 modes:
- Record: Sets to record mode.
- Test: Sets to test mode.
- Off: Turns off all the functionality provided by the API
value is case sensitive.
r := chi.NewRouter()
func main(){
r := chi.NewRouter()
port := "8080"
k := keploy.New(keploy.Config{
App: keploy.AppConfig{
Name: "my_app",
Port: port,
Server: keploy.ServerConfig{
URL: "http://localhost:8081/api",
http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r)
kgin.GinV1(k, r)
func main(){
port := "8080"
k := keploy.New(keploy.Config{
App: keploy.AppConfig{
Name: "my_app",
Port: port,
Server: keploy.ServerConfig{
URL: "http://localhost:8081/api",
kgin.GinV1(k, r)
r.Run(":" + port)
e := echo.New()
func main(){
e := echo.New()
port := "8080"
k := keploy.New(keploy.Config{
App: keploy.AppConfig{
Name: "my-app",
Port: port,
Server: keploy.ServerConfig{
URL: "http://localhost:8081/api",
e.Start(":" + port)
router := webgo.NewRouter(cfg, getRoutes())
router := webgo.NewRouter(cfg, getRoutes())
func main(){
port := "8080"
k := keploy.New(keploy.Config{
App: keploy.AppConfig{
Name: "my-app",
Port: port,
Server: keploy.ServerConfig{
URL: "http://localhost:8081/api",
router := webgo.NewRouter(&webgo.Config{
Host: "",
Port: port,
ReadTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 60 * time.Second,
}, []*webgo.Route{})
r := mux.NewRouter()
func main(){
r := mux.NewRouter()
port := "8080"
k := keploy.New(keploy.Config{
App: keploy.AppConfig{
Name: "my-app",
Port: port,
Server: keploy.ServerConfig{
URL: "http://localhost:8081/api",
http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, r)
mw := kfasthttp.FastHttpMiddleware(k)
func main() {
k := keploy.New(keploy.Config{
App: keploy.AppConfig{
Name: "fasthttp-URL",
Port: "8080",
Server: keploy.ServerConfig{
URL: "http://localhost:8081/api",
mw := kfasthttp.FastHttpMiddleware(k)
m := func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
switch string(ctx.Path()) {
case "/index":
ctx.Error("not found", fasthttp.StatusNotFound)
log.Fatal(fasthttp.ListenAndServe(":8080", mw(m)))
db := client.Database("testDB")
col := kmongo.NewCollection(db.Collection("Demo-Collection"))
Following operations are supported:
- FindOne - Err and Decode method of mongo.SingleResult
- Find - Next, TryNext, Err, Close, All and Decode methods of mongo.cursor
- InsertOne
- InsertMany
- UpdateOne
- UpdateMany
- DeleteOne
- DeleteMany
- CountDocuments
- Distinct
- Aggregate - Next, TryNext, Err, Close, All and Decode methods of mongo.cursor
client := kddb.NewDynamoDB(dynamodb.New(sess))
Following operations are supported:
- QueryWithContext
- GetItemWithContext
- PutItemWithContext
Keploy inplements most of the sql driver's interface for mocking the outputs of sql queries. Its compatible with gORM. Note: sql methods which have request context as parameter can be supported because outputs are replayed or captured to context. Here is an example -
import (
func main(){
// Register keploy sql driver to database/sql package.
driver := ksql.Driver{Driver: pq.Driver{}}
sql.Register("keploy", &driver)
pSQL_URI := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s user=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable password=%s port=%s", "localhost", "postgres", "Book_Keeper", "8789", "5432")
// keploy driver will internally open the connection using dataSourceName string parameter
db, err := sql.Open("keploy", pSQL_URI)
if err!=nil{
} else {
fmt.Println("Successfully connected to postgres")
defer db.Close
kgin.GinV1(kApp, r)
r.GET("/gin/:color/*type", func(c *gin.Context) {
// ctx parameter of PingContext should be request context.
err = db.PingContext(r.Context())
if err!=nil{
id := 47
result, err := db.ExecContext(r.Context(), "UPDATE balances SET balance = balance + 10 WHERE user_id = ?", id)
if err != nil {
Note: To integerate with gORM set DisableAutomaticPing of gorm.Config to true. Also pass request context to methods as params. Example for gORM with GCP-Postgres driver:
import (
gcppostgres ""
type Person struct {
Name string
Email string `gorm:"typevarchar(100);unique_index"`
Books []Book
type Book struct {
Title string
Author string
CallNumber int64 `gorm:"unique_index"`
PersonID int
func main(){
// Register keploy sql driver to database/sql package.
driver := ksql.Driver{Driver: gcppostgres.Driver{}}
sql.Register("keploy", &driver)
pSQL_URI := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s user=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable password=%s", GCPHost, "postgres", "Book_Keeper", "8789", "5432")
// set DisableAutomaticPing to true so that .
pSQL_DB, err := gorm.Open( postgres.New(postgres.Config{
DriverName: "keploy",
}), &gorm.Config{
DisableAutomaticPing: true
kgin.GinV1(kApp, r)
r.GET("/gin/:color/*type", func(c *gin.Context) {
// set the context of *gorm.DB with request's context of http Handler function before queries.
pSQL_DB = pSQL_DB.WithContext(c.Request.Context())
// Find
var (
people []Book
x := pSQL_DB.Find(&people)
interceptor := khttpclient.NewInterceptor(http.DefaultTransport)
client := http.Client{
Transport: interceptor,
func main(){
// initialize a gorilla mux
r := mux.NewRouter()
// keploy config
port := "8080"
kApp := keploy.New(keploy.Config{
App: keploy.AppConfig{
Name: "Mux-Demo-app",
Port: port,
Server: keploy.ServerConfig{
URL: "http://localhost:8081/api",
// configure mux for integeration with keploy
kmux.Mux(kApp, r)
// configure http client with keploy's interceptor
interceptor := khttpclient.NewInterceptor(http.DefaultTransport)
client := http.Client{
Transport: interceptor,
r.HandleFunc("/mux/httpGet",func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// SetContext should always be called once in a http handler before http.Client's Get or Post or Head or PostForm method.
// Passing requests context as parameter.
// make Get, Post, etc request to external http service
resp, err := client.Get("")
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
fmt.Println("BODY : ", body)
r.HandleFunc("/mux/httpDo", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
putBody, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"name": "Ash",
"age": 21,
"city": "Palet town",
PutBody := bytes.NewBuffer(putBody)
// Use handler request's context or SetContext before http.Client.Do method call
req,err := http.NewRequestWithContext(r.Context(), http.MethodPut, "", PutBody)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
if err!=nil{
resp,err := cl.Do(req)
if err!=nil{
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err!=nil{
fmt.Println(" response Body: ", string(body))
// gcp compute API integeration
client, err := google.DefaultClient(context.TODO(), compute.ComputeScope)
if err != nil {
// add keploy interceptor to gcp httpClient
intercept := khttpclient.NewInterceptor(client.Transport)
client.Transport = intercept
r.HandleFunc("/mux/gcpDo", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
computeService, err := compute.NewService(r.Context(), option.WithHTTPClient(client), option.WithCredentialsFile("/Users/abc/auth.json"))
zoneListCall := computeService.Zones.List(project)
zoneList, err := zoneListCall.Do()
Note: ensure to pass request context to all external requests like http requests, db calls, etc.
conn, err := grpc.Dial(address, grpc.WithInsecure(), kgrpc.WithClientUnaryInterceptor(k))
port := "8080"
k := keploy.New(keploy.Config{
App: keploy.AppConfig{
Name: "my-app",
Port: port,
Server: keploy.ServerConfig{
URL: "http://localhost:8081/api",
conn, err := grpc.Dial(address, grpc.WithInsecure(), kgrpc.WithClientUnaryInterceptor(k))
Note: Currently streaming is not yet supported.
Middlewares which can be used to authenticate. It is compatible for Chi, Gin and Echo router. Usage is similar to go-chi/jwtauth. Adds ValidationOption to mock time in test mode.
package main
import (
var (
kApp *keploy.Keploy
tokenAuth *kjwtauth.JWTAuth
func init() {
// Initialize kaploy instance
port := "6060"
kApp = keploy.New(keploy.Config{
App: keploy.AppConfig{
Name: "client-echo-App",
Port: port,
Server: keploy.ServerConfig{
URL: "http://localhost:8081/api",
// Generate a JWTConfig
tokenAuth = kjwtauth.New("HS256", []byte("mysecret"), nil, kApp)
claims := map[string]interface{}{"user_id": 123}
kjwtauth.SetExpiryIn(claims, 20*time.Second)
// Create a token string
_, tokenString, _ := tokenAuth.Encode(claims)
fmt.Printf("DEBUG: a sample jwt is %s\n\n", tokenString)
func main() {
addr := ":6060"
fmt.Printf("Starting server on %v\n", addr)
http.ListenAndServe(addr, echoRouter())
func chiRouter() http.Handler {
// Chi example(comment echo, gin to use chi)
r := chi.NewRouter()
kchi.ChiV5(kApp, r)
// Protected routes
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
// Seek, verify and validate JWT tokens
// Handle valid / invalid tokens. In this example, we use
// the provided authenticator middleware, but you can write your
// own very easily, look at the Authenticator method in jwtauth.go
// and tweak it, its not scary.
r.Get("/admin", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
_, claims, _ := kjwtauth.FromContext(r.Context())
fmt.Println("requested admin")
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("protected area, Hi %v", claims["user_id"])))
// Public routes
r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return r
func echoRouter() http.Handler {
// Echo example
er := echo.New()
// add keploy's echo middleware
kecho.EchoV4(kApp, er)
// Public route
er.GET("/", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(http.StatusOK, "Accessible")
// Protected route
er.GET("echoAdmin", func(c echo.Context) error {
_, claims, _ := kjwtauth.FromContext(c.Request().Context())
fmt.Println("requested admin")
return c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprint("protected area, Hi fin user: %v", claims["user_id"]))
}, kjwtauth.VerifierEcho(tokenAuth), kjwtauth.AuthenticatorEcho)
return er
func ginRouter() http.Handler {
// Gin example(comment echo example to use gin)
gr := gin.New()
kgin.GinV1(kApp, gr)
// Public route
gr.GET("/", func(ctx *gin.Context) {
ctx.Writer.Write([]byte("welcome to gin"))
// Protected route
auth := gr.Group("/auth")
auth.GET("/ginAdmin", func(c *gin.Context) {
_, claims, _ := kjwtauth.FromContext(c.Request.Context())
fmt.Println("requested admin")
c.Writer.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("protected area, Hi fin user: %v", claims["user_id"])))
return gr