Inkblot Software
- Oxford, UK
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Independent technology for modern publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters.
🐦 ⚡ Bluebird is a full featured promise library with unmatched performance.
x86 PC emulator and x86-to-wasm JIT, running in the browser
Simple and elegant component-based UI library
browser-side require() the node.js way
An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps 🌎
A javascript library to run SQLite on the web.
a project to visualize global weather conditions
how to build modular applications with browserify
TileMill is a modern map design studio
Feather: fast, interoperable binary data frame storage for Python, R, and more powered by Apache Arrow
java virtual machine in pure node.js
🌙 φεγγάρι - The Lua VM written in JS ES6 for Node and the browser
Experiments and proposals for gRPC features.
Source repository for smart contracts used by Circle's stablecoins on EVM-compatible blockchains
Graphical configurator for Kaleidoscope-powered keyboards
The Lively Web runtime and development environment
Command line tools for operating on newline-delimited JSON streams.
Generate, view, and export vega.js and vega-lite.js plots from the command line or a Clojure REPL.
OWL and Semantic Web toolkit for Common Lisp, used for construction and reasoning over ontologies and ontology-structured data
With webpack/babel, ts, sass, jest/enzyme, tslint/sass-lint, normalize.css