Literature for Human-AI collaboration, Hybrid Intelligence, Human-AI interaction
- Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence: Reliable, Safe & Trustworthy. (Shneiderman 2020)
- Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence: Three Fresh Ideas. (Shneiderman, 2020)
- Workshop: Human-Centered AI: Reliable, Safe & Trustworthy, University of Maryland, 2020.
- - Bridging the Gap Between Ethics and Practice: Guidelines for Reliable, Safe, and Trustworthy Human-centered AI Systems
- Power to the People: The Role of Humans in Interactive Machine Learning (AI Magine 2014)
- Directions in Hybrid Intelligence: Complementing AI Systems with Human Intelligence (Karmar, IJCAI 2016)
- Hybrid Intelligence (Dominik et al., 2019)
- The Future of Human-AI Collaboration: A Taxonomy of Design Knowledge for Hybrid Intelligence Systems (Dominik et al., 2019)
- On Facilitating Human-Computer Interaction via Hybrid Intelligence Systems (Lasecki, 2019)
- Human-Computer Interaction and Collective Intelligence (Bigham et al., 2014)
- Making Better Use of the Crowd: How Crowdsourcing Can Advance Machine Learning Research (2018)
- Machine Teaching A New Paradigm for Building Machine Learning Systems (2017)
- The Importance of UX for Machine Teaching (SSS18)
- Interactive Teaching Strategies for Agent Training (IJCAI 2016)
- Man-Computer Symbiosis (Licklider, 1960)
- Direct Manipulation vs. Interface Agents (1997)
- Principles of Mixed-Initiative User Interfaces (Horvitz, 1999)
- Agency plus automation: Designing artificial intelligence into interactive systems (Heer, 2019)
- Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction (Amershi et al., CHI2019)
- Ask not what AI can do, but what AI should do: Towards a framework of task delegability (Lubars an Tan, 2019)
- UX Design Innovation: Challenges for Working with Machine Learning as a Design Material (CHI 2017)
- Reimagining the Goals and Methods of UX for ML/AI
- The Role of Design in Creating Machine-Learning-Enhanced User Experience
- Investigating How Experienced UX Designers Effectively Work with Machine Learning (DIS 2018)
- Mapping Machine Learning Advances from HCI Research to Reveal Starting Places for Design Research (CHI 2018)
- Re-examining Whether, Why, and How Human-AI Interaction Is Uniquely Difficult to Design (Yang et al., CHI 2020)
- How Good is 85%? A Survey Tool to Connect Classifier Evaluation to Acceptability of Accuracy (CHI 2015)
- "Why Should I Trust You?": Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier (KDD 2016)
- Towards A Rigorous Science of Interpretable Machine Learning (2017)
- Trends and Trajectories for Explainable, Accountable and Intelligible Systems: An HCI Research Agenda (CHI 2018)
- Designing Theory-Driven User-Centric Explainable AI (CHI 2019)
- Explaining Decision-Making Algorithms through UI (CHI 2019)
- The Challenge of Crafting Intelligible Intelligence (Weld and Bansal, CACM 2019)
- Interpreting Interpretability: Understanding Data Scientists’ Use of Interpretability Tools for Machine Learning (Kaur et al., CHI 2020)
- Questioning the AI: Informing Design Practices for Explainable AI User Experiences (Liao et al., CHI 2020)
- No Explainability without Accountability: An Empirical Study of Explanations and Feedback in Interactive ML (Smith-Renner et al., CHI 2020)
- Co-Designing Checklists to Understand Organizational Challenges and Opportunities around Fairness in AI (Madaio et al., CHI 2020)
- Principles for Accountable Algorithms and a Social Impact Statement for Algorithms
- Updates in Human-AI Teams: Understanding and Addressing the Performance/Compatibility Tradeoff (AAAI 2019)
- Beyond Accuracy: The Role of Mental Models in Human-AI Team Performance (HCOMP 2019)
- (in-progress book, Robert Munro)
- Metaphoria: An Algorithmic Companion for Metaphor Creation (CHI 2019)
- [Creative writing with a machine in the loop: Case studies on slogans and stories](IUI 2018)
- LISA: lexically intelligent story assistant (AIIDE 2017)
- In a Silent Way: Communication Between AI and Improvising Musicians Beyond Sound (CHI 2019)
- I lead, you help but only with enough details: Understanding user experience of co-creation with artificial intelligence (CHI 2018)
- VisiBlends: An Interactive Pipeline for Creating Visual Blends (CHI 2019)
- Human Errors in Interpreting Visual Metaphor (C&C 2019)
- What Makes a Good Conversation? Challenges in Designing Truly Conversational Agents (CHI 2019)
- Caring for Vincent: A Chatbot for Self-compassion(CHI 2019)
- Designing a workflow-based scheduling agent with humans in the loop
- AI-Mediated Communication: How the Perception that Profile Text was Written by AI Affects Trustworthiness (CHI 2019)
- Human-AI Interaction, by Chinmay Kulkarni an Mary Beth Kery, CMU (formo class by Jeff Bigham and Joseph Seering, Fall 2018)
- CS 889: Human-AI Interaction by Edith Law, U.Waterloo
- CS 294: Fairness in Machine Learning by ,UC Bekeley
- CS598RK: HCI for Machine Learning, by Ranjitha Kumar and Jinda Han,UIUC
- Human-centered Machine Learning (2018 Spring), by Chenhao Tan, University of Colorado Boulder
- CS6724: Advanced Topics in Human-Computer Interaction: Human-AI Interaction, by Kurt Lurther, Virginia Tech
- Designing AI to Cultivate Human Well-Being, by Jennifer Aaker and Fei-Fei Li, Stanford
- CS279R: Research Topics in HCI: Human-AI Interaction
- CS492F: Human-AI Interaction, by Jean Young Song and Juho Kim, KAIST
- CS279R Research Topics in HCI: Human-AI Interaction, by Elena L. Glassman, Harvard
- PAIR 2019 @Google
- HAI 2019 @Stanford
- Machine Teaching Group @MSR
- HAI-GEN 2020 @ IUI 2020 Workshop on Human-AI Co-Creation with Generative Models
- AAAI 2020 Tutorial – Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction
- Participatory Approaches to Machine Learning, ICML 2020 Workshop (July 17, 2020)
- AI Guidelines in the Creative Process
For artist