SendGrid-Mock serves as a simple server mocking the sendgrid-apis for development purposes.
Send mails
POST /v3/mail/send
Retrieve sent mails
GET /api/mails
- Filter capabilities are included and can be combined:
- To:
GET /api/[email protected]
- Subject:
GET /api/mails?subject=The subject
(exact match)GET /api/mails?subject=%subject%
- Datetime:
GET /api/mails?dateTimeSince=2020-12-06T10:00:00Z
(ISO-8601 format)
- To:
- Filter capabilities are included and can be combined:
Delete sent mails
DELETE /api/mails
- Filter capabilities are included and can be combined:
- To:
DELETE /api/[email protected]
- To:
- Filter capabilities are included and can be combined:
- Retrieve sent mails and display them
- Delete sent mails
Basic authentication support: Add basic authentication credentials by specifying environment variable
to the following format:user1:passwordForUser1;user2:passwordForUser2
By default, all emails older than 24 hours will be deleted. This can be configured using environment variable
which uses ISO-8601 Duration format such as 'PT24H'.
The SendGrid-Mock server and the UI are both contained in the same docker-image which you can pull from Docker Hub and start it via:
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -e "API_KEY=sendgrid-api-key" ghashange/sendgrid-mock:1.8.1
Some prepared HTTP calls can be found here.
The UI can be accessed at http://localhost:3000.
SendGrid-Mock also supports SSL using Let's Encrypt. To enable SSL, run it as follows:
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -e "API_KEY=sendgrid-api-key" -e "CERT_DOMAINNAMES=[your-domain-name]" -e "CERT_EMAIL=[your-email-address]" ghashange/sendgrid-mock:1.8.1
Setup with npm ci
and start both server and UI concurrently with npm run dev
. Per default the server is reachable via http://localhost:3000 and the UI via http://localhost:1234.
Some prepared HTTP calls can be found here.
The UI can be accessed at http://localhost:3000.
Create docker image with docker build -t ghashange/sendgrid-mock:1.8.1 .
Update version number in package.json, version file and README
Create PR against master branch
Merge PR
Create GitHub release and update Docker Hub description