Incompatibility between kotlin-reflect 1.0 and kotlin-stdlib 1.1 fixed
Changed error message for calling suspend function outside of suspendable contextKT-16092
Backend crash fixed: "Don't know how to generate outer expression" for destructuring suspend lambdaKT-16093
Annotations are retained during reading the binary representation of suspend functionsKT-16122
java.lang.VerifyError fixed in couroutines: (String, null, suspend () -> String)KT-16124
Marked as UNSUPPORTED: suspension points in default parametersKT-16219
Marked as UNSUPPORTED: suspend get/set, in/!in operators forKT-16145
Beta-2 coroutine regression fixed (wrong code generation)
Fix javac error reporting in Kotlin daemonKT-15721
JetBrains nullability annotations are now returned from Element.getAnnotationMirrors()KT-16146
Fixed work in verbose modeKT-16153
Ignore declarations with illegal Java identifiersKT-16167
Fixed compilation error with kapt arguments in build.gradleKT-16170
Stub generator now adds imports for corrected error types to stubsKT-16176
javac's finalCompiler log is now used to determine annotation processing errors
More graceful error message for disabled featuresKT-16073
Improved backward compatibility mode with version 1.0 on JDK dependent built-insKT-16094
Compiler considers API availability when compiling language features requiring runtime supportKT-16171
Fixed regression "Unexpected container error on Kotlin 1.0 project"KT-16199
Do not import "kotlin.comparisons.*" by default in language version 1.0 mode
enumValues non-reified stub implementation references nonexistent method no moreKT-16291
Smart cast works now when getting class of instanceKT-16380
Show warning when running the compiler under Java 6 or 7
Fixed inlining of functions called through inheritor ("fake" override) from another moduleKT-16158
Error is not reported now when library path contains JAR file without JS metadata, report warning insteadKT-16160
Companion object dispatch receiver translation fixed
Add extension functiontakeUnless
extension property is deprecated, useinstance::class.java
instead- Massive deprecations are coming in JS standard library in
Kotlin facet: language and api version for submodule setup for 1.0 are filled now as 1.0 tooKT-15914
Kotlin facet works now with multi-selected modules in Project Settings tooKT-15954
Does not suggest to configure kotlin for the module after each new kt-file creationKT-16157
freeCompilerArgs are now imported from Gradle into IDEAKT-16206
Idea no more refuses to compile a kotlin project defined as a maven projectKT-16312
Kotlin facet: import from gradle: don't import options which are set implicitly alreadyKT-16325
Kotlin facet: correct configuration after upgrading the IDE pluginKT-16345
Kotlin facet: detect JavaScript if the module has language 1.0kotlin-js-library
Error fixed: The -Xcoroutines can only have one valueKT-16251
Fix detection of suspend calls containing extracted parameters
"Package name does not match containing directory" inspection: fixed throwable "AWT events are not allowed inside write action"KT-15924
Create Test action: fixed throwable "AWT events are not allowed inside write action"
Import statement and FQN are not added on converting lambda to reference for typealiasKT-15545
Inspection "join with assignment" does not change now execution order for propertiesKT-15744
Fix: intention to importsleep
wrongly suggestsThread.sleep
Inspection "join with assignment" handles initialization with 'this' correctlyKT-16009
Auto-import for JDK classes in .kts filesKT-16104
Don't insert modifiers (e.g. suspend) before visibility
Completion does not insert more FQN kotlin.text.StringKT-16088
Completion does not insert more FQN forkotlin
Keyword 'suspend' completion inside generic argumentsKT-16243
Performance enhanced after variable of typeArrayList
'Find usages' now does not report property access as usage of getter method in Java class with parameterKT-15647
Exception fixed: KDoc link to member of class from different package and moduleKT-16071
IDEA deadlock fixed: when typing "parse()" in .kt fileKT-16149
Intellij Idea 2017.1/Android Studio 2.3 beta3 and Kotlin plugin 1.1-beta2 deadlock fixed
Introduced startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn coroutine intrinsicKT-15718
createCoroutine now returns safe continuationKT-16155
Introduced createCoroutineUnchecked intrinsic
Gradle Kotlin JS plugin: removed false "Duplicate source root:" warning for kotlin filesKT-15902
JS: gradle task output is now considered as source set outputKT-16174
Error fixed during IDEA-Gradle synchronization for Kotlin JSKT-16267
JS: fixed regression in 1.1-beta2 for multi-module gradle projectKT-16274
Kotlin JS Gradle unexpected compiler error / absolute path to output fileKT-16322
Circlet project Gradle import issue fixed
Use windows line separator in kotlin's JSR implementationKT-16126
for REPL compilation
Do not require to call enum constructor for each entry if all parameters have default valuesKT-8985
Support T::class.java for T with no non-null upper boundKT-10711
Type inference works now on generics for callable referencesKT-13130
Support exhaustive when for sealed treesKT-15898
Cannot use type alias to qualify enum entryKT-16061
Smart type inference on callable references in 1.1 mode only
Access to the delegate object for a KProperty
VerifyError with coroutine: fix processing of uninitialized instancesKT-15527
Coroutine compile error: wrong code generated for safe qualified suspension pointsKT-15552
Accessor implementation of suspended function produces AbstractMethodErrorKT-15715
Coroutine generate invalid invokeKT-15820
Coroutine Internal Error regression with dispatcher + this@KT-15821
Coroutine internal error regression: Could not inline method call applyKT-15824
Coroutine iterator regression: Object cannot be cast to java.lang.BooleanKT-15827
Show Kotlin Bytecode shows wrong bytecode for suspending functionsKT-15907
Bogus error about platform declaration clash with private suspend functionsKT-15933
Suspend getValue/setValue/provideDelegate do not work properlyKT-15935
Private suspend function in file causes UnsupportedOperationException: Context does not have a "this"KT-15963
Coroutine: runtime error if returned object "equals" does not like comparison to SUSPENDED_MARKERKT-16068
Prohibit inline lambda parameters of suspend function type
Report diagnostic for a declaration of extension function which will be always shadowed by member functionKT-12846
Forbid vararg of NothingKT-13227
NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN in when by sealed class instance if is-check for base sealed class is usedKT-13355
Type mismatch on inheritance is not reported on abstract classKT-15010
Missing error on an usage of non-constant property in annotation default argumentKT-15201
Compiler is complaining about when statement without null condition even if null is checked before.KT-15736
Report an error on type alias expanded to a nullable type on LHS of a class literalKT-15740
Report error on expression of a nullable type on LHS of a class literalKT-15844
Do not allow to access primary constructor parameters from property with custom getterKT-15878
Extension shadowed by member should not be reported for infix/operator extensions when member is non-infix/operatorKT-16010
Do not highlight lambda parameters as unused in 1.0 compatibility mode
Kapt3 does not generate classes annotated with AutoValueKT-15697
If an annotation with AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY is tagged on a Kotlin property, it breaks annotation processingKT-15803
Kotlin 1.0.6 broke DaggerKT-15814
Regression: Kapt is not working in 1.0.6 / 1.1-M04 / 1.1-BetaKT-15838
kapt3 1.1-beta: KaptError: Java file parsing errorKT-15841
1.1-Beta + kapt3 fails to build the project with StackOverflowErrorKT-15915
Kapt: Kotlin class target directory is cleared before compilation (and after kapt task)KT-16006
Cannot determine if type is an error type during annotation processing
Internal compiler error: java.lang.ArithmeticException: BigInteger: modulus not positiveKT-14547
NoSuchElementException when compiling callable reference without stdlib in the classpathKT-14966
Regression: VerifyError on access super implementation from delegateKT-15017
Throwing exception in the end of inline suspend-functions lead to internal compiler errorKT-15439
Resolved call is not completed for generic callable reference in if-expressionKT-15500
Exception passing freeCompilerArgs to gradle pluginKT-15646
InconsistentDebugInfoException when stepping overthrow
Kotlin compiles invalid bytecode for nested try-catch with returnKT-15743
Overloaded Kotlin extensions annotates wrong parameters in javaKT-15868
NPE when comparing nullable doubles for equalityKT-15995
Can't build project with DataBinding using Kotlin 1.1: incompatible language versionKT-16047
Internal Error: org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.KotlinFrontEndException while analyzing expression
Wrong type inference related to captured typesKT-11259
Wrong type inference for Java 8 Stream.collect.KT-12802
Type inference failed when irrelevant method reference is usedKT-12964
Support type inference for callable references from parameter types of an expected function type
Smart cast is broken after assignment of 'if' expressionKT-14350
Make smart-cast work as it does in 1.0 when -language-version 1.0 is usedKT-14597
When over smartcast enum is broken and breaks all other "when"KT-15792
Wrong smart cast after y = x, x = null, y != null sequence
False positive: Null can not be a value of a non-null typeKT-15677
Modifiers and annotations are lost on a (nullable) parenthesized typeKT-15707
IDEA unable to parallel compile different projectsKT-15734
Nullability is lost during expansion of a type aliasKT-15748
Type alias constructor return type should have a corresponding abbreviationKT-15775
Annotations are lost on value parameter types of a function typeKT-15780
Treat Map.getOrDefault overrides in Java the same way as in 1.0.x compiler with language version 1.0KT-15794
Refine backward compatibility mode for additional built-ins members from JDKKT-15848
Implement additional annotation processing in theKotlinScriptDefinitionFromAnnotatedTemplate
for SamWithReceiver pluginKT-15875
Operation has lead to overflow for 'mod' with negative first operandKT-15945
Feature Request: Andrey Breslav to grow a beard.
JS: Local delegate in suspend functionKT-15892
JS: safe call of suspend functions causes compiler to crash
Do not allow declarations in 'kotlin' package or subpackages in JSKT-15184
JS: prohibit..
operation withdynamic
on left-hand sideKT-15253
JS: no error when use class external class with JsModule in type context when compiling with plain module kindKT-15283
JS: additional restrictions on dynamicKT-15961
Could not implement external open class with function with optional parameter
JS: support implementing CharSequenceKT-14036
JS: use Int16 for Char when it possible and box to our Char otherwiseKT-14097
Wrong code generated for enum entry initialization using non-primary no-argument constructorKT-15312
JS: map kotlin.Throwable to JS ErrorKT-15765
JS: support callable references on built-in and intrinsic functions and propertiesKT-15900
JS: Support enum entry with empty initializer with vararg constructor
JS: wrong return type for Date::getTimeKT-4497
JS: add String.toInt, String.toDouble etc extension functions,parseInt
are deprecated in favor of these new onesKT-15940
JS: rename all js standard library artifacts (both in maven and in compiler distribution) tokotlin-stdlib-js.jar
- Add
external declaration to the standard library - Types like
require explicit import fromkotlin.js
JS: renamenoImpl
JS: allow to usedefinedExternally
only inside a body of external declarationsKT-15336
JS: allow to inherit external classes from kotlin.ThrowableKT-15905
JS: add a way to control qualifier for external declarations inside file- Deprecate
annotation, to be removed in 1.1 release.
Infinite indexing at projects with JS modulesKT-14124
AssertionError: strings file not found on K2JS serialized data
JS: generate dummy init for properties w/o initializer to avoid to have different hidden classes for different instancesKT-12712
JS: Json should not be a classKT-13312
JS: can't use extension lambda where expected lambda and vice versaKT-13632
Add template kotlin js project under gradle in "New Project" windowKT-15278
JS: don't treat property access through dynamic as side effect freeKT-15285
JS: take into account as many characteristics from the signature as possible when manglingKT-15678
JS: Generated local variable named 'element' clashes with actual local variable named 'element'KT-15755
JS compiler produces a lot of empty kotlin_file_table files for irrelevant packagesKT-15770
Name clash between recursive local functions with same nameKT-15797
JS: wrong code for accessing nested class inside js moduleKT-15863
JS: Extension function reference shifts parameters loosing the receiverKT-16049
JS: drop "-kjsm" command line option, merge the logic into "-meta-info"KT-16083
JS: rename "-library-files" argument to "-libraries" and change separator from comma to system file separator
Add Map.minus(key) and Map.minus(keys)KT-13826
Add parameter names in function types used in the standard libraryKT-14279
Make String.matches(Regex) and Regex.matches(String) infixKT-15399
Iterable.average() now returns NaN for an empty collectionKT-15975
Move coroutine-related runtime parts tokotlin.coroutines.experimental
Move bitwise operations on Byte and Short tokotlin.experimental
Classes compiled in 1.1 in 1.0-compatibility mode may contain references to CloseableKt class from 1.1
Copy compiler options values from project settings on creating a kotlin facet for Kotlin (JVM) projectKT-15623
Copy compiler options values from project settings on creating a kotlin facet for Kotlin (JavaScript) projectKT-15624
Set option "Use project settings" in newly created Kotlin facetKT-15712
Configuring a project with Maven or Gradle should automatically use stdlib-jre7 or stdlib-jre8 instead of standard stdlibKT-15772
Facet does not pick up api version from mavenKT-15819
It would be nice if compileKotlin options are imported into Kotlin facet from gradle/mavenKT-16015
Prohibit api-version > language-version in Facet and Project Settings
Extract Method should work in coroutinesKT-15955
Quick-fix to enable coroutines through Gradle project configurationKT-16018
Hide coroutines intrinsics from import and completionKT-16075
Error:Kotlin: The -Xcoroutines can only have one value
Do not suggest using destructuring lambda if this will result in "available since 1.1" errorKT-15918
Quick fix "Set module language level to 1.1" should also set API version to 1.1KT-15969
Replace operator with function should use either rem or mod for % depending on language versionKT-15978
Type alias from Kotlin 1.1 are suggested in completion even if language level is set to 1.0 in settingsKT-15979
Usages of type aliases are not shown as errors in editor if language version is set to 1.0KT-16019
Do not suggest renaming to underscore in 1.0 compatibility modeKT-16036
"Create type alias from usage" quick-fix should not be suggested at language level 1.0
Merge ifs intentionKT-13427
"Specify type explicitly" should support type aliasesKT-15066
"Make private/.." intention on type aliasesKT-15709
Add inspection for private primary constructors in data classes as they are accessible via the copy methodKT-15738
Intention to addsuspend
modifier to functional typeKT-15800
Quick-fix to convert a function to suspending on error when calling suspension inside
Import intention action should not appear in import listKT-14680
import statement to type alias reported as unused when using only TA constructorKT-14856
TextView internationalisation intention does not report the problemKT-14993
Keep destructuring declaration parameter on inspection "Remove explicit lambda parameter types"KT-14994
PsiInvalidElementAccessException and incorrect generation on inspection "Specify type explicitly" on destructuring parameterKT-15162
"Remove explicit lambda parameter types" intentions fails with destructuring declaration with KNPE at KtPsiFactory.createLambdaParameterList()KT-15311
"Add Import" intention generates incorrect codeKT-15406
Convert to secondary constructor for enum class should put new members after enum valuesKT-15553
Copy concatenation text to clipboard with Kotlin and string interpolation does not workKT-15670
'Convert to lambda' quick fix in IDEA leaves single-line comment and } gets commented outKT-15873
Alt+Enter menu isn't shown for deprecated mod functionKT-15874
Replace operator with function call replaces % with deprecated modKT-15884
False positive "Redundant .let call"KT-16072
Intentions to convert suspend lambdas to callable references should not be shown
Kotlin Gradle plugin for Android does not work when jackOptions enabledKT-15150
Android: Add quick-fix to generate View constructor conventionKT-15282
Issues debugging crossinline Android code
Sample references are not resolved in IDEKT-15796
Import of class referenced only in KDoc not preserved after copy-paste
Shift+Enter should insert curly braces when invoked after class declarationKT-11308
Hide kotlin.jvm.internal package contents from completion and auto-importKT-14252
Completion could suggest constructors available via type aliasesKT-14722
Completion list isn't filled up for type alias to objectKT-14767
Type alias to annotation class should appear in the completion listKT-14859
"Parameter Info" sometimes does not work properly inside lambdaKT-15032
Injected fragment: descriptor was not found for declaration: FUNKT-15153
Support typeAlias extensions in completion and add importKT-15786
NoSuchMethodError: com.intellij.util.containers.UtilKt.isNullOrEmptyKT-15883
Generating equals() and hashCode(): hashCode does not correctly honor variable names with back ticksKT-15911
Kotlin REPL will not launch: "Neither main class nor JAR path is specified"
Kotlin plugin incorrectly converts for-loops from Java to Kotlin
Kotlin Gradle plugin configuration should not add 'kotlin' source directory by defaultKT-15279
'Kotlin not configured message' should not be displayed while gradle sync is in progressKT-15812
Create Kotlin facet on importing gradle project with unchecked option Create separate module per source setKT-15837
Gradle compiler attempts to connect to daemon on address derived from DNS lookupKT-15909
Copy Gradle compiler options to facets in Intellij/ASKT-15929
Gradle project imported with wrong 'target platform'
JSR 223 - support eval with bindings
findAnnotation returns T?, but it throws NoSuchElementException when there is no matching annotation- Reflection API in
library is moved tokotlin.reflect.full
package, declarations in the packagekotlin.reflect
are left deprecated. Please migrate according to the hints provided.
Allow invoke on instances of suspend function type inside suspend functionKT-15380
Support suspend function type with value parametersKT-15391
Prohibit suspend function type in supertype listKT-15392
Prohibit local suspending functionKT-15413
Override regular functions with suspending ones and vice versaKT-15657
Refine dispatchResume conventionKT-15662
Prohibit callable references to suspend functions
Cannot create extension function on intersection of typesKT-11398
Possible false positive for INACCESSIBLE_TYPEKT-13593
Do not report USELESS_ELVIS_RIGHT_IS_NULL for left argument with platform typeKT-13859
Wrong error about using unrepeatable annotation when mix implicit and explicit targetsKT-14179
Prohibit to use enum entry as type parameterKT-15097
Inherited platform declarations clash: regression under 1.1 when indirectly inheriting from java.util.MapKT-15287
Kotlin runtime 1.1 and runtime 1.0.x: Overload resolution ambiguityKT-15334
Incorrect "val cannot be reassigned" inside do-whileKT-15410
"Protected function call from public-API inline function" for protected constructor call
Kapt3: Doesn't compile with multiple errorsKT-15232
Kapt3 crash due to java codepageKT-15359
Kapt3 exception while annotation processing (DataBindings AS2.3-beta1)KT-15375
Kapt3 can't find ${env.JDK_18}/lib/tools.jarKT-15381
Unresolved references: R with Kapt3KT-15397
Kapt3 doesn't work with databindingKT-15409
Kapt3 Cannot find the getter for attribute 'android:text' with value type java.lang.String on android.widget.EditText.KT-15421
Kapt3: Substitute types from Psi instead of writing NonExistentClass for generated type namesKT-15459
Kapt3 doesn't generate code in test moduleKT-15524
Kapt3 - Error messages should display associated element information (if available)KT-15713
Kapt3: circular dependencies between Gradke tasks
Error type encountered for implicit invoke with function literal argumentKT-12044
Assertion "Rewrite at slice LEXICAL_SCOPE" for 'if' with property referencesKT-14011
Compiler crash when inlining: lateinit property allRecapturedParameters has not been initializedKT-14868
CCE in runtime while converting Number to CharKT-15364
VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack on ObserverIterator.hasNextKT-15373
Internal error when running TestNG testKT-15437
VerifyError: Bad local variable type on simplest provideDelegateKT-15446
Property reference on an instance of subclass causes java.lang.VerifyErrorKT-15447
Compiler backend error: "Don't know how to generate outer expression for class"KT-15449
Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Couldn't inline method callKT-15464
Regression: "Supertypes of the following classes cannot be resolved. Please make sure you have the required dependencies in the classpath:"KT-15575
VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
Super call with default parameters check is generated for top-level functionKT-11969
ProGuard issue with private interface methodsKT-12795
Write information about sealed class inheritors to metadataKT-13718
ClassFormatError on aspectj instrumentationKT-14162
Support @InlineOnly on inline propertiesKT-14705
Inconsistent smart casts on when enum subjectKT-14917
No way to pass additional java command line options to kontlinc on WindowsKT-15112
Compiler hangs on nested lock compilationKT-15225
Scripts: generate classes with names that are valid Java identifiersKT-15411
Unnecessary CHECKCAST bytecode when dealing with nullKT-15473
Invalid KFunction byte code signature for callable referencesKT-15582
Generated bytecode is sometimes incompatible with Java 9KT-15584
Do not mark class files compiled with a release language version as pre-releaseKT-15589
Upper bound for T in KClass can be implicitly violated using generic functionKT-15631
Compiler hang in MethodAnalyzer.analyze() fixed
JS: Regex doesn't work (properly) in coroutineKT-15366
JS: error when calling inline function with optional parameters from another module inside coroutine lambdaKT-15367
against iterator with suspendnext
functions does not workKT-15400
suspendCoroutine is missing in JS BEKT-15597
Support non-tail suspend calls inside named suspend functionsKT-15625
JS: return statement without value surrounded bytry..finally
in suspend lambda causes compiler errorKT-15698
Move coroutine intrinsics to kotlin.coroutine.intrinsics package
JS: do not report declaration clash when common redeclaration diagnostic appliesKT-15136
JS: prohibit inheritance from kotlin Function{N} interfaces
Exhaustiveness check isn't generated for when expressions in JS at allKT-15590
Support increment on inlined properties
JS: native inherited class shouldn't require super or primary constructor callKT-13892
JS: restrictions for native (external) functions and propertiesKT-15307
JS: prohibit inline members inside external declarationsKT-15308
JS: prohibit non-abstract members inside external interfaces except nullable properties (with accessors)
KotlinJS - Trait with optional parameter causes compilation errorKT-15325
JS: ReferenceError: $receiver is not definedKT-15357
expression in primary-from-secondary constructor callKT-15435
Call to 'synchronize' crashes JS backendKT-15513
JS: empty do..while loop crashes compiler
JS: compiler produces wrong code for escaped variable names with characters which Illegal in JS (e.g. spaces)KT-7004
JS: functions namedcall
not inlinedKT-7588
JS: operators are not inlinedKT-7733
JS: Provide overflow behavior for integer arithmetic operationsKT-8413
JS: generated wrong code for some float constantsKT-12598
JS: comparisons for Enums always translates using strong operatorKT-13523
Augmented assignment with array access in LHS is translated incorrectlyKT-13888
JS: change how functions optional parameters get translatedKT-15260
JS: don't import module more than onceKT-15475
JS compiler deletes internal function name in js("") text blockKT-15506
JS: invalid evaluation order when passing arguments to function by nameKT-15512
JS: wrong result when use break/throw/return in || and && operatorsKT-15569
js: Wrong code generated when calling an overloaded operator function on an inherited property
Operation to group by key and fold each group simultaneouslyKT-15774
functions withyield
based on coroutinesKT-6903
extension, which is likeapply
, but withit
instead ofthis
inside lambda.KT-7858
Add extension functiontakeIf
to match a value against predicate and return null when it does not matchKT-11851
Provide extensionMap.getValue(key: K): V
which throws or returns default when key is not foundKT-7417
Add min, max on two numbers to standard libraryKT-13898
Allow to implementtoArray
in collections as protected and provide protected toArray in AbstractCollection.KT-14935
Array-like list instantiation functions:List(count) { init }
andMutableList(count) { init }
Overloads of mutableListOf, mutableSetOf, mutableMapOf without parametersKT-15557
Iterable.joinTo loses information about each element by calling toString on them by defaultKT-15477
Introduce Throwable.addSuppressed extensionKT-15310
Add dynamic.unsafeCastKT-15436
JS stdlib: org.w3c.fetch.RequestInit has 12 parameters, all requiredKT-15458
Add print and println to common stdlib
- Project View: Fix presentation of Kotlin files and their members when @JvmName having the same name as the file itself
IDE build doesn't pick settings of all-open pluginKT-15686
IDE build doesn't pick settings of no-arg pluginKT-15735
Facet loses compiler plugin settings on reopening project, when "Use project settings" = Yes
Formatter doesn't handle spaces around 'by' keywordKT-15544
Formatter doesn't remove spaces around function reference operator
- Implement quickfix which enables/disables coroutine support in module or project
Intention to convert between two comparisons and range check and vice versaKT-5629
Quick-fix to import extension method when arguments of non-extension method do not matchKT-6217
Add warning for unused equals expressionKT-6824
Quick-fix for applying spread operator where vararg is expectedKT-8855
Implement "Create label" quick-fixKT-15056
Implement intention which converts object literal to classKT-15068
Implement intention which rename file according to the top-level class nameKT-15564
Add quick-fix for changing primitive cast to primitive conversion method
Clearer diagnostic message for platform type inspectionKT-14745
KNPE in convert primary constructor to secondaryKT-14889
Replace 'if' with elvis operator produces red code if result is referenced in 'if'KT-14907
Quick-fix for missing operator adds infix modifier to created functionKT-15092
Suppress inspection "use property access syntax" for some getters and fix completion for themKT-15227
"Replace if with elvis" silently changes semanticsKT-15412
"Join declaration and assignment" can break code with smart castsKT-15501
Intention "Add names to call arguments" shouldn't appear when the only argument is a trailing lambda
Extract Interface/Superclass: Disable const-properties- Pull Up: Fix pull-up from object to superclass
Extract Interface/Superclass: Disable "Make abstract" for inline/external/lateinit members- Extract Interface: Disable inline/external/lateinit members
Override/Implement Members: Support all nullability annotations respected by the Kotlin compilerKT-15563
Override Members: Allow overriding virtual synthetic members (e.g. equals(), hashCode(), toString(), etc.) in data classesKT-15355
Extract Interface: Disable "Make abstract" and assume it to be true for abstract members of an interfaceKT-15353
Extract Superclass/Interface: Allow extracting class with special name (and quotes)KT-15643
Extract Interface/Pull Up: Disable "Make abstract" and assume it to be true for primary constructor parameter when moving to an interfaceKT-15607
Extract Interface/Pull Up: Disable internal/protected members when moving to an interfaceKT-15640
Extract Interface/Pull Up: Drop 'final' modifier when moving to an interfaceKT-15639
Extract Superclass/Interface/Pull Up: Add spaces between 'abstract' modifier and annotationsKT-15606
Extract Interface/Pull Up: Warn about private members with usages in the original classKT-15635
Extract Superclass/Interface: Fix bogus visibility warning inside a member when it's being moved as abstractKT-15598
Extract Interface: Red-highlight members inherited from a super-interface when that interface reference itself is not extractedKT-15674
Extract Superclass: Drop inapplicable modifiers when converting property-parameter to ordinary parameter
Actions (quick-fixes) to create implementations of header elementsKT-15305
Do not report UNUSED for header declarations with implementations and vice versaKT-15601
Quick-fix "Create header interface implementation" does nothing
Android Extensions: Refactor / Rename of activity name does not change import extension statementKT-14308
Android Studio randomly hangs due to Java static member import quick-fix lagsKT-14358
Kotlin extensions: rename layout file: Throwable: "PSI and index do not match" through KotlinFullClassNameIndex.get()KT-15483
Kotlin lint throws unexpected exceptions in IDE
Don't show "defined in " in quick doc for local variablesKT-13001
"Go to Type Declaration" is broken for stdlib typesKT-13067
Syntax colouring doesn't work for KDoc tagsKT-14815
alt + enter -> "import" over a constructor reference is not workingKT-14819
Quick documentation for special Enum functions doesn't workKT-15141
Bogus import popup for when function call cannot be resolved fullyKT-15154
IllegalStateException on attempt to convert import statement to * if last added import is to typealiasKT-15329
Regex not inspected properly for javaJavaIdentifierStart and javaJavaIdentifierPartKT-15383
Kotlin Scripts can only resolve stdlib functions/classes if they are in a source directoryKT-15440
Improve extensions detection in IDEAKT-15548
Kotlin plugin: @Language injections specified in another module are ignored- Invoke
extension for module dependencies container as well (needed for "sam-with-receiver" plugin to work with scripts)
J2K: Static import of Map.Entry is lost during conversionKT-14736
J2K: Incorrect conversion of back ticks in javadoc {@code} tagKT-15027
J2K: Annotations are set on functions, but not on property accessors
Kotlin incremental=true: fixed compatibility with AS 2.3KT-15433
Kotlin daemon swallows exceptions: fixed stack trace reportingKT-15682
Uncheck "Use project settings" option on import Kotlin project from gradle
compareTo on primitive floats/doubles should behave naturallyKT-11016
Allow to annotate internal API to be used inside public inline functionsKT-11128
Member vs SAM conversion with more specific signatureKT-12215
Allowing to access protected members in public inline members creates potential binary compatibility problemKT-12531
Report error when delegated member hides a supertype memberKT-14650
mod function on integral types is inconsistent with BigInteger.modKT-14651
Floating point comparisons shall operate according to IEEE754KT-14852
It should not be possible to use typealias that abbreviates a generic projection as a constructorKT-15226
Restrict delegation to java 8 default methods
Provide API for getting a single annotation by its classKT-14939
VerifyError in accessors for bound property reference with receiver 'null'
- Major coroutines redesign - see
for details
Optimize const vals by inlining them at call siteKT-13570
Generate TABLE/LOOKUPSWITCH if all when branches are const integer valuesKT-14746
Captured Refs should not be volatile
java.util.Map::compute* poor usabilityKT-12144
Type inference incorporation error on SAM adapter callKT-14196
Do not allow class literal with expression in annotation argumentsKT-14453
Regression: Type inference failed: inferred type is T but T was expectedKT-14774
Incorrect inner class modifier generated for sealed inner classesKT-14839
CompilationException when calling inline fun with first arg of 2 (w/defaults) within catch block of Java exception typeKT-14855
Projection in type aliases should be allowed in supertypes and constructor invocations if they expand to non-toplevel projectionsKT-14887
Unhelpful error "public-API inline function cannot access non-public-API" for unresolved call inside inline functionKT-14930
Android: creating Kotlin activity: UOE at EmptyList.removeAll()KT-15146
Kapt3 no source files on unittestKT-15272
Exception when building 2 projects at the same time
Extension function on dynamic resolves on any typeKT-6579
JS: prohibit to usein
on dynamicKT-6580
JS: prohibit to use more than one argument in indexed access on dynamicKT-13615
JS: don't generate guard for catch with dynamic type
JS: Replace @native annotation with external modifierKT-12877
Allow to specify module for native JS declarationsKT-14806
JS: name of a local variable clashes with native declaration from global scope
JS: prohibit overriding native functions with default values assigned to parametersKT-13894
JS: prohibit native declaration inside non-nativeKT-13895
JS: RUNTIME annotationsKT-13896
JS: prohibit external(native) extension functions and propertiesKT-13897
JS: prohibit native(external) files and typealiasesKT-13910
JS: prohibit override members of native declaration with overloadsKT-14027
JS: prohibit native inner classesKT-14029
JS: prohibit private members inside native declarationsKT-14037
JS: prohibit using native interfaces in RHS of ISKT-14038
JS: warn when using native interface in RHS of ASKT-15130
JS: prohibit inheritance native from non-nativeKT-12600
JS: type check with a native interface compiles but crash at runtimeKT-13307
KotlinJS cannot cast to a marker interface.
JS: support bound callable referenceKT-14634
JS: support enumValues / enumValueOfKT-15058
JS: replace suspend function convention
JS: "x is Any" is always falseKT-7665
JS: creating Any instance crashes on runtimeKT-15131
JS: don't mangle Any.equals
JS: don't optimize (based on type information) by default expressions with any of "as, is, !is, as?, ?., !!"KT-13616
JS: don't omit guard for catch with Throwable typeKT-12976
JS: human-friendly error message on wrong modules orderKT-15212
JS: link unqualified names injs(...)
function to local functions in outer Kotlin function by nameKT-14750
JS: remove unnecessary functions from kotlin.js
JS: inner local class should refer to captured variables via its outer classKT-12527
Reified is-check works wrongly for chained callsKT-12586
JS: compiler crashes when call inline function inside string templeateKT-13164
Ecma TypeError on extending local class from inner oneKT-14888
JS: Compiler error: Cannot get FQ name of local class: lazy classKT-14748
JS: eliminate unused functionsKT-14999
JS: Operator set + labeled lambdasKT-15007
JS: Dies when checking if exception implements interface. TypeError: Cannot read property 'baseClasses' of undefinedKT-15073
KT to JS losing extension function's receiverKT-15169
JS: compiler fails on annotated expression with TRE at Translation.doTranslateExpression()KT-13522
JS: can't use captured reified type paramter in jsClassKT-13784
JS: lambda was not inlined for function with reified parameter declared in another moduleKT-13792
JS: inner class of local class does not capture enclosing class properlyKT-15327
JS: EnumvalueOf
should throw IllegalArgumentException
Make String.toInt(), toLong(), etc. nullable instead of throwing exceptionKT-8220
Add #peek method to Sequence similar to Stream.peekKT-8286
Int.toString and String.toInt with base as parameterKT-14034
JS: unsafeCast functionKT-15181
Some source files are missing from published sources on Bintray
Implement quick-fix for increasing module language level to enable unsupported language features
Introduce Type Alias: Do not suggest type qualifiersKT-14696
Introduce Type Alias: Fix NPE during dialog repaintKT-14685
Introduce Type Alias: Replace type usages in constructor callsKT-14861
Introduce Type Alias: Support callable references/class literalsKT-15204
Implement navigation from header to its implementation and vice versaKT-15269
Quickfix for external (native) extension declarationsKT-15293
Add 1.1 EAP repository when creating a new Gradle project with 1.1 EAP
Kotlin gradle script files appear totally unresolvedKT-14706
Support package declaration in scriptingKT-14707
Support javax.script.Invocable on the JSR 223 ScriptEngineKT-14708
kotlin-script-runtime is not publishedKT-14713
Make it possible to use JSR 223 support without specifying compiler JAR absolute pathKT-15064
Gradle build with script .kts file: NPE at ScriptCodegen.genConstructor()
Gradle build fails with Gradle 3.2 (master)KT-15120
Gradle JS test compile task doesn't pick up production codeKT-15127
JS "compiler jar not found" with Gradle 3.2KT-15133
Recent gradle-script-kotlin 3.3 distributions are unusableKT-15218
Isolate Gradle Kotlin compiler process
Underscores in integer literals (see KEEP)KT-3824
Underscore in lambda for unused parameters (see KEEP)KT-2783
Allow to skip some components in a multi-declaration (see the same KEEP)KT-11551
limited scope for dsl writers (see KEEP)
- Make fields for storing lambda parameters non-final (as they get assigned within
call) KT-14719
Make initial continuation able to be resumed with exceptionKT-14636
Coroutine fields should not be volatileKT-14718
Validate label value of coroutine in case of no suspension points
Type inference doesn't work with generic typealiasesKT-13837
Error "Type alias expands to T, which is not a class, an interface, or an object" should also appear for local type aliasesKT-14307
Local recursive type alias should be an errorKT-14400
Compiler Error IllegalStateException: kotlin.NotImplementedError when anonymous object inherits from typealiasKT-14377
Expected error: Modifier 'companion' is not applicable to 'typealias'KT-14498
typealias allows to circumvent variance annotationsKT-14641
An exception while processing a nested type alias access after a dot
Properties without initializer but with get must infer type from getterKT-8816
Generate Kotlin parameter names in the same form as expected for Java 8 reflectionKT-10569
Cannot iterate over values of an enum class when it is used as a generic parameter (see KEEP)KT-13557
VerifyError with delegated local variable used in object expressionKT-13890
IllegalAccessError when invoking protected method with default argumentsKT-14012
Back-end (JVM) Internal error every first compilation after the source code changeKT-14201
UnsupportedOperationException: Don't know how to generate outer expression for anonymous object with invoke and non-trivial closureKT-14318
Repeated annotations resulting from type alias expansion should be reportedKT-14347
Report UNUSED_PARAMETER/VARIABLE on named unused lambda parameters/destructuring entriesKT-14352
@SinceKotlin is not taken into account for companion object member referenced via type aliasKT-14357
Try-catch used in false condition generates CompilationExceptionKT-14502
Prohibit irrelevant modifiers and annotations on destructured parameters in lambdaKT-14692
Change resolution scope for componentX in lambda parametersKT-14824
Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Couldn't inline method call 'get' into local final fun StorageComponentContainer.(): kotlin.UnitKT-14798
Gradle 3.2 AssertionError: Built-in class kotlin.ParameterName is not found
Support Exceptions in JSKT-13574
JS: support coroutinesKT-14422
JS: Support destructuring in lambda parametersKT-14507
JS: allow to skip some components in a multi-declaration
JS: Missing ArrayList.ensureCapacity
js: kotlin exceptions must inherit ErrorKT-5537
Drop Cloneable in JSKT-7014
JS: generate code which more friendly to js tools (minifier, optimizer, linter etc)KT-8019
JS: no stackTrace in exception subclassesKT-10911
JS: Throwable properties aren't supported wellKT-13912
JS: Compiler NPE at JsSourceGenerationVisitor. Lambda with empty [if] block passed to inline functionKT-14535
JS: Broken modification of captured variables defined by a destructuring declaration
Common API should be available without referring to java.* packagesNow those common types, which are supported on all platforms, are available in
packages, and are imported by default. These include:ArrayList
On JVM these are just typealiases of the good old types fromjava.util
Introduce bitwise operationsand
for Byte and Short -
New platform-agnostic extensions for arrays:contentEquals
to compare arrays' content for equality,contentHashCode
to get hashcode of array's content, andcontentToString
to get the string representation of array elements. -
Generic constraints ofArray.flatten
signature were relaxed a bit to make it just usable. -
class, which allows to get the current version of the standard library and compare it with some otherKotlinVersion
Incorrect "Variable can be declared immutable" inspection for local delegated variableKT-14431
Create quick-fix on UNUSED_PARAMETER/VARIABLE when it can be replaced with one underscoreKT-14794
Add /Specify type/Remove explicit type intentions for property with getters if type can be inferredKT-14752
Exception while typing @JsName annotation in editor
Destructuring for lambdas (proposal)
Current limitations:
- Nested destructuring is not supported
- Destructuring in named functions/constructors is not supported
- Is not supported for JS target
Smart cast receiver to not null after a not null safe callKT-6840
Make data flow information the same for assigned and assigneeKT-13426
Fix exception when smartcast on both dispatch & extension receiver
Do not skip generation of the left-hand side for intrinsic bound references and class literalsKT-13075
Fix codegen for bound class referenceKT-13110
Fix type mismatch error on class literal with integer receiver expressionKT-13172
Report error on "this::class" in super constructor callKT-13271
Fix incorrect unsupported error on synthetic extension call on LHS of ::KT-13367
Inline bound callable reference if it's used only as a lambda
Do not execute last Unit-typed coroutine statement twiceKT-13246
Fix VerifyError with coroutines on DalvikKT-13289
Fix VerifyError with coroutines: Bad type on operand stackKT-13409
Fix generic variable spilling with coroutinesKT-13531
Fix ClassCastException when coercion to Unit interacts with generic await() and coroutines- Prohibit
as a last parameter of suspend functions KT-13560
Prohibit non-Unit suspend functions
Fix incorrect number of required type arguments reported on typealiasKT-13181
Fix unresolved reference for a type alias from a different moduleKT-13161
Support java static methods calls with typealiasesKT-13835
Do not lose nullability information while expanding type alias in projection positionKT-13422
Prohibit usage of type alias to exception class as an object in 'throw' expressionKT-13735
Fix NoSuchMethodError for generic typealias accessKT-13513
Support SAM constructors for aliased java functional typesKT-13822
Fix exception for start-projection of a type aliasKT-14071
Prohibit using type alias as a qualifier for superKT-14282
Report error on unused type alias with -language-version 1.0KT-14274
Fix type alias resolution when it's used for supertype constructor call
Change first parameter's type of Map.getOrDefault to K instead of AnyKT-13069
Do not emit invalid DefaultImpls delegation when interface extends MutableMap with JDK8
Allow data classes to implement equals/hashCode/toString from base classes
Fix compiler internal error at inlineKT-13757
Prohibit referencing nested classes by name with $KT-12985
Do not create range instances for 'for' loop in CharSequence.indicesKT-13931
Optimize generated code for IntRange#contains
Use parameter names in error messages when calling a function-valued expressionKT-10001
Fix false unnecessary non-null assertion on a pair elementKT-12811
Treat function declaration as final if it is a member of a final classKT-13961
Report REDECLARATION on private-in-file 'foo' vs public 'foo' in different file
Move exceptions fromjava.lang
Rewrite JS collections in Kotlin, move them tokotlin.collections
Make Collection implementations conform to their declared interfacesKT-7473
Make AbstractCollection.equals check object typeKT-13429
Make 'remove' on fresh iterator throw exception instead of removing last elementKT-13459
Make JS implementation of ArrayList::add(index, element) check the index is in valid rangeKT-8724
Fix MutableIterator.remove() for HashMapKT-10786
Make Map.keys return view of map keys instead of snapshotKT-14194
Make HashMap.putAll implementation not to call getKey/getValue
Add @SinceKotlin annotation to support compatibility with compilation against older standard libraryKT-14213
Ensure printStackTrace can be called with -language-version 1.0
Provide two distinct hierarchies of abstract collections: one for implementing read-only/immutable collections, and other for implementing mutable collectionsKEEP-13
Provide extension functions to copy mapsKT-18
Introduce type aliases for common exceptions fromjava.lang
return an empty range for "illegal" 'to' parameterKT-12894
Allow nullable receiver foruse
Introduce comprehensive API to work with KType instancesKT-10447
Provide a way to check if a KClass is a data classKT-11284
Add KClass.cast extensionKT-13106
Support annotation constructors in reflection
Optimize KClass.simpleName
Implement "Inline type alias" refactoringKT-12902
Implement "Introduce type alias" refactoringKT-12904
Implement "Create type alias from usage" quick fixKT-9016
Make use of named higher order function parametersKT-12205
Suggest import of Kotlin static members in editor with Java sourceKT-13941
Implement intention for introducing destructured lambda parameters when it's possibleKT-13943
Implement inspection and quickfix for to detect a manual destructuring of for / lambda parameter
Support bound method references in completionKT-13242
Suggest 'typealias' keyword in completionKT-13244
Override/Implement Members: Do not expand type aliases in the generated membersKT-13611
Go to Class: Fix presentation of type aliasesKT-13759
Rename: Process object-wrapping alias referencesKT-13955
Find Usages: Add special type for usages inside of type aliasesKT-13479
Support navigation to type aliases from binariesKT-13766
Fix optimize imports not to add wrong and unnecessary import because of type aliasKT-12949
Consider type aliases as candidates for importKT-13266
Suggest non-imported type aliases in completionKT-13689
Do not treat type alias constructor usage as original type usage for optimize imports
- A new library
containing utilities for implementing kotlin script support KT-7880
Experimental support for JSR 223 Scripting APIKT-13975
Convert error on retrieving gradle plugin settings to warning- Implement support for custom template-based scripts in command-line compiler, maven and gradle plugins
Coroutines (async/await, generators) (proposal)
Current limitations:
Bound callable references (proposal)
Type aliases (proposal)
Current limitations:
- type alias constructors for inner classes are not supported yet
- annotations on type alias are not supported yet
- limited IDE support
Local delegated properties (proposal)
JDK dependent built-in classes (proposal)
Sealed class inheritors in the same file (proposal)
Allow base classes for data classes (proposal)
- Implement support for Script Definition Template
and related functionality, except the following parts:
- automatic script templates discovery is not implemented
annotation is not supported- the parameters
are not used yet
- Implement support for custom template-based scripts in IDEA: resolving, completion and navigation to symbols from script classpath and sources
- Implement GradleScriptTemplatesProvider extension that supplies a script template if gradle with kotlin script support is used in the project
Generate default methods for implementations in interfacesKT-11780
Fixed incorrect "No cast needed" warningKT-12156
Fixed incorrect error oninline
modifier inside final classKT-12358
Report missing error "Abstract member not implemented" when a fake method of 'Any' is inherited from an interfaceKT-6206
Generate equals/hashCode/toString in data class always unless it'll cause a JVM signature clash errorKT-8990
Fixed incorrect error "virtual member hidden" for a private method of an inner classKT-12429
Fixed visibility checks for annotation usage on top-level declarationsKT-5068
Introduced a special diagnostic message for "type mismatch" errors such asfun f(): Int = { 1 }
Provide standard library supplement artifacts for using with JDK 7 and 8. These artifacts include extensions for the types available in the latter JDKs, such asAutoCloseable.use
) orStream.toList
Provide an access to named group matches ofRegex
match result (for JDK 8 only).- Add
overload with message to kotlin-test.
Introduce "redundantif
" inspection
Do not exit from REPL when toString() of user class throws an exceptionKT-12129
Fixed link on api reference page in KDoc
- Project View: Fix presentation of Kotlin files and their members when @JvmName having the same name as the file itself
Extract Interface/Superclass: Disable const-properties- Pull Up: Fix pull-up from object to superclass
Extract Interface/Superclass: Disable "Make abstract" for inline/external/lateinit members- Extract Interface: Disable inline/external/lateinit members
Override/Implement Members: Support all nullability annotations respected by the Kotlin compilerKT-15563
Override Members: Allow overriding virtual synthetic members (e.g. equals(), hashCode(), toString(), etc.) in data classesKT-15355
Extract Interface: Disable "Make abstract" and assume it to be true for abstract members of an interfaceKT-15353
Extract Superclass/Interface: Allow extracting class with special name (and quotes)KT-15643
Extract Interface/Pull Up: Disable "Make abstract" and assume it to be true for primary constructor parameter when moving to an interfaceKT-15607
Extract Interface/Pull Up: Disable internal/protected members when moving to an interfaceKT-15640
Extract Interface/Pull Up: Drop 'final' modifier when moving to an interfaceKT-15639
Extract Superclass/Interface/Pull Up: Add spaces between 'abstract' modifier and annotationsKT-15606
Extract Interface/Pull Up: Warn about private members with usages in the original classKT-15635
Extract Superclass/Interface: Fix bogus visibility warning inside a member when it's being moved as abstractKT-15598
Extract Interface: Red-highlight members inherited from a super-interface when that interface reference itself is not extractedKT-15674
Extract Superclass: Drop inapplicable modifiers when converting property-parameter to ordinary parameterKT-15444
Spring Support: Consider declaration open if it's supplemented with a preconfigured annotation in corresponding compiler plugin
Implement intention which rename file according to the top-level class name- Implement quickfix which enables/disables coroutine support in module or project
Implement intention which converts object literal to classKT-8855
Implement "Create label" quick fixKT-15627
Support "Change parameter type" for parameters with type-mismatched default value
Expose JVM target setting in IntelliJ IDEA plugin compiler configuration UIKT-12410
Expose language version setting in IntelliJ IDEA plugin compiler configuration UI
Convert Property to Function Intention: Search occurrences using progress dialogKT-14501
Create from Usage: Support array access expressions/binary expressions with type mismatch errorsKT-14500
Create from Usage: Suggest functional type based on the call with lambda argument and unresolved invoke()KT-14459
Initialize with Constructor Parameter: Fix IDE freeze on properties in generic classKT-14044
Fix exception on deleting unused declaration in IDEA 2016.3KT-14019
Create from Usage: Support generation of abstract members for superclassesKT-14246
Intentions: Convert function type parameter to receiverKT-14246
Intentions: Convert function type receiver to parameter
Implement "Add names to call arguments" intentionKT-11760
Create from Usage: Support adding type parameters to the referenced type
Change Signature: Use new signature when looking for redeclaration conflictsKT-14854
Extract Interface: Fix NPE on dialog openingKT-14814
Rename: Fix renaming of .kts file to .kt and vice versaKT-14361
Rename: Do not report redeclaration conflict for private top-level declarations located in different filesKT-14596
Safe Delete: Fix exception on deleting Java class used in Kotlin import directive(s)KT-14325
Rename: Fix exceptions on moving file with facade class to another packageKT-14197
Move: Fix callable reference processing when moving to another packageKT-13781
Extract Function: Do not wrap companion member references inside of thewith
Rename: Suggest respective parameter name for the local variable passed to function
Support Type Hierarchy on references inside of super type call entriesKT-13542
Rename: Do not search parameter text occurrences outside of its containing declarationKT-8672
Rename: Optimize search of parameter references in calls with named argumentsKT-9285
Rename: Optimize search of private class membersKT-13589
Use TODO() consistently in implementation stubsKT-13630
Do not show Change Signature dialog when applying "Remove parameter" quick-fix- Re-highlight only single function after local modifications
Fix performance of typing super call lambda- Show "Variables and values captured in a closure" highlighting only for usages
Add file name to the presentation of private top-level declaration (Go to symbol, etc.)KT-14096
Rename: When renaming Kotlin file outside of source root do not rename its namesake in a source rootKT-13928
Move Inner Class to Upper Level: Fix replacement of outer class instances used in inner class constructor callsKT-12556
Allow using whitespaces and other symbols in "Generate -> Test Function" dialogKT-14122
Generate 'toString()': Permit for data classesKT-12398
Call Hierarchy: Show Kotlin usages of Java methodsKT-13976
Search Everywhere: Render function parameter typesKT-13977
Search Everywhere: Render extension type in prefix position- Implement Kotlin facet
Convert receiver to parameter: use template instead of the dialogKT-11483
Move to Companion: Do not use qualified names as labelsKT-13874
Move to Companion: Fix AssertionError on running refactoring from Conflicts ViewKT-13883
Move to Companion Object: Fix exception when applied to classKT-13876
Move to Companion Object: Forbid for functions/properties referencing type parameters of the containing classKT-13877
Move to Companion Object: Warn if companion object already contains function with the same signatureKT-13933
Convert Parameter to Receiver: Do not qualify companion members with labeled 'this'KT-13942
Redundant 'toString()' in String Template: Disable for qualified expressions with 'super' receiverKT-13878
Remove Redundant Receiver Parameter: Fix exception receiver removalKT-14143
Create from Usages: Do not suggest on type-mismatched expressions which are not call argumentsKT-13882
Convert Receiver to Parameter: Fix AssertionErrorKT-14199
Add Library: Fix exception due to resolution being run in the "dumb mode"- Convert Receiver to Parameter: Fix this replacement
Implement "Create type parameter" quickfixKT-9931
Implement "Remove unused assignment" quickfixKT-14245
Implement "Convert enum to sealed class" intentionKT-14245
Implement "Convert sealed class to enum" intention
Pull Up: Remove visibility modifiers on adding 'override'KT-13216
Move: Report separate conflicts for each property accessorKT-13216
Move: Forbid moving of enum entriesKT-13553
Move: Do not show directory selection dialog if target directory is already specified by drag-and-dropKT-8867
Rename: Rename all overridden members if user chooses to refactor base declaration(s)- Pull Up: Drop 'override' modifier if moved member doesn't override anything
Move: Do not drop object receivers when calling variable of extension functional typeKT-13903
Move: Remove companion object which becomes empty after the moveKT-13916
Move: Report visibility conflicts in import directivesKT-13906
Move Nested Class to Upper Level: Do not show directory selection dialog twiceKT-13901
Move: Do not ignore target directory selected in the dialog (DnD mode)KT-13904
Move Nested Class to Upper Level: Preserve state of "Search in comments"/"Search for text occurrences" checkboxesKT-13909
Move Files/Directories: Fix behavior of "Open moved files in editor" checkboxKT-14004
Introduce Variable: Fix exception on trying to extract variable of functional typeKT-13726
Move: Fix bogus conflicts due to references resolving to wrong library versionKT-14114
Move: Fix exception on moving Kotlin file without declarationsKT-14157
Rename: Rename do-while loop variables in the loop conditionKT-14128
Rename: Use qualified class name when looking for occurrences in non-code filesKT-6199
Rename: Replace non-code class occurrences with new qualified nameKT-14182
Move: Show error message on applying to enum entries- Extract Function: Support implicit abnormal exits via Nothing-typed expressions
Rename: Forbid on backing field referenceKT-14240
Introduce Variable: Do not replace assignment left-hand sidesKT-14234
Rename: Do not suggest type-based names for functions with primitive return types
Implement "Introduce Type Parameter" refactoringKT-11017
Implement "Extract Superclass" refactoringKT-11017
Implement "Extract Interface" refactoring Pull Up: Support properties declared in the primary constructor Pull Up: Support members declared in the companion object of the original class Pull Up: Show member dependencies in the refactoring dialogKT-9485
Push Down: Support moving members from Java to Kotlin classKT-13963
Rename: Implement popup chooser for overriding members
Report lint warnings even when file contains errors
Type inference of callable referencesKT-11892
Report error on qualified super call to a supertype extended by a different supertypeKT-12875
Report error on incorrect call of member extension invokeKT-12847
Report error on accessing protected property setter from super class' companionKT-12322
Overload resolution ambiguity with constructor reference when class has a companion objectKT-11440
Overload resolution ambiguity on specialized Map.put implementation from JavaKT-11389
Runtime exception when calling Java primitive overloadingsKT-8200
Exception when using non-generic interface with generic argumentsKT-10237
Exception on an unresolved symbol in a type parameter bound in the 'where' clauseKT-11821
Exception on incorrect number of generic arguments in a type parameter bound in the 'where' clauseKT-12482
Exception: Implementation doesn't have the most specific type, but none of the other overridden methods does eitherKT-12687
Exception when 'data' modifier is applied to objectKT-9620
AssertionError in DescriptorResolver#checkBoundsKT-3689
IllegalAccess on a property with private setter of the subclassKT-6391
Wrong warning for array casting (Array<Any?> to Array)KT-8596
Exception when analyzing nested class constructor reference in an argument positionKT-12982
Incorrect type inference when accessing mutable protected property via reflectionKT-13206
Report "Cast never succeeds" if and only if ClassCastException can be predictedKT-12467
IllegalStateException: Concrete fake override should have exactly one concrete super-declaration: []KT-13340
Report "return is not allowed here" only on the return keyword, not the whole expressionKT-2349
Report "uninitialized enum entry" if enum entry is referenced before its declarationKT-12809
Report "uninitialized variable" if property is referenced before its declarationKT-260
Do not report "cast never succeeds" when casting nullable to nullableKT-11769
Prohibit access from enum instance initialization code to members of enum's companion objectKT-13371
Fix CompilationException: Rewrite at slice LEAKING_THIS key: REFERENCE_EXPRESSIONKT-13401
Fix StackOverflowError when checking varianceKT-13330
Fix AssertionError: Illegal resolved call to variable with invokeKT-13421
Fix AssertionError: Only integer constants should be checked for overflowKT-13555
Fix internal error "resolveToInstruction"KT-8989
Change error messages: Replace "invisible_fake" with "invisible (private in a supertype)"KT-13612
Val reassignment in try / catchKT-5469
Incorrect "is never used" warning for value used in catch blockKT-13510
Missing "Nested class not allowed" error for anonymous object inside val initializerKT-13685
Fix NPE when resolving callable references on incomplete code- Change error messages: Fix quotes around keywords in diagnostic messages
- Change error messages: Remove quotes around visibilities
Improve error message after trailing dot in floating point literalKT-4948
Recover by following keywordKT-7915
Recover after val with no subsequent nameKT-12987
Recover after val with no name before declaration starting with soft keyword
Do not generate redundant bridge for special built-in overrideKT-11915
Exception in entrySet when Map implementation in Kotlin extends another oneKT-12755
Exception on property generation in multi-file classesKT-12983
VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack in arraylengthKT-12908
Variable initialization in loop causes VerifyError: Bad local variable typeKT-13040
Invalid bytecode generated for extension lambda invocation with safe callKT-13023
Char operations throw ClassCastException for boxed CharsKT-11634
Exception for super call in delegationKT-12359
Redundant stubs are generated on inheriting from java.util.CollectionKT-11833
Error generating constructors of class on anonymous object inheriting from nested class of super classKT-13133
Incorrect InnerClasses attribute value for anonymous object copied from an inline functionKT-13241
Indices optimization leads to VerifyError with smart cast receiverKT-13374
Fix compiler exception when inline function contains anonymous object implementing an interface by delegation
No TABLESWITCH in when on enum bytecode if enum constant is importedKT-6916
Optimize 'for' over 'downTo'KT-12733
Optimize 'for' over 'rangeTo' as a non-qualified call
Improve documentation formatting, clarify documentation forFileTreeWalk
Do not fail inCloseable.use
if the resource isnull
Runtime exception on callBy of JvmStatic function with default argumentsKT-12967
Runtime exception on reference to generic propertyKT-13370
NullPointerException on companionObjectInstance of a built-in classKT-13462
Make KClass for primitive type equal to the corresponding KClass for wrapper type
New Kotlin file: extra error message for already existing fileKT-12760
Prohibit running non-Unit returning main functionKT-12893
Impossible to open Kotlin compiler settingsKT-10433
Copy-pasting reference to companion object member causes import dialogKT-12803
Class is marked as unused when it is only used is in method referenceKT-13084
Run test method action executes all tests from same kotlin fileKT-12718
Deadlock due to index reenteringKT-13114
'Unused declaration' option 'JUnit static methods' is always enabledKT-12997
Override/Implement Members: Support "Copy JavaDoc" options for library classesKT-12887
"Extend selection" should select call's invoked expressionKT-13383
Override/Implement Members: Do not make return type non-nullable if base return type is explicitly nullableKT-13218
Extract Function: Fix AssertionError on callable referencesKT-6520
Introduce 'maino' and 'psvmo' templates for generating main in objectKT-13455
Override/Implement: Make return type non-nullable (platform collection case) when overriding Java methodKT-10209
Find Usages: Do not duplicate containing declaration in super member warning dialogKT-12977
Hybrid dependency causes "outdated binary" warning to appear in non-js projectKT-13057
Go to inheritors on Enum should navigate to all enum classes- Fix exception when choose Gradle configurer after project is synced
- Allow configuring Kotlin in Gradle module without Kotlin sources
- Show all Kotlin annotations when browsing hierarchy of "java.lang.Annotation"
Suggest abstract protected extension methods
Lazily calculate FQ name for local classesKT-13071
Fix severe freezes because of long lint checks on large files
Java synthetic accessors highlighting does not differ from local variables
Backslash is not renderedKT-12999
Backtick inside inline code block is not renderedKT-13000
Exclamation mark is not renderedKT-10398
Fully qualified link is not resolved in editorKT-12932
Link to library element is not clickableKT-10654
Quick Doc can't follow KDoc link in referenced function descriptionKT-9271
Show Quick Doc for implicit lambda parameter 'it'
"Leaking this" inspection reports dangerous operations inside constructors including:- Accessing non-final property in constructor
- Calling non-final function in constructor
- Using 'this' as function argument in constructor of non-final class
"Make constructor parameter a val" should make the val private or public depending on its option -
Mark setter parameter type as redundant and provide quickfix to remove it -
Add quickfix to remove '@' from annotation used as argument of another annotation -
Add quickfix to fix type mismatch for primitive literals -
Add quickfix for "Illegal usage of inline parameter" that addsnoinline
Add quickfix for wrong Long suffix (UseL
instead ofl
) -
Add intention to convert lambda to function reference -
Support "Create abstract function/property" inside an abstract class -
Support "Create member/extension" corresponding to the extension receiver of enclosing function -
Show versions in inspection about different version of Kotlin plugin in Maven and IDE plugin -
Implement intention to replace camel-case test function name with a space-separated one -
Warn about using different versions of Kotlin Gradle plugin and bundled compiler -
Handle more cases in "Add Const Modifier" Intention -
Quickfix forinvoke
operator unsafe calls -
Inspection and quickfix to replace usages ofequals()
with operators -
Inspection to detect redundant string templates -
Inspection and quickfix for unnecessary lateinit -
Inspection and quickfix for unnecessary use of toString() inside string interpolation -
Intention to add / remove braces for when entry/entries -
Intention to replacea..b-1
witha until b
and vice versa -
Quickfix for adding 'inline' to a function with reified generic
- Show receiver type in the text of "Create extension" quick fix
- Show target class name in the text of "Create member" quick fix
Usages of overridden Java method through synthetic accessors are not foundKT-12813
"Find Usages" for property returns function callsKT-7722
Approximate unresolvable types in "Create from Usage" quickfixesKT-11115
Implement Members: Fix base member detection when abstract and non-abstract members with matching signatures are inherited from an interfaceKT-12876
Bogus suggestion to move property to constructorKT-13055
Exception in "Specify Type Explicitly" intentionKT-12942
"Replace 'when' with 'if'" intention changes semantics when 'if' statements are usedKT-12646
'Convert to block body' should use partial body resolveKT-12919
Use simple class name in "Change function return type" quickfixKT-13151
Incorrect warning "Make variable immutable"KT-13170
"Declaration has platform type" inspection: by default should not be reported for platform type argumentsKT-13262
"Wrap with safe let call" quickfix produces wrong result for qualified functionKT-13364
Do not suggest creating annotations/enum classes for unresolved type parameter boundsKT-12627
Allow warnings suppression for secondary constructorKT-13365
Disable "Create property" (non-abstract) in interfaces. Make "Create function" (non-abstract) generate function body in interfacesKT-8903
Remove Unused Receiver: update function/property usagesKT-11799
Create from Usage: Make extension functions/properties 'private' by defaultKT-11795
Create from Usage: Place extension properties after the usage and generate stub getterKT-12951
Prohibit "Convert to expression body" when function body is 'if' without 'else' or 'when' is non-exhaustiveKT-13430
"Add non-null asserted (!!) call" quickfix can't process unary operatorsKT-13336
"Convert concatenation to template" intention appends literal to variable omitting bracesKT-13328
Do not suggest "Replace infix with safe call" inside conditions or binary / unary expressionsKT-13452
"Replace if expression with assignment" doesn't work for cascade if-else if-elseKT-13184
"Different Kotlin Version" inspection: false positive caused by verbose plugin version nameKT-13480
"Can be replaced with comparison" inspection: false positive if extension method called 'equals' is usedKT-13288
"Unused property" inspection: false positive when extending abstract class and implementing interfaceKT-13432
"Replace with safe call" quickfix does not work withcompareTo()
"Invert if" intention changes semantics for nested if with returnKT-13536
Fix StackOverflowError from "Unused Symbol" inspection after importing enum's values()KT-12820
Platform Type Inspection: !! quickfix shouldn't be available when any generic parameter has platform typeKT-9825
Incorrect "unused variable" warning when used in finally blockKT-13715
Prohibit applying "Change to star projection" to functional types
Inline Property: Support "Do not show this dialog" and "Inline this occurrence" options
Add a space before '{' in functions generated "Generate hashCode/equals/toString"KT-12294
Introduce Property: Fix extraction of expressions referring to primary constructor parametersKT-12413
Change Signature: Fix bogus warning about unresolved type parameters/invalid functional type replacementKT-12084
Introduce Property: Do not skip outer classes if extractable expression is contained in object literalKT-13082
Rename: Fix exception on property rename previewKT-13207
Safe delete: Fix exception when removing any function in 2016.2KT-12945
Rename: Fix function description in super method warning dialogKT-12922
Introduce Variable: Do not suggest expressions without typeKT-12943
Rename: Show function signatures in "Rename Overloads" dialogKT-13157
Extract Function: Automatically quote function name if necessaryKT-13010
Extract Function: Fix generation of destructuring declarationsKT-13128
Introduce Variable: Retain entered name after changing "Specify type explicitly" optionKT-13054
Introduce Variable: Skip leading/trailing comments inside selectionKT-13385
Move: Quote package name (if necessary) when moving declarations to new fileKT-13395
Introduce Property: Fix duplicate count in popup windowKT-13277
Change Signature: Fix usage processing to prevent interfering with Python support pluginKT-13254
Rename: Conflict detection for type parametersKT-13282
Rename: Fix name quoting for automatic renamersKT-13239
Rename: Warn about function name conflictsKT-13174
Move: Warn about accessibility conflicts due to moving to unrelated moduleKT-13175
Move: Warn about accessibility conflicts when moving entire fileKT-13240
Rename: Do not report shadowing conflict if redeclaration is detectedKT-13253
Rename: Report conflicts for constructor parametersKT-12971
Push Down: Do not specifiy visibility on generated overriding membersKT-13124
Pull Up: Skip super members without explicit declarationsKT-13032
Rename: Support accessors with non-conventional namesKT-13463
Rename: Quote parameter name when necessaryKT-13476
Rename: Fix parameter rename when new name matches call selectorKT-9381
Rename: Do not search for component convention usagesKT-13488
Rename: Support rename of packages with non-standard quoted names
Provide an option to use the Kotlin syntax when evaluating watches and expressions in Java files
Fix error stepping on Step Over action in the end of while blockKT-13037
Fix possible deadlock in debugger in 2016.1 and exception in 2016.2KT-12651
Fix exception in evaluate expression when bad identifier is used for marking objectKT-12896
Fix "Step In" to inline functions for AndroidKT-13269
Make quick evaluate work on receiver in qualified expressionsKT-12641
Unknown error on evaluate expression containing inline functions with complicated environmentKT-13163
Fix exception when evaluating expression: Access is allowed from event dispatch thread only.
Option to generate require.js and AMD compatible modulesKT-5987
Add ability to refer to classKT-4115
Provide method to get Kotlin type name
Compiler exception on 'throw throw'KT-8318
Wrong result for 'when' containing only 'else' blockKT-12157
Compiler exception onwhen
condition containingreturn
Fix code generation with inline function call in condition ofwhile
Fix compiler exception when left-hand side of assignment is array access and right-hand side is inline functionKT-12864
Make enums comparableKT-12865
Implementing Comparable breaks inheritanceKT-12928
Nested inline causes undefined reference accessKT-12929
Code with callable reference crashed at runtime (in some JS VMs)KT-13043
Invalid invocation generated for secondary constructor that calls constructor from base class with default parametersKT-13025
'function?.invoke' does not work properly with extension functionsKT-12807
Lambda was lost in generated codeKT-12808
Compiler duplicates arguments and the body of lambda when lambda is in RHS of assignment operatorKT-12873
Fix ReferenceError when class delegates to complex expressionKT-13658
Wrong code when capturing object
- Gradle versions < 2.0 are not supported
Setting kotlinOptions.destination and kotlinOptions.classpath is deprecatedKT-9392
Kotlin classes are missing after converting Java class to KotlinKT-12736
Kotlin classes are deleted when generated Java source is changedKT-12658
Build fails after android resources are editedKT-12750
Non clean compilation fails with gradle 2.14KT-12912
New class from subproject is unresolved with subsequent build with Gradle DaemonKT-12962
Incremental compilation: Track changes in generated filesKT-12923
Incremental compilation: Compile error when code using internal class is modifiedKT-13528
Incremental compilation: support multi-project incremental compilationKT-13732
Android Build folder littered withcopyFlavourTypeXXX
Implement Annotation Processing API (JSR 269) natively in Kotlin
Android build fails with KAPT and generateStubs depending on library module namesKT-13179
Java is recompiled every time with Gradle 2.14 and KAPTKT-12303
Do not pass non-relevant annotations to processors
REPL just quits when toString() of user class throws an exception
Include kotlin-reflect.jar to classpath by default, add '-no-reflect' key to suppress this behavior
Support '-no-reflect' in 'kotlin' command
Provide better compilation failure info for TeamCity builds
- Fix exception "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class kotlin.Unit"
- Combination of
is no longer a warning KT-4829
Equal conditions inwhen
is now a warningKT-6611
"This cast can never succeed" warning is no longer reported forFoo<T> as Foo<Any>
Declaring members with the same signature as non-overridable methods from Java classes (like Object.wait/notify) is now an error (when targeting JVM)KT-12302
modifier for a member of interface is no longer a warningKT-12452
modifier for a member of interface without implementation is now a warningKT-11111
Overriding by inline function is now a warning, overriding by a function with reified type parameter is an errorKT-12337
Reference to a property with invisible setter now has KProperty type (as opposed to KMutableProperty)
No warning for a non-tail call when the method inherits default arguments from superclassKT-4764
Spurious "Variable must be initialized" in try/catch/finallyKT-6665
Unresolved reference leads to marking subsequent code unreachableKT-11750
Exceptions when creating various entries with the name "name" in enumsKT-11998
Smart cast to not-null is not performed on a boolean property inif
Exhaustiveness check does not work when sealed class hierarchy contains intermediate sealed classesKT-10717
Type inference for lambda with local returnKT-11266
Fixed "Empty intersection of types" internal compiler error for some casesKT-11857
Fix visibility check for dynamic members within protected method (when targeting JS)KT-12589
Improved "infix
modifier is inapplicable" diagnostic messageKT-11679
Erroneous call with argument causes Throwable at ResolvedCallImpl.getArgumentMapping()KT-12623
Fix ISE on malformed code
Optimize array/collection indices usage infor
Optimize coercion to Unit, POP operations are backward-propagated
Compiler crashes with "Incompatible stack heights"KT-11943
CompilationException with extension property of KClassKT-12125
Wrong increment/decrement on Byte/Char/Short.MAX_VALUE/MIN_VALUEKT-12192
Exhaustiveness check isn't generated for when expression returning UnitKT-12200
Erroneously optimized away assignment to a property initialized to zeroKT-12582
"VerifyError: Bad local variable type" caused by explicit loop variable typeKT-12708
Bridge method not generated when data class implements interface with copy() methodKT-12106
import static of reified companion object method throws IllegalAccessError
- Reduced number of IO operation when loading kotlin compiled classes
- Allow to specify version of Kotlin language for source compatibility with older releases.
- CLI:
command line option - Maven:
configuration parameter, linked withkotlin.compiler.languageVersion
property - Gradle:
property in task configuration
- CLI:
- Allow to specify which java runtime target version to generate bytecode for.
- CLI:
command line option - Maven:
configuration parameter, linked withkotlin.compiler.jvmTarget
property - Gradle:
property in task configuration
- CLI:
- Allow to specify path to JDK to resolve classes from.
- CLI:
command line option - Maven:
configuration parameter, linked withkotlin.compiler.jdkHome
property - Gradle:
property in task configuration
- CLI:
- Improve documentation (including
) - List iteration used in collection operations is performed with an indexed loop when the list supports
and the operation isn't inlined
- Smart completion after
- Improved completion in bodies of overridden members (when no type is specified)
- Improved presentation of completion items for property accessors
- Fixed keyword completion after
in assignment expression KT-8527
Include non-imported declarations on the first completionKT-12068
Special completion item for "[]" get-operator accessKT-12080
Parameter names are now higher up in completion list
- Fixed enum members being present in completion as static members
- Fixed QuickDoc not working for properties generated for java classes
Code completion does not work for synthetic java properties on typing "g"KT-11609
No named arguments completion should be after dotKT-11633
Wrong indentation after completing a statement in data classKT-11680
Code completion of label for existing return with value inserts redundant whitespaceKT-11784
Completion forif
statement should add parentheses automaticallyKT-11890
Completion for callable references does not propose static Java membersKT-11912
String interpolation is not converted to ${} form when accessing this.propertyKT-11957
keywords in completionKT-12103
Smart completion for nested SAM-adapter produces short unresolved nameKT-12138
Do not show "::error" in smart completion when any function type accepting one argument is expectedKT-12150
Smart completion suggests to compare non-nullable with nullKT-12124
No code completion for a java property in a specific positionKT-12299
Completion: incorrect priority of property foo over method getFoo in Kotlin-only codeKT-12328
Qualified function name inserted when typing beforeif
Completion doesn't work for "@receiver:" annotation targetKT-12447
Don't use CompletionProgressIndicator in Kotlin pluginKT-12669
Completion should show variant with()
when there is default lambdaKT-12369
Pressing dot after class name should not cause insertion of constructor call
Support Spring model diagrams for Kotlin classesKT-12079
Support "Autowired members defined in invalid Spring bean" inspection on Kotlin declarationsKT-12092
Implement bean references in @Qualifier annotationsKT-12135
Automatically configure components based onbasePackageClasses
attribute of @ComponentScanKT-12136
Implement package references inside of string literalsKT-12139
Support Spring configurations linked via @Import annotationKT-12278
Implement Spring @Autowired inspectionKT-12465
Implement Spring @ComponentScan inspection
Fixed unstable behavior of Spring line markersKT-12096
Fixed rename of custom-named beans specified with Kotlin annotationKT-12117
Group Kotlin classes from the same file in the Choose Bean dialogKT-12120
Show autowiring candidates line markers for @Autowired-annotated constructors and constructor parametersKT-12122
Fixed line marker popup on functions with @Qualifier-annotated parametersKT-12143
Fixed "Spring Facet Code Configuration (Kotlin)" inspection descriptionKT-12147
Fixed exception on analyzing object declaration with @Component annotationKT-12148
Warn about object declarations annotated with Spring@Configuration
Fixed "Autowired members defined in invalid Spring bean (Kotlin)" inspection descriptionKT-12366
Fixed exception on analyzing class declaration upon annotation typingKT-12384
Fixed bean references in factory method calls
- New icon for "New -> Kotlin Activity" action
- "Change visibility on exposure" and "Make visible" fixes now support all possible visibilities
New inspection "Can be primary constructor property" with quick-fixKT-5010
"Redundant semicolon" inspection with quickfixKT-9757
Quickfix for "Unused lambda expression" warningKT-10844
Quick fix to add crossinline modifierKT-11090
"Add variance modifiers to type parameters" inspectionKT-11255
Move Element Left/Right actionsKT-11450
"Modality is redundant" inspectionKT-11523
"Add @JvmOverloads annotation" intentionKT-11768
"Introduce local variable" intentionKT-11806
Quick-fix to increase visibility for invisible memberKT-11807
Use function body template when generating overriding functions with default bodyKT-11864
Suggest "Create function/secondary constructor" quick fix on argument type mismatchKT-11876
Quickfix for "Extension function type is not allowed as supertype" errorKT-11920
"Increase visibility" and "Decrease visibility" quickfixes for exposed visibility errorsKT-12089
Quickfix "Make primary constructor parameter a property"KT-12121
call" quickfixKT-11104
New quickfixes for nullability problems: "Surround with null check" and "Wrap with safe let call"KT-12310
New inspection "Member has platform type" with quickfix
- Fixed "Convert property initializer getter" intention being available inside lambda initializer
- Improved message for "Can be declared as
" inspection KT-3797
Quickfix to make a function abstract should not be offered for object membersKT-11866
Suggest "Create secondary constructor" when constructors exist but are not applicableKT-11482
Fixed exception in "Move to companion object" intentionKT-11483
Pass implicit receiver as argument when moving member function to companion objectKT-11512
Allow choosing any source root in "Move file to directory" intentionKT-10950
Keep original file package name when moving top-level declarations to separate file (provided it's not ambiguous)KT-10174
Optimize imports after applying "Move declaration to separate file" intentionKT-11764
Intention "Replace with aforEach
function call should replacecontinue
False suggestion to replace with compound assignmentKT-11805
Invert if-condition intention breaks code in case of end of line commentKT-11811
"Make protected" intention for a val declared in parameters of constructorKT-11710
with elvis operator": incorrect code generated forif
Replace explicit parameter withit
changes the meaning of code because of the shadowingKT-11870
"Replace with Elvis" refactoring doesn't change the variable type from T? to TKT-12069
Specify language for all Kotlin code inspectionsKT-11366
is never used" warning in intellijKT-11275
Inconsistent behaviour of "move lambda argument out of parentheses" intention action when using lambda calls with function arguments without parenthesesKT-11594
"Add non-null asserted (!!) call" applied to unsafe cast to nullable type causes AE at KtPsiFactory.createExpression()KT-11982
False "Redundant final modifier" reportedKT-12040
"Replace when with if" produce invalid code for first entry which has commentKT-12204
"Use classpath of module" option in existing Kotlin run configuration may be changed when a new run configuration is createdKT-10635
Don't mark private writeObject and readObject methods of Serializable classes as unusedKT-11466
"Make abstract" quick fix applies to outer class of object with accidentally abstract functionKT-11120
Constructor parameter/field reported as unused symbol even if it haveused
Invert if-condition intention loses commentsKT-10812
Globally unused constructors are not marked as suchKT-11320
Don't mark @BeforeClass (JUnit4) annotated functions as unusedKT-12267
"Change type" quick fix converts to Int for Long literalKT-11949
Various problems fixed with "Constructor parameter is never used as a property" inspectionKT-11716
using destructuring declaration" intention: incorrect behavior for data classesKT-12145
using destructuring declaration" should work even when no variables declared inside loopKT-11933
Entities used only by alias are marked as unusedKT-12193
Convert to block body isn't equivalent for when expressions returning UnitKT-10779
using destructing declaration: intention / inspection quick fix is available only when all variables are usedKT-11281
Fix exception on applying "Convert to class" intention to Java interface with Kotlin inheritor(s)KT-12285
Fix exception on test class generationKT-12502
Convert to expression body should be forbidden for non-exhaustive when returning UnitKT-12260
ISE while replacing an operator with safe callKT-12649
"Convert if to when" intention incorrectly deletes codeKT-12671
"Shot type" action: "Type is unknown" error on an invoked expressionKT-12284
Too wide applicability range for "Add braces to else" intentionKT-11975
"Invert if-condition" intention does not simplifyis
"Replace explicit parameter" intention is suggested for parameter of inner lambda in presence ofit
from outer lambdaKT-12290
Navigate to the generated declaration when using "Implement abstract member" intentionKT-12376
Don't show "Package directive doesn't match file location" in injected codeKT-12777
Fix exception in "Create class" quickfix applied to unresolved references in type arguments
- Apply injection for the literals in property initializer through property usages
- Enable injection from Java or Kotlin function declaration by annotating parameter with @Language annotation
Support basic use-cases of language injection for expressions marked with @Language annotationKT-11574
Support predefined Java positions for language injectionKT-11472
Add comment or @Language annotation after "Inject language or reference" intention automatically
Add name suggestions to Rename dialogKT-7851
Respect naming conventions in automatic variable renameKT-8044
Support @JvmName annotation in rename refactoringKT-8512
Support "Rename tests" options in Rename dialogKT-9168
Support rename of synthetic propertiesKT-10578
Support automatic test renaming for facade filesKT-12657
Rename implicit usages of annotation methodvalue
Suggest renaming both property accessors with matching @JvmName when renaming one of them from Java
Rename overridden property and all its accessors on attempt to rename overriding accessor in Java codeKT-6363
Do not rename ambiguous references in import directivesKT-6663
Fixed rename of ambiguous import reference to class/function when some referenced declarations are not changedKT-8510
Preserve "Search in comments and strings" and "Search for text occurrences" settings in Rename dialogKT-8541
Do now show 'Rename overloads' options if target function has no overloadsKT-8544
Show more detailed description in Rename dialogKT-8562
Show conflicts dialog on attempt of redeclarationKT-8611
Qualify class references to resolve rename conflicts when possibleKT-8732
Implement Rename conflict analysis and fixes for properties/parametersKT-8860
Allow renaming class by constructor delegation call referencing primary constructorKT-8892
Suggest renaming base declarations on overriding members in object literalsKT-9156
Quote non-identifier names in Kotlin referencesKT-9157
Fixed in-place rename of Kotlin expression referring Java declarationKT-9241
Do not replace Java references to synthetic component functions when renaming constructor parameterKT-9435
Process property accessor usages (Java) in comments and string literalsKT-9444
Rename dialog: Allow typing any identifier without backquotesKT-9446
Copy default parameter values to overriding function which is renamed while its base function is notKT-9649
Constraint search scope of parameter declared in a private memberKT-10033
Qualify references to members of enum companions in case of conflict with enum entriesKT-10713
Skip read-only declarations when renaming parametersKT-10687
Qualify property references to avoid shadowing by parametersKT-11903
Update references to facade class when renaming file via matching top-level classKT-12411
Fix package name quotation in Move refactoringKT-12543
Qualify property references withthis
to avoid renaming conflictsKT-12732
Copy default parameter values to overriding function which is renamed by Java reference while its base function is unchangedKT-12747
Fix exception on file copy
Convert Java code copied from browser or other sources
Assertion failed in PropertyDetectionCache.get on conversion of access to Java constant of anonymous typeKT-12046
Recursive property setterKT-12039
Static imports converted missing ".Companion"KT-12054
Wrong conversion ofinstanceof
checks with raw typesKT-12045
False positive for Bundle.getInt()KT-12023
"minSdk" lint check doesn't work foras
"Calling new methods on older versions" errors for inlined constantsKT-12681
Running lint from main menu: diagnostics reported for java source files onlyKT-12173
False positive for "Toast created but not shown" inside SAM adapterKT-12895
NoSuchMethodError thrown when saving a Kotlin file
- Support for @receiver tag
- Rendering of
standalone characters - Rendering of code blocks
Indentation in code fragments is not preservedKT-10998
Spaces around links are missing in return blockKT-11791
Markdown links renderingKT-12001
Allow use of@param
to document type parameter
- Inspections that check that kotlin IDEA plugin, kotlin Maven plugin and kotlin stdlib are of the same version
Inspections and intentions to fix erroneously configured Maven pom fileKT-11701
"Add Maven Dependency quick fix" in Kotlin source filesKT-11743
Intention to replace kotlin-test with kotlin-test-junit
Configuring multiple Maven ModulesKT-11642
Kotlin Maven configurator tags orderKT-11436
"Choose Configurator" control opens dialogs with inconsistent modality (linux)KT-11731
Default maven integration doesn't include documentationKT-12568
Execution configuration: file path completion works only in some sub-elements ofKT-12558
Configure Kotlin in Project: "Undo" should revert changes in all pomsKT-12512
"Different IDE and Maven plugin version" inspection is being invoked for non-tracked pom.xml files
Support navigation from stacktrace to inline function call site
- Do not step into inline lambda argument during step over inside inline function body
- Fix step over for inline argument with non-local return
Deadlock in Kotlin debugger is fixedKT-12232
No code completion in Evaluate Expression and Throwable at CodeCompletionHandlerBase.invokeCompletion()KT-12137
Evaluate expression: code completion/intention actions allows to use symbols from modules that are not referencedKT-12206
NoSuchFieldError in Evaluate Expression on a property of a derived classKT-12678
NoSuchFieldError in Evaluate Expression on accessing delegated property defined in other moduleKT-12773
Fix debugging for Kotlin JS projects
Spaces aroundas
Spaces between function name and arguments in infix callsKT-11961
Spaces before angle bracket in method definitionKT-12175
Don't enforce empty line between secondary constructors without bodyKT-12548
Spaces aroundis
Spaces before class type parametersKT-12634
Spaces between method name and parenthesis in method callKT-10680
Spaces aroundin
Spaces between curly brace and expression inside string templateKT-12781
Spaces between annotation and expressionKT-12689
Spaces around semicolonsKT-12714
Spaces around parentheses in enum elements
- Added "Decompile" button to Kotlin bytecode toolwindow
- Added Kotlin "Tips of the day"
- Added "Kotlin 1.1 EAP" to "Configure Kotlin Plugin updates"
Constructor calls are no longer highlighted as classesKT-6540
Infix function calls are now highlighted as regular function callsKT-9410
Annotations in Kotlin are now highlighted with the same color as in Java by defaultKT-11465
Type parameters in Kotlin are now highlighted with the same color as in Java by defaultKT-11657
Allow viewing decompiled Java source code for Kotlin-compiled classesKT-11704
Support file path references inside of Kotlin string literalsKT-12076
Kotlin Plugin update check: always display installed version numberKT-11814
New icon for kotlin annotation classesKT-12735
Convert JavaDoc to KDoc when overriding Java class member in Kotlin
Can't find usages for Java methods used from Kotlin by call conventionKT-8362
"New Kotlin file": Keywords should be escaped in package nameKT-8682
Respect "Copy JavaDoc" option in the "Override/Implement Members..." dialogKT-8817
Fixed rename of Java getters/setters through synthetic property references in KotlinKT-9399
Find Usages omits Kotlin annotation parameter usage in Java sourceKT-9797
"Kotlin Bytecode" toolwindow breaks after closingKT-11145
Use progress indicator when searching usages in Introduce ParameterKT-11155
Allow running multiple Kotlin classes as well as running mixtures of Kotlin and Java classesKT-11495
Show recursion line markers for extension function calls with different receiverKT-11659
Generate abstract overrides for Any members inside of Kotlin interfacesKT-12070
Add empty line in error message of Maven and Gradle configurationKT-11908
Allow properties with custom setters to be used in generated equals/hashCode/toStringKT-11617
Fixed title of Introduce Parameter declaration chooserKT-11817
Fixed rename of Kotlin enum constants through Java referencesKT-11816
Fixed usages search for Safe Delete on simple enum entriesKT-11282
Delete interface reference from super-type list when applying Safe Delete to Java interfaceKT-11967
Fix Find Usages/Rename for parameter references in XML filesKT-10770
"Optimize imports" will not keep import if a type is only referenced by kdocKT-11955
Copy/Paste inserts fully qualified name when copying function with overloadsKT-12436
"Replace explicit parameter with it": java.lang.Exception at BaseRefactoringProcessor.run()KT-12440
Removing unused parameter results in Exception "Refactorings should not be started inside write action"KT-12006
getLanguageLevel is slow for Kotlin light classesKT-12026
"Constant expression required" in Java for const Kotlin valuesKT-12259
ClassCastException in light classes while trying to create generic propertyKT-12289
Remove unnecessary?
live templateKT-12110
Map help button of the Compiler - Kotlin pageKT-12075
Kotlin Plugin update check: make dumbawareKT-10255
call BuildManager.clearState(project) in apply() method of Kotlin Compiler Settings configurableKT-11841
New Project / Module wizard, Gradle: pure Kotlin module is created withoutrepositories
call in build.gradleKT-11095
Java cannot infer generic return type of Kotlin function (with java 8 language level)KT-12090
Intellij/Kotlin plugin does not handle generic return type of static method defined in Kotlin, called from JavaKT-12206
Fix NoSuchFieldError on accessing base property without backing field in evaluate expressionKT-12516
File Structure: Kotlin annotation classes have Java annotation iconsKT-11328
"New Kotlin class": generates packages when fully qualified name is specifiedKT-11778
Exception in Lombok plugin: Rewrite at slice FUNCTIONKT-11708
"Go to declaration" doesn't work on a call to function with SAM conversion on a derived typeKT-12381
Prefer not-nullable return type when overriding Java method without nullability annotationKT-12647
Performance improvement for test-related line markersKT-12526
Kotlin intentions increase PSI modification counts from isAvailable, even in daemon threads
Optimize "KCallable.name"KT-10771
Reflection on Function objects does not support lambdas with generic return typeKT-11824
Reflection inconsistency between member property and accessor
- Improve performance of maps and sets
Generate structural equality check (i.e.Any.equals
) instead of referential check (===) value equality patterns inwhen
Wrong AbstractList signatureKT-8299
Wrong access to private member in autogenerated code in data classKT-11346
Reified functions likefilterIsInstance
are now available in JS Standard LibraryKT-12305
Incorrect translation ofvararg
JsEmptyExpression in initializer when compiling code likeval x = throw Exception()
Wrong code generated when a method of a local class calls constructor of the classKT-10931
Incorrect inlining of library method with optional parametersKT-12417
Wrong check cast generated for KMutableProperty
Maven goal to execute kotlin script
- KAPT: fix error when using enum constructors with parameters
- Various problems with gradle 2.2 fixed:
JPS: Fixed com.intellij.util.io.MappingFailedException: Cannot map bufferKT-11166
Gradle: Unable to access internal classes from test code within the same moduleKT-12352
KAPT: Fix "Classpath entry points to a non-existent location" warningsKT-12074
Building Kotlin maven projects using a parent pom will silently failKT-11770
Warning "RuntimeException: Could not find installation home path" when using Gradle Incremental CompilationKT-10969
Android extensions: NullPointerException when finding view in FragmentKT-11885
Gradle/Android: Unresolved reference "kotlinx" when classpath dependency is defined in root build.gradleKT-12786
Deprecation warning with Gradle 2.14
- KT-12159, KT-12406, KT-12431, KT-12478 Support Android Studio 2.2
- KT-11770 Fix warning "RuntimeException: Could not find installation home path" when using incremental compilation in Gradle
- KT-12436, KT-12440 Fix multiple exceptions during refactorings in IDEA 2016.2 EAP
- KT-12015, KT-12047, KT-12387 Fix multiple issues in Kotlin Lint checks
- KT-7437, KT-7971, KT-7051, KT-6125, KT-6186, KT-11649 Implement missing checks for protected visibility
- KT-11666 Report "Implicit nothing return type" on non-override member functions
- KT-4328, KT-11497, KT-10493, KT-10820, KT-11368 Report error if some classes were not found due to missing or conflicting dependencies
- KT-11280 Do not perform smart casts for values with custom
compared with==
- KT-3856 Fix wrong "inner class inaccessible" diagnostic for extension to outer class
- KT-3896, KT-3883, KT-4986
do...while (true)
is now considered an infinite loop - KT-10445 Prohibit initialization of captured
in lambda or in local function - KT-10042 Correctly handle local classes and anonymous objects in control flow analysis
- KT-11043 Prohibit complex expressions with class literals in annotation arguments
- KT-10992, KT-11007 Fix multiple problems related to smart casts
- KT-11490 Prohibit nested intersection types in return position
- KT-11411 Report "illegal noinline/crossinline" on parameter of subtype of function type
- KT-3083 Report "conflicting overloads" for functions with parameter of type parameter type
- KT-7265 Parse anonymous functions in blocks as expressions
- KT-8246 Handle break/continue for outer loop correctly in case of try/finally in between
- KT-11300 Report error on increment or augmented assignment when
is an operator butset
is not - Report warning about unused anonymous functions
- Improve callable reference type in some ambiguous cases
- Improve multiple diagnostic messages: KT-10761, KT-9760, KT-10949, KT-9887, KT-9550, KT-11239, KT-11819
- Fix several compiler bugs leading to exceptions: KT-9820, KT-11597, KT-10983, KT-10972, KT-11287, KT-11492, KT-11765, KT-11869
- KT-8269, KT-9246, KT-10143 Fix visibility of protected classes in bytecode
- KT-11363 Fix potential binary compatibility breakage on using
over enums in inline functions - KT-11762 Fix VerifyError caused by explicit loop variable type
- KT-11645 Fix NoSuchFieldError on private const property in multi-file class
- KT-9670 Optimize Class <-> KClass wrapping/unwrapping when getting values from annotation
- KT-6842 Optimize unnecessary boxing and interface calls on iterating over ranges
- KT-11025 Don't inline const val properties in non-annotation contexts
- KT-5429 Write nullability annotations on extension receiver parameters
- KT-11347 Preserve source file and line number of call site when inlining certain standard library functions
- KT-11677 Write correct generic signatures for local classes in inlined lambdas
- KT-12127 Do not write unnecessary generic signature for property delegate backing field
- Fix multiple issues leading to exceptions or bad bytecode being generated: KT-11034, KT-11519, KT-11117, KT-11479
- KT-3068 Load contravariantly projected collections in Java (
List<? super T>
) as mutable collections in Kotlin (MutableList<in T>
) - KT-11322 Do not lose type nullability information in SAM constructors
- KT-11721 Fix wrong "Typechecker has run into recursive problem" error on calling Kotlin get function as synthetic Java property
- KT-10691 Fix wrong "Inherited platform declarations clash" error on inheritance from generic Java class with overloaded methods
- KT-9546 Flush stdout and stderr before shutdown when executing scripts
- KT-10605 Disable colored output on certain platforms to prevent crashes
- Report warning instead of error on unknown "-X" flags
- Remove the compiler option "Xmultifile-facades-open"
- Reduce read disk activity
- Fix compiler daemon JAR cache clearing on IDEA Ultimate
- KT-11410 Reduce method count of the standard library by ~2k
- KT-9990 Optimize snapshot operations to return special collection implementations when result is empty or has single element
- KT-10794 EmptyList now implements RandomAccess
- KT-10821 Create at most one wrapper sequence for adjacent drop/take operations on sequences
- KT-11301 Make Map.plus accept Map out-projected by key type as either operand (receiver or parameter)
- KT-11485 Remove implementations of some internal intrinsic functions
- KT-11648 Add deprecated extension MutableList.remove to redirect to valid function removeAt
- KT-11348 kotlin.test: Make inline methods
not to lose stack trace - KT-11745 Rename parameters of
to match those ofCharSequence.subSequence
- KT-10953 Clarify parameter order of lambda function parameter of
functions - KT-10198 Improve docs for
functions - KT-9786 Improve docs for
- KT-9952 Improve
for lambdas and function expressions when kotlin-reflect.jar is available - KT-11433 Fix multiple resource leaks by closing InputStream instances
- KT-8131 Fix exception from calling
on a subclass - KT-10690 Support
for top level functions in a different file - KT-11447 Support reflection calls to multifile class members
- KT-10892 Load annotations of const properties from multifile classes
- KT-11258 Don't crash on requesting members of Java collection classes
- KT-11502 Clarify KClass equality
- KT-4124 Support nested classes
- KT-11030 Support local classes
- KT-7819 Support non-local returns in local lambdas
- KT-6912 Safe calls (
x?.let { it }
) are now inlined - KT-2670 Support unsafe casts (
) - KT-7016, KT-8012 Fix
-checks for reified type parameters - KT-7038 Avoid unwanted side effects on
-checks for nullable types - KT-10614 Copy array on vararg call with spread operator
- KT-10785 Correctly translate property names and receiver instances in assignment operations
- KT-11611 Fix translation of default value of secondary constructor's functional parameter
- KT-11100 Fix generation of
on objects and companion objects - KT-11823 Fix capturing of outer class'
in inner's lambdas - KT-11996 Fix translation of a call to a private member of an outer class from an inner class which is a subtype of the outer class
- KT-10667 Support inheritance from nested built-in types such as Map.Entry
- KT-7480 Remove declarations of LinkedList, SortedSet, TreeSet, Enumeration
- KT-3064 Implement
New features:
- Spring Support
- KT-11098 Inspection on final classes/functions annotated with Spring
- KT-11405 Navigation and Find Usages for Spring beans referenced in annotation arguments and BeanFactory method calls
- KT-3741 Show Spring-specific line markers on Kotlin classes
- KT-11406 Support Spring EL injections inside of Kotlin string literals
- KT-11604 Support "Configure Spring facet" inspection on Kotlin classes
- KT-11407 Implement "Generate Spring Dependency..." actions
- KT-11408 Implement "Generate
Dependency..." action - KT-11652 Rename bean attributes mentioned in Spring XML config together with corresponding Kotlin declarations
- KT-11098 Inspection on final classes/functions annotated with Spring
- Enable precise incremental compilation by default in non-Maven/Gradle projects
- KT-11612 Highlight named arguments
- KT-7715 Highlight
s that can be replaced byval
s - KT-5208 Intention action to convert string to raw string and back
- KT-11078 Quick fix to remove
when KClass is expected - KT-1494 Inspection to highlight public members with no documentation
- KT-8473 Intention action to implement interface or abstract class
- KT-10299 Inspection to warn on array properties in data classes
- KT-6674 Inspection to warn on protected symbols in effectively final classes
- KT-11576 Quick fix to suppress "Unused symbol" warning based on annotations on the declaration
- KT-10063 Quick fix for adding
wrapper for annotation parameters - KT-10476 Quick fix for converting primitive types
- KT-10859 Quick fix to make
with private setter final - KT-9498 Quick fix to specify property type
- KT-10509 Quick fix to simplify condition with senseless comparison
- KT-11404 Quick fix to let type implement missing interface
- KT-6785, KT-10013, KT-9996, KT-11675 Support Smart Enter for trailing lambda argument, try/catch/finally, property setter, init block
- Add
macros for use in live templates - Auto-configure EAP-repository during Kotlin Maven and Gradle project set up
Issues fixed:
- KT-11678, KT-4768 Support navigation to Kotlin libraries from Java sources
- KT-9401 Support Change Signature quick fix for Java -> Kotlin case
- KT-8592 Fix "Choose sources" for Kotlin files
- KT-11256 Fix Navigate to declaration for Java constructor with
parameter - KT-11018 Fix
s shown in Ctrl + Mouse Hover asval
s - KT-5105, KT-11024 Improve incompatible ABI versions editor strap, show the hint on how to resolve the problem
- KT-11638 Fixed
implementation in "Generate equals/hashCode" action - KT-10971 Pull Members Up: Always insert spaces between keywords
- KT-11476, KT-4175, KT-10965, KT-11076 Formatter: fix multiple issues regarding space handling
- KT-9025 Improve "Create Kotlin Java runtime library" dialog usability
- KT-11481 Fix "Add import" intention not being available for
branches in when - KT-10619 Fix completion after package name in annotation
- KT-10621 Do not show non-top level packages after
in completion - KT-11295 "Convert string to template" intention: fix exception on certain code
- KT-10750, KT-11424 "Convert if to when" intention now detects effectively else branches in subsequent code and performs more accurate comment handling
- Configure Kotlin: show only changed files in the notification "Kotlin not configured", restore all changed files in undo action
- KT-11556 Do not show "Kotlin not configured" for Kotlin JS projects
- KT-11593 Fix "Configure Kotlin" action for Gradle projects in IDEA 2016
- KT-11077 Use new built-in definition file format (
files) - KT-5728 Remove closing curly brace in a string template when opening one is deleted
- KT-10883 "Explicit get or set call" quick fix: do not move caret too far away
- KT-5717 "Replace
": do not lose comments - KT-10797 "Replace with operator" intention is not available anymore for non-
functions - KT-11529 Highlighting range for unresolved annotation name does not include
now - KT-11178 Don't show "Change type arguments" fix when there's nothing to change
- KT-11789 Don't interpret annotations inside Markdown code blocks as KDoc tags
- KT-11702 Fixed resolution of Kotlin beans with custom name
- KT-11689 Fixed exception on attempt to navigate to Kotlin file from Spring notification balloon
- KT-11725 Fixed renaming of injected SpEL references
- KT-11720 Fixed renaming of Kotlin beans through SpEL references
- KT-11719 Fixed renaming of Kotlin parameters references in XML files
- KT-11736 Fixed searching of Java usages for @JvmStatic properties and @JvmStatic @JvmOverloads functions
- KT-11862 Fixed bogus warnings about unresolved types in the Change Signature dialog
- Fix several issues leading to exceptions: KT-11579, KT-11580, KT-11777, KT-11868, KT-11845, KT-11486
- Fixed NoSuchFieldException in Kotlin module settings on IDEA Ultimate
- KT-11705 "Smart step into" no longer skips methods from subclasses
- Debugger can now distinguish nested inline arguments
- KT-11326 Support private classes in Evaluate Expression
- KT-11455 Fix Evaluate Expression behavior for files with errors in sources
- KT-10670 Fix Evaluate Expression behavior for inline functions with default parameters
- KT-11380 Evaluate Expression now handles smart casts correctly
- KT-10148 Do not suggest methods from outer context in "Smart step into"
- Fix Evaluate Expression for expression created for array element
- Complete private members from libraries in Evaluate Expression
- KT-11578 Evaluate Expression: do not highlight completion variants from nullable receiver with grey
- KT-6805 Convert Java expression to Kotlin when opening Evaluate Expression from Variables view
- KT-11927 Fix "ambiguous import" error when invoking Evaluate Expression from Variables view for some field
- KT-11831 Fix Evaluate Expression for values of raw types
- Show error message when debug info for some local variable is corrupted
- Avoid 1s delay in completion in debugger fields if session is not stopped on a breakpoint
- Avoid cast to runtime type unavailable in current scope
- Fix text with line breaks in popup with line breakpoint variants
- Fix breakpoints inside inline functions in libraries sources
- Allow breakpoints at catch clause declaration
- KT-11848 Fix breakpoints inside generic crossinline lambda argument body
- KT-11932 Fix Step Over for
loop condition
- Protected members used outside of inheritors are converted as public
- Support conversion for annotation constructor calls
- Place comments from the middle of the call to the end
- Drop line breaks between operator arguments (except
) - Add non-null assertions on call site for non-null parameters
- Specify type for variables with anonymous type if they have write accesses
- KT-11587 Fix conversion of static field accesses from other Java class
- KT-6800 Quote
symbols in converted strings - KT-11126 Convert annotations in annotations parameters correctly
- KT-11600 Do not produce unresolved
calls for JavaCollection#toArray(T[])
- KT-11544 Fix conversion of uninitialized non-final field
- KT-10604 Fix conversion of scratch files
- KT-11543 Do not produce unnecessary casts of non-nullable expression to nullable type
- KT-11160 Fix IDE freeze
- KT-7729 Add Android Lint checks for Kotlin (from Android Studio 1.5)
- KT-11487 Fixed sequential build with kapt and stubs enabled when Kotlin source file was modified and no Java source files were modified
- KT-11264 Action to create new activity in Kotlin
- KT-11201 Do not ignore items with similar names in kapt
- KT-11944 Rename Android Extensions imports when the layout file is renamed/deleted/added
- KT-10321 Do not upcast ViewStub to View
- KT-10841 Support
IDs in Android Extensions
- KT-8487 Experimental support for incremental compilation with project property
- KT-11350 Fixed a bug causing Java rebuild when both Java and Kotlin are up-to-date
- KT-10507 Fix IllegalArgumentException "Missing extension point" on parallel builds
- KT-10932 Prevent compile tasks from running when nothing changes
- KT-11993 Fix NoSuchMethodError on access to internal members in production from tests (IDEA 2016+)
- KT-11584, KT-11514 Correct comparison of Long! / Double! with integer constant
- KT-11590 SAM adapter for inline function corrected
- KT-11468 More correct use-site / declaration-site variance combination handling
- KT-11478 "Couldn't inline method call" internal compiler error fixed
Analysis & diagnostics issues fixed:
- KT-2277 Local function declarations are now checked for overload conflicts
- KT-3602 Special diagnostic is reported now on nullable ‘for’ range
- KT-10775 No compilation exception for empty when
- KT-10952 False deprecation warnings removed
- KT-10934 Type inference improved for whens
- KT-10902 Redeclaration is reported for top-level property vs classifier conflict
- KT-9985 Correct handling of safe call arguments in generic functions
- KT-10856 Diagnostic about projected out member is reported correctly on calls with smart cast receiver
- KT-5190 Calls of Java 8 Stream.collect
- KT-11109 Warning is reported on Strictfp annotation on a class because it's not supported yet
- KT-10686 Support generic constructors defined in Java
- KT-6958 Fixed resolution for overloaded functions with extension lambdas
- KT-10765 Correct handling of overload conflict between constructor and function in JPS
- KT-10752 If inferred type for an expression refers to a non-accessible Java class, it's a compiler error to prevent IAE in runtime
- KT-7415 Approximation of captured types in signatures
- KT-10913, KT-10186, KT-5198 False “unreachable code” fixed for various situations
- Minor: KT-3680, KT-9702, KT-8776, KT-6745, KT-10919, KT-9548
JVM code generation issues fixed:
- KT-11153 NoClassDefFoundError is fixed on primitive iterators during boxing optimization
- KT-7319 Correct parameter names for @JvmOverloads-generated methods
- KT-10425 Non-const values of member properties are not inlined now
- KT-11163 Correct calls of custom compareTo on primitives
- KT-11081 Reified type parameters are correctly stored in anonymous objects
- KT-11121 Generic properties generation is fixed for interfaces
- KT-11285, KT-10958 Special bridge generation refined
- KT-10313, KT-11190, KT-11192, KT-11130 Diagnostics and bytecode fixed for various operations with Long
- KT-11203, KT-11191, KT-11206, KT-8505, KT-11203 Handling of increment / decrement for collection elements with user-defined get / set fixed
- KT-9739 Backticked names with spaces are generated correctly
JS translator issues fixed:
- KT-10579 Improved performance of sum() and average() for arrays
- KT-10821 Improved performance of drop() / take() for sequences
- KT-10840 Fix annotations on Java elements in reflection
New features:
- Compatibility with IDEA 2016
- Kotlin Education Plugin (for IDEA 2016)
- KT-9752 More usable file chooser for "Move declaration to another file"
- KT-9697 Move method to companion object and back
- KT-7443 Inspection + intention to replace assert (x != null) with "!!" or elvis
General issues fixed:
- KT-11277 Correct moving of Java classes from project view
- KT-11256 Navigate Declaration fixed for Java classes with @NotNull parameter in constructor
- KT-10553 A warning provided when Refactor / Move result is not compilable due to visibility problems
- KT-11039 Parameter names are now not missing in parameter info and completion for compiled java code used from kotlin
- KT-10204 Highlight usages in file is working now for function parameter
- KT-10954 Introduce Parameter (Ctrl+Alt+P) fixed when default value is a simple name reference
- KT-10776 Intentions: "Convert to lambda expression" works now for empty function body
- KT-10815 Generate equals() and hashCode() is no more suggested for interfaces
- KT-10818 "Initialize with constructor parameter" fixed
- KT-8876 "Convert member to extension" now removes modality modifiers (open / final)
- KT-10800 Create enum entry now adds comma after a new entry
- KT-10552 Pull Members Up now takes visibility conflicts into account
- KT-10978 Partially fixed, completion for JOOQ became ~ 10 times faster
- KT-10940 Reference search optimized for convention functions
- KT-9026 Editor no more locks up during scala file viewing
- KT-11142, KT-11276 Darkula scheme appearance corrected for Kotlin
- Minor: KT-10778, KT-10763, KT-10908, KT-10345, KT-10696, KT-11041, KT-9434, KT-8744, KT-9738, KT-10912
Configuration issues fixed:
- KT-11213 Kotlin plugin version corrected in build.gradle
- KT-10918 "Update Kotlin runtime" action does not try to update the runtime coming in from Gradle
- KT-11072 Libraries in maven, gradle and ide systems are never more detected as runtime libraries
- KT-10489 Configuration messages are aggregated into one notification
- KT-10831 Configure Kotlin in Project: "All modules containing Kotlin files" does not list modules not containing Kotlin files
- KT-10366 Gradle import: no fake "Configure Kotlin" notification on project creating
Debugger issues fixed:
- KT-10827 Fixed debugger stepping for inline calls
- KT-10780 Breakpoints in a lazy property work correctly
- KT-10634 Watches can now use private overloaded functions
- KT-10611 Line breakpoints now can be created inside lambda in init block
- KT-10673 Breakpoints inside lambda are no more ignored in presence of crossinline function parameter
- KT-11318 Stepping inside for each is optimized
- KT-3873 Editing code while standing on breakpoint is optimized
- KT-7261, KT-7266, KT-10672 Evaluate expression applicability corrected