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Melody Export/Build/Deploy/Notify Automation


Important note: This document relates to the Movable Type-specific process and, like the build scripts themselves, needs to be amended to fit Melody's workflow, version control system and deployment startegies.

Quick Usage

cd $MT_DIR

svn status -u
svn update

#export BUILD_LANGUAGE=ja  # en_US default

make clean
make me  # Just like C<make> alone but with automatic version stamping.

make clean
make dist  # Build distribution zip and tgz files.

Advanced Usage

Always use debug mode before running. Inspect your output and make sure it's sane first. Remember to check the Important Notes section below.

perl build/ B<--debug>

Dry-run showing only warnings:

perl build/ --debug --noverbose

Make a local working copy:

perl build/ --make

Make a local working copy and generate distribution files:

perl build/ --local

For non-English MT builds, use <code>--lang=xx</code>:

perl build/ --lang=ja

To build all languages, use:

perl build/ --lang=all

To build specific languages, use:

perl build/ --lang=de,es

To name a build what you want, use the <code>--stamp</code> option:

perl build/ --stamp=6.777-klingon

To deploy a distribution, use the <code>--deploy</code> option:

perl build/ --deploy=/some/where

You can deploy to another machine too:

perl build/ --deploy=you@host:/some/where

To include plugins from the [ mtplugins public repository]:

perl build/ --plugin=RebuildQueue --plugin=SyntaxHighlighter

To include plugins from the [ mtplugins internal repository]:

perl build/ --plugin-uri= --plugin=mt-yahoosb

To stage-install, use the <code>--stage</code> options (dir and uri defaults shown):

perl build/ --stage --stage-dir=/var/www/html/mt-stage --stage-uri=

(Staging and production builds are detailed below.)


This program provides a friendly, command-line way to make and roll-out different Movable Type distributions. It will export based on your current subversion info, build a distribution, version-package-rev-date-stamp it and then either leave the archive files in your current working directory, deploy them somewhere (and then optionally "stage-install" too).

This program is basically a series of naming decisions and conditional overrides followed by a bunch of <code>make</code> calls with ssh deployment, staging installation and email notification tacked-on. You can override everything and the options are detailed below.

The summary of both manual and automated nightly runs of this code are located on our intranet at and

These are the build system files:

[], [], [ make-dist], [ Makefile]


  • Running this program requires one non-core, non-MT perl package for https support: [ Crypt::SSLeay]

  • This code does not require user environment variables to be set. If BUILD_* variables are defined in the user environment, the program will use them.

  • This code can't handle multiple language builds anymore. This will be fixed...

  • At least one argument must be supplied, even if only to redefine a default (e.g. <code>--verbose</code> (or <code>--noverbose</code>). Otherwise, the usage/help will be displayed.


  • Instead of exporting environment variables (for language/package/version_id) doing make. you can use this program with the <code>--make</code> option.

  • Both tar.gz and zip files are created simultaneously.

  • Neither the <code>[email protected]</code> nor the <code>--deploy=user@rongo:/usr/local/cifs/intranet/mt-interest/</code> settings are the default settings. Declare them specifically, if desired.

  • When an official build is produced, please update the [ summary HTML] with the dates and subversion revisions/tags.


This is a direct paste from the default presets section of the code:

'agent=s'         => '',  # Constructed at run-time.
'alpha=s'         => 0,  # Alpha build number.
'arch=s@'          => [qw( .tar.gz .zip )],
'beta=s'          => 0,  # Beta build number.
'cleanup!'        => 1,  # Remove the exported directory after deployment.
'date!'           => 1,  # Toggle date stamping.
'debug'           => 0,  # Turn on/off the actual system calls.
'deploy:s'        => '', #($ENV{USER}||$ENV{USERNAME}).'@rongo:/usr/local/cifs/intranet/mt-interest/',
'deploy-uri=s'    => '',
'email-bcc:s'     => undef,
'email-body=s'    => '',  # Constructed at run-time.
'email-cc:s'      => undef,
'email-from=s'    => ( $ENV{USER} || $ENV{USERNAME} ) .'',
'email-host=s'    => '',
'email-subject=s' => '',  # Constructed at run-time.
'export!'         => 1,  # To export or not to export. That is the question.
'export-dir=s'    => '',  # Constructed at run-time.
'footer-tmpl=s'   => 'tmpl/cms/footer.tmpl',
'help|h'          => 0,  # Show the program usage.
'http-user=s'     => undef,
'http-pass=s'     => undef,
'ldap'            => 0,  # Use LDAP (and don't initialize the database).
'lang=s'          => $ENV{BUILD_LANGUAGE} || 'en_US',  # de,es,en_US,fr,ja,nl
'local'           => 0,  # Command-line --option alias
'notify:s'        => undef,  # Send email notification on completion.
'pack=s'          => undef,  # Constructed at run-time.
'plugin=s@'       => undef,  # Plugin list
'plugin-uri=s'    => '',
'prod'            => 0,  # Command-line --option alias
'prod-dir'        => undef,  # Constructed at run-time.
'qa'              => 0,  # Command-line --option alias
'repo=s'          => 'trunk',  # Reset at runtime depending on branch,tag.
'repo-uri=s'      => '',  #'',
'rev!'            => 1,  # Toggle revision stamping.
'revision=s'      => undef,  # Constructed at run-time.
'stage'           => 0,  # Command-line --option alias
'stage-dir=s'     => '/var/www/html/mt-stage',
'stage-uri=s'     => '',
'short-lang=s'    => '',  # Constructed at run-time.
'stamp=s'         => $ENV{BUILD_VERSION_ID},
'symlink!'        => 1,  # Make build symlinks when staging.
'verbose!'        => 1,  # Express (the default) or suppress run output.


--arch=zip              # Specify the archive type (default both tar.gz and zip)
--deploy=you@host:/foo  # Deploy via scp to host:/foo as you.
--deploy=/foo           # Deploy to /foo.
--http-user=you         # Specify the user to be used when making any http connections.
--http-pass=foo         # Specify the user password to be used...
--lang=xx               # Specify the language to build for.
--ldap                  # Stage with a persistent database and 6A LDAP auth.
--local                 # Does not cleanup or deploy anywhere.
--make                  # Command-line alias for --nobuild --noexport.
--nobuild               # Do not create distribution files.
--nocleanup             # Leaves the build files in the exported directory.
--nodate                # Do not date-stamp the build.
--noexport              # Do not export from subversion.
--norev                 # Do not stamp the build with the repository-revision.
--nostamp               # Supress build repo-date stamping.
--nosymlink             # Do not make a symlink when staging.
[email protected]
--noverbose             # Supress run-time verbosity.
--pack=FOO              # Build something called FOO instead of MT or MTE.
--prod                  # Does not stamp archives, inject "TESTING ONLY" footer or symlink when staging.
--prod-dir=Foo          # Use stage-dir/Foo/ for --stage --prod MT builds.
--qa                    # Cc:'s QA if notifying.
--stage                 # Install the tar.gz archive on staging.
--stage-dir=/tmp        # Stage (deploy-install) wherever you want.
--stamp=Foo             # Override the stamp that is used to name the build. * This is a synonym for the BUILD_VERSION_ID


  • Running in <code>--debug</code> mode should produce no errors; only warnings. Running normally should produce only status messages and (annoying but innocuous) <code>make</code> messages.

  • If <code>--stage</code> is given, the program will copy and extract the generated archive under the <code>--stage-dir</code>, which must exist.

  • By default, <code>--stage-dir=/var/www/html/mt-stage</code> and <code>--stage-uri=</code>.

  • All staging instances currently use MySQL (but this can be easily changed).

  • For LDAP auth, 6A-LDAP and a persistent database called <code>stage_ldap</code> is used.

  • For non-LDAP installs, a fresh database is created (and the previous one removed), the <code>tools/upgrade</code> script is run and friendly symlinks are made (unless <code>--nosymlink</code> is given).

  • Listings of staged releases are at (simplistic) and (detailed).

  • Here are the steps to take if you are doing this manually:

    ssh koro64
    sudo su - mtdev
    cd svn/mt  # voltron, wheeljack, etc.
    svn up
    perl build/ --stage --lang=all --debug | less
    perl build/ --stage --lang=all
    perl build/ --stage --lang=all --ldap --debug | less
    perl build/ --stage --lang=all --ldap

The [[Movable_Type:Mtdev-user|mtdev user]] handles deployment and installation of the [ MTE tar.gz] that is generated above, in the daily staging process. Here are the commands to manually upload the staged voltron build:

sudo su - mtdev
cd svn/mtdev
svn up
scp bin/pair-install [email protected]:/usr/home/mte/bin/
perl bin/pair-upload voltron-en
ssh [email protected] /usr/home/mte/bin/pair-install


1. Make the builds:
cd svn/mt
svn st -u
svn up
# These builds are English only and staged under the production folder for convenience.
perl build/ --beta=42 --prod --stage
2. Update the [ build summary] with these builds.
3. Copy these builds (tgz and zip) to your ~/svn/distros folder.
4. Export and sanitize the FogBugz release notes (as HTML) and copy them to your ~/svn/distros folder.
5. svn add the new, svn rm the old and then svn commit.
6. Update the [ beta-blog].

Updating the Betablog

* More to come...


cd svn/mt
svn st -u
svn up
perl build/ --prod --lang=all --debug
# I also stage production builds:
perl build/ --prod --stage --lang=all
  • You can optionally specify a sub-directory of your staging directory with <code>--prod-dir=Foo</code> for your production builds. On koro64, staging has a subdirectory called <code>Production_Builds/</code> that is used as the default. If a <code>--prod-dir</code> does not exist, the program just uses the staging directory.

  • Remember that a <code>--stamp=foo</code> can be used to force the name of the build. For MTE this would result in "MTE-foo."


  • Run the tests before deployment, pretty please.

  • Add a <code>--log</code> option and log write iterator.

  • Handle interactive password request (for <code>--http-pass</code>).

  • Y/N proceed if interactive if there were no svn changes made since the last deployment. Related logic for this can be found in the [ beta-rotate script].

  • Add a "Fixes since the last build" file link. Related logic for this can also be found in [ beta-rotate].

  • Utilize the help and version features of <code>GetOpt::Long</code>.

  • Make an inverse alias of <code>--verbose</code> called <code>--quiet</code>?

  • Expand globs for systems with poor shells (Win32): <code>local @ARGV = map glob, @ARGV;</code>

  • Improve plugin inclusion logic to better handle --plugin=uri://somewhere/someplugin and --plugin=/some/where/someplugin.tgz