Zephyros - CHICKEN Scheme API
$ brew install chicken
$ chicken-install unix-sockets
$ chicken-install medea
(require " /Applications/Zephyros.app/Contents/Resources/libs/zephyros.scm" )
(bind " A" ' (cmd) (lambda ()
(alert " butts lol" 4 )))
(bind " N" ' (ctrl shift) (lambda ()
(call/focused-window (lambda (win )
(call/screen win (lambda (screen )
(call/next-screen screen (lambda (target )
(call/frame-including-dock-and-menu target (lambda (dim )
(let ((x (cdr (assoc 'x dim)))
(y (cdr (assoc 'y dim))))
(set-top-left win `((x . ,x) (y . ,y))))))))))))))
; Or using the sync API
(bind " P" ' (ctrl shift) (lambda ()
(let* ((win (focused-window))
(scr (screen win))
(tar (next-screen scr))
(fra (frame-including-doc-and-menu tar))
(x (cdr (assoc 'x dim)))
(y (cdr (assoc 'y dim))))
(set-top-left win `((x . ,x) (y . ,y))))))
; If you're not running in a repl (eg, csi -s zeph.scm)
; You must join the handler thread to avoid exiting
(define-getter foo call/foo)
; Expands to
(define foo (lambda ()
; Return foo
(define call/foo (lambda (thunk )
; Call thunk with foo
(define-getter foo call/foo thing)
; Expands to
(define foo (lambda (thing )
; return foo for thing
(define call/foo (lambda (thing thunk )
; Call thunk with foo for thing
(define-getter focused-window call/focused-window)
(define-getter visible-windows call/visible-windows)
(define-getter clipboard-contents call/clipboard-contents)
(define-getter all-windows call/all-windows)
(define-getter main-screen call/main-screen)
(define-getter all-screens call/all-screens)
(define-getter running-apps call/running-apps)
(define maximize
(lambda (window ) ...))
(define un-minimize
(lambda (window ) ...))
(define minimize
(lambda (window ) ...))
(define set-frame
(lambda (window dim ) ...))
(define set-top-left
(lambda (window dim ) ...))
(define-getter title call/title window)
(define-getter frame call/frame window)
(define-getter top-left call/top-left window)
(define-getter size call/size window)
(define-getter app call/app window)
(define-getter screen call/screen window)
(define-getter hidden? call/hidden? app)
(define show
(lambda (app ) ...))
(define hide
(lambda (app ) ...))
(define kill
(lambda (app ) ...))
(define kill9
(lambda (app ) ...))
(define-getter previous-screen call/previous-screen screen)
(define-getter next-screen call/next-screen screen)
(define-getter frame-including-dock-and-menu call/frame-including-dock-and-menu screen)
(define-getter frame-including-dock-and-menu call/frame-including-dock-and-menu screen)
(define-getter frame-without-dock-or-menu call/frame-without-dock-or-menu screen)