Datasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision
Geometric Computer Vision Library for Spatial AI
This repo contains implementation of different architectures for emotion recognition in conversations.
Code for 'LLM2Vec: Large Language Models Are Secretly Powerful Text Encoders'
Implementation of Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data
Unofficial PyTorch implementation of "FixMatch: Simplifying Semi-Supervised Learning with Consistency and Confidence"
Unofficial PyTorch Reimplementation of RandAugment.
Best CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 results with wide-residual networks using PyTorch
Travelling Salesman Problem solver in pure Python + some visualizers
Library to solve Traveling Salesperson Problems with pure Python code
"Neural Combinatorial Optimization with Reinforcement Learning"[Bello+, 2016], Traveling Salesman Problem solver
An open source FL implement with dataset(Femnist, Shakespeare, MNIST, Cifar-10 and Fashion-Mnist) using pytorch
Codebase for An Efficient Framework for Clustered Federated Learning.
This repository is an official Tensorflow 2 implementation of Federated Semi-Supervised Learning with Inter-Client Consistency & Disjoint Learning
✨✨A curated list of latest advances on Foundation Models with Federated Learning
How to solve the traveling salesman problem with the 2-opt algorithm, a fast heuristic search algorithm.
Federated learning via stochastic gradient descent
MultiModal Sentiment Analysis (Text and Audio) (Pytorch)
My first PyTorch Neural Network trained on FashionMNIST dataset.
Pointer networks 指针网络解决旅行商问题,基于tensorflow2。附带文章详解与代码注释。
Solve travelling salesman problem using dynamic programming.