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222 lines (163 loc) · 15.2 KB

File metadata and controls

222 lines (163 loc) · 15.2 KB

Change Log


  • Polygons from GeoJSON datasets are now filled.
  • Left-aligned feature info table column and added some space between columns.
  • Added EarthGravityModel1996.
  • Extended LocationBarViewModel to show heights relative to a geoid / mean sea level model. By default, EGM96 is used.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 3D view to use significant CPU time even when idle.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented catalog items inside groups on the Search tab from being enabled.
  • Added PopupMessageConfirmationViewModel. It prevents the Popup from being closed unless the confirm button is pressed. Can also optionally have a deny button with a custom action.
  • Added support for discovering GeoJSON datasets from CKAN.
  • Added support for zipped GeoJSON files.
  • Made KmlCatalogItem use the proxy when required.
  • Made FeatureInfoPanelViewModel use the white panel background in more cases.
  • Significantly improved the experience on devices with small screens, such as phones.
  • Fixed a bug that caused only the portion of a CKAN group name before the first comma to be used.


  • Added the legendUrls property to allow a catalog item to optionally have multiple legend images.
  • Added a popup message when zooming in to the "No Data" scales of an ArcGisMapServerCatalogItem.
  • Added CatalogGroup.sortFunction property to allow custom sorting of catalog items within a group.
  • Added ImageryLayerCatalogItem.treat403AsError property.
  • Added a title text when hovering over the label of an enabled catalog item. The title text informs the user that clicking will zoom to the item.
  • Added createBingBaseMapOptions function.
  • Added an option to KnockoutMarkdownBinding to optionally skip HTML sanitization and therefore to allow unsafe HTML.
  • Upgraded to Cesium 1.11.
  • CatalogItem.zoomTo can now zoom to much smaller bounding box rectangles.


  • Fixed CKAN resource format matching for KML, CSV, and Esri REST.


  • Added support for optionally generating shorter URLs when sharing by using the Google URL shortening service.


  • WebMapServiceCatalogItem and ArcGisMapServerCatalogItem now augment directly-specified metadata with metadata queried from the server.
  • "Data Details" and "Service Details" on the catalog item info panel are now collapsed by default. This improves the performance of the panel and hides some overly technical details.
  • ArcGisMapServerCatalogItem.layers can now specify layer names in addition to layer IDs. Layer names are matched in a case-insensitive manner and only if a direct ID match is not found.
  • itemProperties are now applied through the normal JSON loading mechanism, so properties that are represented differently in code and in JSON will now work as well.
  • Added support for csv-geo-* (e.g. csv-geo-au) to CkanCatalogGroup.
  • The format name used in CKAN can now be specified to CkanCatalogGroup using the wmsResourceFormat, kmlResourceFormat, csvResourceFormat, and esriMapServerResourceFormat properties. These properties are all regular expressions. When the format of a CKAN resource returned from package_search matches one of these regular expressions, it is treated as that type within TerriaJS.
  • CkanCatalogGroup now fills the dataUrl property of created items by pointing to the dataset's page on CKAN.
  • The catalog item information panel now displays info sections in a consistent order. The order can be overridden by setting CatalogItemInfoViewModel.infoSectionOrder.
  • An empty description or info section is no longer shown on the catalog item information panel. This can be used to remove sections that would otherwise be populated from dataset metadata.


  • Add support for loading init files via the proxy when necessary.
  • Switched to using the updated URL for STK World Terrain, //


  • Fixed a bug that prevented links to non-image (e.g. ArcGIS Map Server) legends from appearing on the Now Viewing panel.


  • Use terriajs-cesium 1.10.7, fixing a module load problem in really old browers like IE8.


  • Fixed incorrect date formatting in the timeline and animation controls on Internet Explorer 9.
  • Add support for CSV files with longitude and latitude columns but no numeric value column. Such datasets are visualized as points with a default color and do not have a legend.
  • The Feature Information popup is now automatically closed when the user changes the AbsIttCatalogItem filter.


  • Deprecated:
    • Renamed AusGlobeViewer to TerriaViewer. AusGlobeViewer will continue to work until 2.0 but using it will print a deprecation warning to the browser console.
    • BrandBarViewModel.create now takes a single options parameter. The container element, which used to be specified as the first parameter, should now be specified as the container property of the options parameter. The old function signature will continue to work until 2.0 but using it will print a deprecation warning to the browser console.
  • WebMapServiceCatalogItem now determines its rectangle from the GetCapabilities metadata even when configured to use multiple WMS layers.
  • Added the ability to specify the terrain URL or the TerrainProvider to use in the 3D view when constructing TerriaViewer.
  • AbsIttCatalogItem styles can now be set using the tableStyle property, much like CsvCatalogItem.
  • Improved AbsIttCatalogItem's tolerance of errors from the server.
  • NavigationViewModel can now be constructed with a list of controls to include, instead of the standard ZoomInNavigationControl, ResetViewNavigationControl, and ZoomOutNavigationControl.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the brand bar to slide away with the explorer panel on Internet Explorer 9.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented features from being pickable from ABS datasets on the 2D map.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Explorer Panel tabs to be missing or misaligned in Firefox.


  • Changed to use JPEG instead of PNG format for the Natural Earth II basemap. This makes the tile download substantially smaller.


  • Added an itemProperties property to AbsIttCatalogGroup.
  • Added a nowViewingMessage property to CatalogItem. This message is shown by the NowViewingAttentionGrabberViewModel when the item is enabled. Each unique message is shown only once.


  • Added the ability to specify SVG icons on Explorer Panel tabs.
  • Added an icon to the Search tab.
  • Added support for accessing Australian Bureau of Statistics data via the ABS-ITT API, using AbsIttCatalogGroup and AbsIttCatalogItem.
  • The Now Viewing panel now contains controls for selecting which column to show in CSV datasets.


  • Added NowViewingAttentionGrabberViewModel. It calls attention the Now Viewing tab the first time a catalog item is enabled.
  • Added isHidden property to catalog items and groups. Hidden items and groups do not show up in the catalog or in search results.


  • Added featureInfoFields property to CsvCatalogItem.tableStyle. It allows setting which fields to show in the Feature Info popup, and the name to use for each.
  • Added OpenStreetMapCatalogItem for connecting to tile servers using the OpenStreetMap tiling scheme.
  • Added CkanCatalogGroup.allowEntireWmsServers property. When set and the group discovers a WMS resource without a layer parameter, it adds a catalog item for the entire server instead of ignoring the resource.
  • Added WebMapTileServiceCatalogGroup and WebMapTileServiceCatalogItem for accessing WMTS servers.
  • Handle the case of an ArcGisMapServerCatalogItem with an advertised extent that is outside the valid range.
  • We now pass ArcGIS MapServer metadata, when it's available, through to Cesium's ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider so that it doesn't need to re-request the metadata.
  • Changed the style of the Menu Bar to have visually-separate menu items.
  • Added support for SVG menu item icons to MenuBarViewModel.
  • Improved popup message box sizing.


  • Upgraded to TerriajS Cesium 1.10.2.
  • Added ImageryLayerCatalogItem.isRequiredForRendering. This is set to false by default and to true for base maps. Slow datasets with isRequiredForRendering=false are less likely to prevent other datasets from appearing in the 3D view.
  • The "Dataset Testing" functionality (on the hidden Tools menu accessible by adding #tools=1 to the URL) now gives up tile requests and considers them failed after two seconds. It also outputs some JSON that can be used as the blacklist property to blacklist all of the datasets that timed out.
  • Added a feature to count the total number of datasets from the hidden Tools menu.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 2D / 3D buttons the Maps menu to get out of sync with the actual state of the map after switching automatically to 2D due to a performance problem.


  • Deprecated:
    • ArcGisMapServerCatalogGroup has been deprecated. Please use ArcGisCatalogGroup instead.
  • Replaced Cesium animation controller with TerriaJS animation controller.
  • Replaced Cesium Viewer widget with the CesiumWidget when running Cesium.
  • Added the ability to turn a complete ArcGIS Server, or individual folders within it, into a catalog group using ArcGisCatalogGroup.


  • Fix imagery attribution on the 2D map.


  • Fixed share URL generation when the application is not running at the root directory of its web server.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Internet Explorer 8 users to see a blank page instead of a message saying their browser is incompatible.


  • Breaking changes:
    • Added a required @brand-bar-height property.
  • ExplorerPanelViewModel can now be created with isOpen initially set to false.
  • TerriaJS now raises an error and hides the dataset when asked to show an ImageryLayerCatalogItem in Leaflet and that catalog item does not use the Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) projection. Previously, the dataset would silently fail to display.
  • Improved error handling in CzmlCatalogItem, GeoJsonCatalogItem, and KmlCatalogItem.
  • Made the clipToRectangle property available on all ImageryProvider-based catalog items, not just WebMapServiceCatalogItem.
  • Added CatalogMember.isPromoted property. Promoted catalog groups and items are displayed above non-promoted groups and items.
  • Add support for ArcGIS MapServer "Raster Layers" in addition to "Feature Layers".


  • Allow Esri ArcGIS MapServers to be added via the "Add Data" panel.
  • Adds baseMapName and viewerMode fields to init files and share links. baseMapName is any base map name in the map settings panel and viewerMode can be set to '2d' or '3d'.
  • Added tableStyle.legendTicks property to CsvCatalogItem. When specified, the generated legend will have the specified number of equally-spaced lines with labels in its legend.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented HTML feature information from showing up with a white background in Internet Explorer 9 and 10.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented WMS GetCapabilities properties, such as CRS, from being properly inherited from the root layer.
  • Tweaked credit / attribution styling.


  • Added support for a developer attribution on the map.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause results from previous async catalog searches to appear in the search results.


  • Show Cesium ImageryProvider tile credits / attribution in Leaflet when using CesiumTileLayer.


  • WebMapServiceCatalogGroup now populates the catalog using the hierarchy of layers returned by the WMS server in GetCapabilities. To keep the previous behavior, set the flatten property to true.
  • Potentially breaking changes:
    • The getFeatureInfoAsGeoJson and getFeatureInfoAsXml properties have been removed. Use getFeatureInfoFormats instead.
  • Added support for text/html responses from WMS GetFeatureInfo.
  • Make the FeatureInfoPanelViewModel use a white background when displaying a complete HTML document.
  • KnockoutMarkdownBinding no longer tries to interpret complete HTML documents (i.e. those that contain an tag) as Markdown.
  • The feature info popup for points loaded from CSV files now shows numeric columns with a missing value as blank instead of as 1e-34.
  • ArcGisMapServerCatalogItem now offers metadata, used to populate the Data Details and Service Details sections of the catalog item info panel.
  • ArcGisMapServerCatalogGroup now populates a "Service Description" and a "Data Description" info section for each catalog item from the MapServer's metadata.
  • The metadataUrl is now populated (and shown) from the regular MapServer URL.
  • Added 'keepOnTop' flag support for imageryLayers in init file to allow a layer to serve as a mask.
  • Added 'keepOnTop' support to region mapping to allow arbitrary masks based on supported regions.
  • Checkboxes in the Data Catalogue and Search tabs now have a larger clickable area.


  • CatalogItemNameSearchProviderViewModel now asynchronously loads groups so items in unloaded groups can be found, too.
  • Do not automatically fly to the first location when pressing Enter in the Search input box.
  • Changed ArcGisMapServerCatalogItem to interpret a maxScale of 0 from an ArcGIS MapServer as "not specified".
  • Added an itemProperties property to ArcGisMapServerCatalogGroup, allowing properties of auto-discovered layers to be specified explicitly.
  • Added validDropElements, validDropClasses, invalidDropElements, and invalidDropClasses properties to DragDropViewModel for finer control over where dropping is allowed.
  • Arbitrary parameters can now be specified in config.json by adding them to the parameters property.


  • Added support for region mapping based on region names instead of region numbers (example in public/test/countries.csv).
  • Added support for time-dynamic region mapping (example in public/test/droughts.csv).
  • Added the ability to specify CSV styling in the init file (example in public/init/test.json).
  • Improved the appearance of the legends generated with region mapping.
  • Added the ability to region-map countries (example in public/test/countries.csv).
  • Elminated distracting "jumping" of the selection indicator when picking point features while zoomed in very close to the surface.
  • Fixed a bug that caused features to be picked from all layers in an Esri MapServer, instead of just the visible ones.
  • Added support for the WMS MinScaleDenominator property and the Esri MapServer maxScale property, preventing layers from disappearing when zoomed in to close to the surface.
  • Polygons loaded from KML files are now placed on the terrain surface.
  • The 3D viewer now shows Bing Maps imagery unmodified, matching the 2D viewer. Previously, it applied a gamma correction.
  • All catalog items now have an info property that allows arbitrary sections to be shown for the item in the info popup.
  • CkanCatalogGroup now has a groupBy property to control whether catalog items are grouped by CKAN group ("group"), CKAN organization ("organization"), or not grouped at all ("none").
  • CkanCatalogGroup now has a useResourceName property to control whether the name of the catalog item is derived from the resource (true), or the dataset itself (false).
  • The catalog item info page now renders a much more complete set of Markdown and HTML elements.