masagrator / libtesla
Forked from WerWolv/libteslaThe support library for Tesla overlays
zeldaxiaoma / SysBot.NET
Forked from easyworld/SysBot.NETsys-botbase client for remote control automation of Nintendo Switch consoles.
rashevskyv / Kefirosphere
Forked from Atmosphere-NX/AtmosphereAtmosphère is a work-in-progress customized firmware for the Nintendo Switch.
wubinwww / PKHeXPluginPile
Forked from foohyfooh/PKHeXPluginPileCollection of PKHeX Plugins I have made and some that I try to maintain
Lincoln-LM / swsh-mods-exl
Forked from shadowninja108/exlaunchexlaunch-based Pokemon Sword and Shield mods
Calculation tool for Scarlet/Violet's Item Printer
zwf234 / clash-nyanpasu
Forked from libnyanpasu/clash-nyanpasuClash Nyanpasu! (∠・ω< )⌒☆
Master Pokemon Image Database
santacrab2 / py-gdb-nx
Forked from Lincoln-LM/py-gdb-nxPython library for interfacing with GDB on the Nintendo Switch
bdawg1989 / PokedexJSON
Forked from Ed0ardo/PokedexJSONPokédex in JSON format with extractor to always have it updated
Aster145 / NxDmntASM
Forked from DKingAlpha/NxDmntASMDead Simple Assembler/Disassembler for Atmosphere dmnt Cheat VM.