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JAHMM - QUICK START GUIDE ----------------------------- Jahmm is a Java library implementing the various, well-known algorithms related to Hidden Makov Models (HMMs for short). The source code of the library is available; it is licensed under GPL (see the resource/COPYING file). This library is short and simple. It's been written for clarity. It is particularly well suited for research and academic use. The website associated to this library is: http://www.run.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~francois/software/jahmm/ Most information related to this software can be found there. COMPILING ~~~~~~~~~ To compile the library, you simply need to compile all the files held in the src directory. Thus, simply calling 'javac' with all the .java files held in the 'src' directory as arguments compiles everything. This can be done using 'ant' (see http://ant.apache.org/) by typing 'ant' while being in the root directory of the distribution (where the 'build.xml' file resides); not using ant does not cause any problem, but is not covered here. Jahmm requires Java 1.5.0. The generated .class files will be put in the 'build' directory; if you have an other directory where you put your .class files, specify it on the command line: ant -Dclasses.dir=/<class_files_dir> You can also put 'ant' arguments in the 'ANT_ARGS' environment variable: export ANT_ARGS="-Dclasses.dir=/<class_files_dir>" (with Unix's bash). The last possiblity is to edit the 'build.xml' files directly (change the 'output' property). RUNNING ~~~~~~~ Notice that if you just want to try the library, you don't have to compile it. '.jar' files for each jahmm release are available on the website; to use it, simply launch: javac -classpath /path/to/jahmm-<version>.jar Myprogram.java ...to compile your program, and: java -cp /path/to/jahmm-<version>.jar myMainClass (e.g. java -cp /home/smith/java_class/jahmm-0.5.0.jar test/Testing) ...to run it. You can also put the '.jar' file in your classpath. To run JahmmViz, the GUI associated to Jahmm, look on the website. TESTING ~~~~~~~ Once the library has been compiled, you can launch a test program by typing: ant test ...in the distribution root directory. This launches the 'SimpleExample.java' test program. To launch another test program, type: ant test -Dtest.class=testClass This copies all the files in the 'resources' directory to a 'tmp' directory, and executes the testClass program from there. Regression (JUnit) tests have also been written ; see build.xml and the src/be/ac/ulg/montefiore/run/jahmm/test directory. To launch those tests, use 'ant junit'. FILES ~~~~~ - build.xml: the 'ant' build file. - src: all the .java files. src/.../distributions: Pseudo random distributions. src/.../jahmm: The jahmm library itself. This directory holds one directory per java package; see the jahmm website for more information about each of them. src/.../jahmm/test: Regression tests. src/.../jahmm/apps: Simple applications. - resources: various files that are not suited to go anywhere else. - README: this file. - CHANGES: changelog. - COPYING: license file. - THANKS: contributors. CONTACT ~~~~~~~ Jahmm's author is Jean-Marc Francois. Feel free to send comments and questions related to this library at the following address: [email protected]. README Changelog: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2005/01/29: Updated for v0.3.1. 2006/01/11: Update for v0.6.0. 2006/04/05: Minor modifications.