ARCHAEA stands for: A Rust Classifier base on Hierarchical Navigable SW graphs,**
This package (currently in development) compute probminhash signature of bacteria and archaea genomes and stores the id of bacteria and probminhash signature in a Hnsw structure for searching of new request genomes.
This package is developped by Jean-Pierre Both ( for the software part and Jianshu Zhao ( for the genomics part.
The sketching and database is done by the module tohnsw.
The sketching of reference genomes can take some time (one or 2 hours for 50000 bacterial genomes of NCBI for parameters giving a correct quality of sketching). Result is stored in 2 structures:
- A Hnsw structure storing rank of data processed and corresponding sketches.
- A Dictionary associating each rank to a fasta id and fasta filename.
The Hnsw structure is dumped in hnswdump.hnsw.graph and The Dictionary is dumped in a json file seqdict.json
For requests the module request is being used. It reloads the dumped files, hnsw and seqdict related takes a list of fasta files containing requests and for each fasta file dumps the asked number of nearest neighbours.
### build database given genome file directory, fna.gz was expected. L for nt and .faa or .faa.gz for --aa. Limit for k is 32 (15 not work due to compression), for s is 65535 (u16) and for n is 255 (u8)
tohnsw -d db_dir_nt -s 12000 -k 21 --ef 1600 -n 128
tohnsw -d db_dir_aa -s 24000 -k 7 --ef 1600 -n 128 --aa
### request neighbours for each genomes in query_dir given pre-built database path
request -b ./ -d query_dir_nt -n 50
request -b ./ -d query_dir_aa -n 50 --aa
hnsw_rs relies on the crate simdeez to accelerate distance computation. On intel you can build hnsw_rs with the feature simdeez_f
annembed relies on openblas so you must choose between the features "annembed_openblas-static" , "annembed_openblas-system" or "annembed_intel-mkl". You may need to install gcc, gfortran and make.
kmerutils provides a feature "withzmq". This feature can be used to store compressed qualities on a server and run requests. It is not necessary in this crate.
A simple installation, with annembed enabled would be:
cargo install
cargo build --release --features="annembed_openblas-system"
or on intel :
cargo build --release --features="annembed_openblas-system" --features="hnsw_rs/simdeez_f"
Some hints in case of problem are given here
The last step involves a homology search using hmmer, which can be directly installed using conda or brew. If you are using apple M1 ARM/aarch64 structure, you can have a native support of hmmer folloing the steps:
### download h3-heno branch of hmmer here (do not git clone but download zip):
## go into the donwloaded directory and download Easel develop branch here (do not git clone but download zip) :
cd h3-arm
## compile, or you can download binaries from here:
make -j 8
sudo make install
hmmsearch -h
We provide pre-built genome/proteome database graph file for bacteria/archaea, virus and fungi. Proteome database are based on genes for each genome, predicted by FragGeneScanRs ( for bacteria/archaea/virus and GeneMark-ES version 2 ( for fungi.
Bacteria/archaea genomes are the newest version of GTDB database (, which defines a bacterial speces at 95% ANI. Note that ARCHAEA can also run for even higher resolution species database such as 99% ANI.
Virus data base are based on the JGI IMG/VR database newest version (, which also define a virus OTU (vOTU) at 95% ANI.
Fungi database are based on the entire RefSeq fungal genomes, we dereplicated and define a fungal speices at 99% ANI. All three pre-built database can be available here: