Practice problems recommended by blogs and hackernews.
- Algorithm Complexity
- Sorting
- Quicksort
- Mergesort
- Heapsort
- Data structures
- Hashtables (implement with only arrays)
- Linked lists
- Trees
- Construction
- Traversal algorithms
- Depth first
- Breadth first
- Traversal Order
- Pre-order: root, left, right
- In-order: left, root, right
- Post-order: left, right, root
- Manipulation algorithms
- Type of tree
- Red / black
- Splay
- Graphs
- How to represent
- Objects and pointers
- Matrix
- Adgacency list
- Search
- Breadth-first
- Depth-first
- Djikstra (stretch)
- Astar (stretch)
- Computational complexity, tradeoffs, how to implement
- How to represent
- Combinatorics
- Esp n-choose-k
- Discrete math