Sens File Format (see sensorData.h):
struct SensorData { unsigned int m_versionNumber; std::string m_sensorName;
CalibrationData m_calibrationColor; //4x4 intrinsic matrix
CalibrationData m_calibrationDepth; //4x4 intrinsic matrix
COMPRESSION_TYPE_COLOR m_colorCompressionType; //scannet color frames are typically jpeg encoded
COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEPTH m_depthCompressionType; //scannet depth frames are typically zLib encoded
unsigned int m_colorWidth;
unsigned int m_colorHeight;
unsigned int m_depthWidth;
unsigned int m_depthHeight;
float m_depthShift; //conversion from float[m] to ushort (typically 1000.0f)
std::vector<RGBDFrame> m_frames; // <= Main data (contains timestamps and rigid transforms)
std::vector<IMUFrame> m_IMUFrames;
See c++/
See python/