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Docker development/testing container

This container is built for development and testing purposes.

The default base image is version 4.11.0-0 of condaforge/mambaforge.

The supported compiler is gnu provided by conda-forge.

The OpenMPI version of libraries is installed by default.

Build the container

docker build -t {image}:{tag} --target {target} docker/

# e.g. building the base image
docker build -t cime:latest --target base docker/

Customize the container

When building the container some features can be customized. Multiple --build-arg arguments can be passed.

docker build -t {image}:{tag} --build-arg {name}={value} docker/
Argument Description Default
MAMBAFORGE_VERSION Version of the condaforge/mambaforge image used as a base 4.11.0-0
PNETCDF_VERSION Parallel NetCDF version to build 1.12.1
LIBNETCDF_VERSION Version of libnetcdf, the default will install the latest 4.8.1
NETCDF_FORTRAN_VERSION Version of netcdf-fortran, the default will install the latest 4.5.4
ESMF_VERSION Version of ESMF, the default will install the latest 8.2.0


There are three possible build targets in the Dockerfile. The slurm and pbs targets are built on top of the base.

When running either slurm or pbs it's important to use the --hostname docker argument since both batch systems are looking for a host named docker.

Target Description
base Base image with no batch system.
slurm Slurm batch system with configuration and single queue.
pbs PBS batch system with configuration and single queue.
docker build -t {image}:{tag} --target {target} docker/

# e.g building the slurm image
docker build -t cime:latest --target slurm docker/

Running the container

The default environment is similar to the one used by GitHub Actions. It will clone CIME into /src/cime, set CIME_MODEL=cesm and run CESM's checkout_externals. This will create a minimum base environment to run both unit and system tests.

The CIME_MODEL environment vairable will change the environment that is created.

Setting it to E3SM will clone E3SM into /src/E3SM, checkout the submodules and update the CIME repository using CIME_REPO and CIME_BRANCH.

Setting it to CESM will clone CESM into /src/CESM, run checkout_externals and update the CIME repository using CIME_REPO and CIME_BRANCH.

The container can further be modified using the environment variables defined below.

docker run -it --name cime --hostname docker cime:latest bash

# Run with E3SM
docker run -it --name cime --hostname docker -e CIME_MODEL=e3sm cime:latest bash

It's recommended when running the container to pass --hostname docker as it will match the custom machine defined in config_machines.xml. If this is omitted, --machine docker must be passed to CIME commands in order to use the correct machine definition.

Environment variables

Environment variables to modify the container environment.

Name Description Default
INIT Set to false to skip init true
GIT_SHALLOW Performs shallow checkouts, to save time false
UPDATE_CIME Setting this will cause the CIME repository to be updated using CIME_REPO and CIME_BRANCH "false"
CIME_MODEL Setting this will change which environment is loaded
CIME_BRANCH CIME branch that will be cloned master
E3SM_REPO E3SM repository URL
E3SM_BRANCH E3SM branch that will be cloned master
CESM_BRANCH CESM branch that will be cloned master

Persisting data

The config_machines.xml definition as been setup to provided persistance for inputdata, cases, archives and tools. The following paths can be mounted as volumes to provide persistance.

  • /storage/inputdata
  • /storage/cases
  • /storage/archives
  • /storage/tools
docker run -it -v {hostpath}:{container_path} cime:latest bash

docker run -it -v ${PWD}/data-cache:/storage/inputdata cime:latest bash

It's also possible to persist the source git repositories.

docker run -it -v ${PWD}/src:/src cime:latest bash

Local git respositories can be mounted as well.

docker run -v ${PWD}:/src/cime cime:latest bash

docker run -v ${PWD}:/src/E3SM cime:latest bash