This document will guide you through the process of integrating the Aviary iOS SDK into your app, as well as configuring its interface and managing its resources.
In order to follow this guide, you must have the iOS 5.0 SDK and Xcode 4.2 installed on your system. For the latest versions, please visit Apple's iOS Dev Center.
Build time requirements
In order to use the Aviary SDK, you must be using the latest version of Apple's LLVM compiler. You should not have a problem if you're using a fresh install of Xcode 4.2+, which uses this compiler by default. However, if you are working on an older project, or you have upgraded from an older version of Xcode, make sure you're not using GCC.
Run time requirements
The minimum iOS version supported by the SDK is iOS 4.0. The many reasons for this choice include our use of ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) and our reliance on a number of Apple frameworks and libraries which require iOS 4, including Accelerate and libdispatch.
The SDK consists of a static library, Objective-C header files, and one or more resource bundles containing configuration files and images. The static library is a universal binary for use on iOS device and simulator architectures (armv6/7 and i386).
|-- Headers/
| |-- AFPhotoEditorController.h
|-- Resources/
| |-- AviarySDKResources.bundle
|-- libAviarySDK.a
Note: you can view the contents of the .bundle
files we distribute. In general, we do not recommend or support modifying their contents.
In order to use the SDK in an existing app, you must do the following:
Project setup
Make sure you're running Xcode 4.2+ and compiling with Apple's LLVM compiler (3.0+).
Add files
Copy the AviarySDK folder into your project (select "Create groups for any added folders" if needed).
Link against libraries
Check your target's "Link Binary With Libraries" build phase. Make sure your app is being linked against
.Link against the following libraries and frameworks:
Foundation.framework UIKit.framework CoreGraphics.framework QuartzCore.framework Accelerate.framework libz1.2.5.dylib libsqlite3.0.dylib
Copy resources
Make sure
is included in your target's "Copy Bundle Resources" build phase. -
Add linker flags
Update your target's (or project's) build settings to include the following "Other Linker Flags:"
-ObjC -all_load -fobjc-arc
is only required if you are targeting iOS 4.x. -
Import headers
Include the following line to make the library available to your code:
#import "AFPhotoEditorController.h"
The simplest way to use the SDK is to create and display an instance of AFPhotoEditorController
(a UIViewController
subclass). You can present it modally, like so:
- (void)displayEditorForImage:(UIImage *)imageToEdit
AFPhotoEditorController *editorController = [[AFPhotoEditorController alloc] initWithImage:imageToEdit];
[editorController setDelegate:self];
[self presentModalViewController:editorController animated:YES];
You may instead choose to display the controller in other ways, such as by presenting it within a UIPopoverController
or by manually adding it to the view hierarchy. If you choose to present the controller in such a way, you are responsible for making sure it receives the standard view controller lifecycle methods, including viewDidLoad
, viewWillAppear:
, etc. The controller may be displayed at full resolution, or you may display it in a smaller portion of the screen.
At minimum, you should implement the following AFPhotoEditorControllerDelegate
methods in your presenting view controller:
- (void)photoEditor:(AFPhotoEditorController *)editor finishedWithImage:(UIImage *)image
// Handle the result image here
- (void)photoEditorCanceled:(AFPhotoEditorController *)editor
// Handle cancelation here
You are responsible for dismissing the AFPhotoEditorController
, which should typically be done in these delegate methods.
The editor can be customized at runtime by passing options to the -initWithImage:options:
method (which is also the designated initializer of AFPhotoEditorController
). This section describes valid keys and values that may be passed in a dictionary to the second parameter of this method. All of the valid options keys are instances of NSString
. More information can be found in AFPhotoEditorControllerOptions.h
This key allows developers to customize the visibility of, and order in which tools appear in the SDK interface. A valid value for this key is a NSArray containing NSString instances whose values match the constants below. The order of the constants below also represents the default tool order, when this option is unspecified.
kAFEnhance /* Enhance */ kAFEffects /* Effects */ kAFOrientation /* Orientation */ kAFCrop /* Crop */ kAFBrightness /* Brightness */ kAFContrast /* Contrast */ kAFSaturation /* Saturation */ kAFSharpness /* Sharpness */ kAFDraw /* Draw */ kAFText /* Text */ kAFRedeye /* Redeye */ kAFWhiten /* Whiten */ kAFBlemish /* Blemish */
The code sample below illustrates how to pass options to a controller instance on initialization.
- (void)displayEditorForImage:(UIImage *)imageToEdit
// Only display the Enhance, Effects, Orientation, Crop and Draw tools
NSArray *tools = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:kAFEnhance, kAFEffects, kAFOrientation, kAFCrop, kAFDraw, nil];
AFPhotoEditorController *editorController = [[AFPhotoEditorController alloc] initWithImage:imageToEdit options:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:tools forKey:kAFPhotoEditorControllerToolsKey]];
[editorController setDelegate:self];
[self presentModalViewController:editorController animated:YES];