LogWriter takes care of deciding where to log the messages.
By default Kermit
provides default LogWriter
for each platform
- Uses println to send logs in KotlinLogcatWriter
- Uses LogCat to send logs in AndroidNSLogWriter
- Uses NSLog to send logs in iOSConsoleWriter
- Uses console to log in JS
These can be created and passed into the Logger
object during initialization
Logger.setLogWriters(listOf(LogcatWriter(), CommonWriter())
If you want to have a custom implementation to send logs to your own server, or a 3rd party tool or simply because default implementation doesn't fit your need, then you would need to extend the LogWriter
class and provide your own instance.
For a simple LogWriter
you only need to implement the log
method, which handles all logs of every Severity.
Simple implementation would look like below,
class YourCustomWriter : LogWriter() {
override fun log(severity: Severity, message: String, tag: String, throwable: Throwable?) {
// Handle logging here
You can optionally override the severity convenience functions if desired.
override fun v(message: String, tag: String, throwable: Throwable?) {
Log.v(tag, message, throwable)
Custom loggers may also override fun isLoggable(severity: Severity): Boolean
. Kermit will check this value before logging to this LogWriter.
Simple example of that would be: If on your Android build, you have your own LogWriter
and you want to handle logs only on debug
build then you could do that using isLoggable
// Custom Implementation
class YourCustomWriter(private val shouldLog: Boolean) : LogWriter() {
override fun isLoggable(severity: Severity): Boolean {
return shouldLog
override fun log(severity: Severity, message: String, tag: String, throwable: Throwable?) {
// Handle logging here
// Usage
val logWriter = YourCustomWriter(shouldLog = BuildConfig.DEBUG)
val logger = Logger(LoggerConfig.default.copy(logWriterList = listOf(logWriter)))