Golang library for reading and writing sessions created with Perl CGI::Session
I am working on a project that needs to maintain login sessions between a Perl CGI appliation and Beego API. I could not find any existing modules to handle this, so I made this.
It is NOT well documented at this time.
- Memcached
- Data::Dumper ( Default CGI )
- MD5
_ "github.com/jeffdoubleyou/go-cgi-session/beegoSessionProvider"
func main() {
beego.BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionProvider = "cgi"
beego.BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionProviderConfig = `{"driverConfig":{"servers":[""],"timeout":2}}`
beego.BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionName = "CGISESSID"
var sessionConfig = &session.ManagerConfig{
EnableSetCookie: true,
Gclifetime: 3600,
Maxlifetime: 3600,
Secure: false,
CookieLifeTime: 3600,
beego.GlobalSessions, _ = session.NewManager("cgi", sessionConfig)
I can't for the life of me get a custom provider to work without using beego.BConfig to set the params. I think there must be some sort of bug there, where it initializes the custom, then the default session provider.
There is a limtation to the storage at the moment. No complex objects can be stored.
Since the project I'm working on uses only Memcached storage, this is all that I have built, but could easily add more.
Copyright 2020 Jeffrey Weitz
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.