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JFrog Pipelines on Kubernetes Helm Chart

JFrog Pipelines

Prerequisites Details

  • Kubernetes 1.12+

Chart Details

This chart will do the following:

  • Deploy PostgreSQL (optionally with an external PostgreSQL instance)
  • Deploy RabbitMQ (optionally as an HA cluster)
  • Deploy Redis (optionally as an HA cluster)
  • Deploy Vault (optionally as an HA cluster)
  • Deploy JFrog Pipelines


  • A running Kubernetes cluster
    • Dynamic storage provisioning enabled
    • Default StorageClass set to allow services using the default StorageClass for persistent storage
  • A running Artifactory 7.7.x with Enterprise+ License
  • Kubectl installed and setup to use the cluster
  • Helm v2 or v3 installed

Install JFrog Pipelines

Add ChartCenter Helm repository

Before installing JFrog helm charts, you need to add the ChartCenter helm repository to your helm client

helm repo add center
helm repo update

Artifactory Connection Details

In order to connect Pipelines to your Artifactory installation, you have to use a Join Key, hence it is MANDATORY to provide a Join Key, jfrogUrl and jfrogUrlUI to your Pipelines installation. Here's how you do that:

Retrieve the connection details of your Artifactory installation, from the UI -

  ## Artifactory URL - Mandatory
  ## If Artifactory and Pipelines are in same namespace, jfrogUrl is Artifactory service name, otherwise its external URL of Artifactory
  jfrogUrl: ""
  ## Artifactory UI URL - Mandatory
  ## This must be the external URL of Artifactory, for example:
  jfrogUrlUI: ""

  ## Join Key to connect to Artifactory
  ## IMPORTANT: You should NOT use the example joinKey for a production deployment!

  ## Pipelines requires a unique master key
  ## You can generate one with the command: "openssl rand -hex 32"
  ## IMPORTANT: You should NOT use the example masterKey for a production deployment!

Install Pipelines Chart with Ingress


Before deploying Pipelines you need to have the following

Prepare configurations

Fetch the JFrog Pipelines helm chart to get the needed configuration files

helm fetch center/jfrog/pipelines --untar

Edit local copies of values-ingress.yaml, values-ingress-passwords.yaml and values-ingress-external-secret.yaml with the needed configuration values

  • URLs in values-ingress.yaml
    • Artifactory URL
    • Ingress hosts
    • Ingress tls secrets
  • Passwords uiUserPassword, postgresqlPassword and auth.password must be set, and same for masterKey and joinKey in values-ingress-passwords.yaml

Install JFrog Pipelines

Install JFrog Pipelines

kubectl create ns pipelines
helm upgrade --install pipelines --namespace pipelines center/jfrog/pipelines -f pipelines/values-ingress.yaml -f pipelines/values-ingress-passwords.yaml

Special Upgrade Notes

While upgrading from Pipelines chart version 1.x to 2.x and above, due to breaking changes in rabbitmq subchart (6.x to 7.x chart version when rabbitmq.enabled=true) and postgresql subchart(8.x to 9.x chart version when postgresql.enabled=true) please run below manual commands (downtime is required)

Note: Also, Make sure all existing pipelines build runs are completed (rabbitmq queues are empty) when you start an upgrade

Important: This is a breaking change from 6.x to 7.x (chart versions) of Rabbitmq chart - Please refer here

RabbitMQ password configuration in the Values.yaml has changed from rabbit.rabbit.password to rabbit.auth.password

kubectl --namespace <namespace> delete statefulsets <release_name>-pipelines-services
kubectl --namespace <namespace> delete statefulsets <release_name>-pipelines-vault
kubectl --namespace <namespace> delete statefulsets <release_name>-postgresql
kubectl --namespace <namespace> delete statefulsets <release_name>-rabbitmq
kubectl --namespace <namespace> delete pvc data-<release_name>-rabbitmq-0
helm upgrade --install pipelines --namespace <namespace> center/jfrog/pipelines

Use external secret

Note: Best practice is to use external secrets instead of storing passwords in values.yaml files.

Don't forget to update URLs in values-ingress-external-secret.yaml file.

Fill in all required passwords, masterKey and joinKey in values-ingress-passwords.yaml and then create and install the external secret.

Note: Helm release name for secrets generation and helm install must be set the same, in this case it is pipelines.

With Helm v2:

## Generate pipelines-system-yaml secret
helm template --name-template pipelines pipelines/ -x templates/pipelines-system-yaml.yaml \
    -f pipelines/values-ingress-external-secret.yaml -f pipelines/values-ingress-passwords.yaml | kubectl apply --namespace pipelines -f -

## Generate pipelines-database secret
helm template --name-template pipelines pipelines/ -x templates/database-secret.yaml \
    -f pipelines/values-ingress-passwords.yaml | kubectl apply --namespace pipelines -f -

## Generate pipelines-rabbitmq-secret secret
helm template --name-template pipelines pipelines/ -x templates/rabbitmq-secret.yaml \
    -f pipelines/values-ingress-passwords.yaml | kubectl apply --namespace pipelines -f -

With Helm v3:

## Generate pipelines-system-yaml secret
helm template --name-template pipelines pipelines/ -s templates/pipelines-system-yaml.yaml \
    -f pipelines/values-ingress-external-secret.yaml -f pipelines/values-ingress-passwords.yaml | kubectl apply --namespace pipelines -f -

## Generate pipelines-database secret
helm template --name-template pipelines pipelines/ -s templates/database-secret.yaml \
    -f pipelines/values-ingress-passwords.yaml | kubectl apply --namespace pipelines -f -

## Generate pipelines-rabbitmq-secret secret
helm template --name-template pipelines pipelines/ -s templates/rabbitmq-secret.yaml \
    -f pipelines/values-ingress-passwords.yaml | kubectl apply --namespace pipelines -f -

Install JFrog Pipelines:

helm upgrade --install pipelines --namespace pipelines center/jfrog/pipelines -f values-ingress-external-secret.yaml

Using external Rabbitmq

If you want to use external Rabbitmq, set rabbitmq.enabled=false and create values-external-rabbitmq.yaml with below yaml configuration

  enabled: false
  internal_ip: "{{ .Release.Name }}-rabbitmq"
  msg_hostname: "{{ .Release.Name }}-rabbitmq"
  port: 5672
  manager_port: 15672
  ms_username: admin
  ms_password: password
  cp_username: admin
  cp_password: password
  build_username: admin
  build_password: password    
  root_vhost_exchange_name: rootvhost
  erlang_cookie: secretcookie
  build_vhost_name: pipelines
  root_vhost_name: pipelinesRoot
  protocol: amqp
helm upgrade --install pipelines --namespace pipelines center/jfrog/pipelines -f values-external-rabbitmq.yaml

Using Vault in Production environments

To use vault securely you must set the disablemlock setting in the values.yaml to false as per the Hashicorp Vault recommendations here:

For non-prod environments it is acceptable to leave this value set to true.

Note however this does enable a potential security issue where encrypted credentials could potentially be swapped onto an unencrypted disk.

For this reason we recommend you always set this value to false to ensure mlock is enabled.

Non-Prod environments:

  disablemlock: true

Production environments:

  disablemlock: false


See the status of deployed helm release:

With Helm v2:

helm status pipelines

With Helm v3:

helm status pipelines --namespace pipelines

Pipelines Version

  • By default, the pipelines images will use the value appVersion in the Chart.yml. This can be over-ridden by adding version to the pipelines section of the values.yml

Build Plane

Build Plane with static and dynamic node-pool VMs

To start using Pipelines you need to setup a Build Plane:

Useful links