This crate specifies the application binary interface (ABI) for the AICI Controllers. It also provides higher-level interfaces for implementing controllers.
Conceptually, the lowest level interface to AICI constraint is this:
type TokenId = u32;
type SeqId = u32;
trait AiciCtrl {
/// Called with the initial prompt. ~1000ms time limit.
fn init_prompt(prompt: Vec<TokenId>);
/// Called before mid_process(), can fork or suspend. ~1ms.
fn pre_process() -> enum {
Continue, // Same as Fork { num_forks: 1 }
Suspend, // skip this generation round
Fork { num_forks: u32 },
/// This is the main entry point for the module. ~20ms.
fn mid_process(fork_group: Vec<SeqId>) -> enum {
SampleWithBias { bias: Vec<f32> },
Splice { backtrack: u32, ff_tokens: Vec<TokenId> }
/// Called after tokens are appended. ~1ms.
fn post_process(tokens: Vec<TokenId>) -> enum { Stop, Continue };
Tokens depend on the tokenizer used (eg., for Llama there 32000 tokens, and for GPT-4 there is ~100k).
The actual binary interface is a bit more complicated, due to limitations in passing values to and from Wasm. A Wasm module instance is created for each token sequence. Also, when the sequence forks (as in beam search), the module instance is cloned. See the AiciCtrl Rust trait for details.
A number of functions are exposed to the Wasm module.
First, there are functions for accessing the current tokenizer:
/// Given a byte sequence, return a sequence of token Ids.
fn tokenize_bytes(s: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<TokenId>;
/// Represents trie of all tokens in the current tokenizer.
impl TokTrie {
/// Get Id for EOS token etc.
fn special_token(tok: SpecialToken) -> TokenId;
/// Number of tokens.
fn vocab_size() -> usize;
/// Convert token Id to bytes (often UTF-8 string).
fn token(token: TokenId) -> Vec<u8>;
/// Given a Recognizer, compute the set of allowed tokens.
fn compute_bias(rec: impl Recognizer) -> Vec<bool>;
Different forks in a sequence can communicate via shared variables:
/// This can be looked up in fork_group.
fn self_seq_id() -> SeqId;
trait VariableStorage {
fn get(name: str) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
fn set(name: str, value: Vec<u8>);
fn append(name: str, value: Vec<u8>);
Additionally, the stdout
and stderr
file descriptors are captured by the runtime
and returned to user when streaming results.
This interface may need to be extended in the future.
The constraints are typically expressed on strings or bytes, not tokens.
To compute the set of tokens that match a string constraint, one needs go through all the possible tokens
and apply the constraint.
An efficient way to do this is walk a prefix tree (trie) of all tokens.
The aici_abi
library implements this trie and exposes a way of filtering when provided with a constraints
implementing the following interface:
pub trait Recognizer {
/// If `` transitions via `byte` to `X`, execute `stack.push(X)`.
fn push_byte(&mut self, byte: u8);
/// for _ in 0..num { stack.pop() }
fn pop_bytes(&mut self, num: usize);
/// X =; stack.empty(); stack.push(X)
fn collapse(&mut self);
/// check if transitions via byte to a viable state
fn byte_allowed(&mut self, byte: u8) -> bool;
/// check if transitions via tok to a viable state
fn special_allowed(&mut self, tok: SpecialToken) -> bool;
/// Called when iteration over the trie is finished
/// Stack has exactly one element then.
fn trie_finished(&mut self);
/// This combines `push_byte` and `byte_allowed` into one function for performance.
fn try_push_byte(&mut self, byte: u8) -> bool;
The AiciRecognizer
struct converts Recognizer
to AiciCtrl
The following interface can be transformed into Recognizer
using StackRecognizer
pub trait FunctionalRecognizer<S: Copy> {
/// Initial state
fn initial(&self) -> S;
/// Extend the recognizer with given byte.
fn append(&self, state: S, byte: u8) -> S;
/// Check if given byte is allowed in given state.
fn byte_allowed(&self, state: S, byte: u8) -> bool;
/// Check if given special token is allowed in given state.
fn special_allowed(&self, state: S, tok: SpecialToken) -> bool;
These three layers add up to about 40k of compiled code (Wasm).
The FunctionalRecognizer
interface is implemented for regular expressions.
The S
type is the state of the DFA (Deterministic Finite Automaton) that recognizes the regular expression,
then append()
and byte_allowed()
are the standard DFA operations,
while special_allowed()
is only implemented for end-of-sequence token
(which is allowed when the current state is accepting).
The Recognizer
interface is implemented for LR(1) grammars and DFA-based lexers.
The grammar uses inline syntax for the lexer:
for keywords; any string works, eg."+="
, ..."/.../"
for regular expressions; you cannot have both'
in the regex SpecialSKIP
rule is used to indicate tokens that need to be skipped by the LR(1) parser (eg., whitespace and comments)
The lexer has a DFA which recognizes all regexps and keywords
(a big disjunction, but with additional machinery to disambiguate between different branches).
It goes byte by byte, until the DFA gets to a dead state (from which no match is possible).
Then it goes back one byte and checks for match.
It prefers keywords over regexps.
If no match is found, an error is reported, which requires careful design of the lexical part of the grammar
(eg., see how the white-space
rule below is prefix of the pre-processor
For example, this is fragment of grammar for C:
%start translation_unit
: "//\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*//" // block comment
| "///.*/" // line comment
| "/\n[ \t\v\f]*#(.*\\\n)*.*/" // pre-processor
| "/\n?[ \t\v\f]*/" // white-space
IDENTIFIER: "/[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*/" ;
: "/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[uUlL]*?/"
| "/0[0-9]+[uUlL]*?/"
STRING_LITERAL: '/"(\\.|[^\\"])*"/' ;
| "(" expression ")"
// ...
: "enum" "{" enumerator_list "}"
| "enum" IDENTIFIER "{" enumerator_list "}"
// ...
: external_declaration
| translation_unit external_declaration