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Distributed Neural Networks for Spark. Details are available in the paper.

Using SparkNet

To run SparkNet, you will need a Spark cluster. SparkNet apps can be run using spark-submit.

Quick Start

Start a Spark cluster using our AMI

  1. Create an AWS secret key and access key. Instructions here.

  2. Run export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= and export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= with the relevant values.

  3. Clone our repository locally.

  4. Start a 5-worker Spark cluster on EC2 by running

     SparkNet/ec2/spark-ec2 --key-pair=key --identity-file=key.rsa --region=eu-west-1 --zone=eu-west-1c --instance-type=g2.8xlarge --ami=ami-c0dd7db3 -s 5 --copy-aws-credentials --spark-version 1.5.0 --spot-price 1.5 --no-ganglia --user-data SparkNet/ec2/cloud-config.txt launch sparknet

assuming key.rsa is your key pair.

Train Cifar using SparkNet

  1. SSH to the Spark master as root.

  2. Run /root/SparkNet/caffe/data/cifar10/ to get the Cifar data

  3. Train Cifar on 5 workers using

     /root/spark/bin/spark-submit --class apps.CifarApp /root/SparkNet/target/scala-2.10/sparknet-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 5
  4. That's all! Information is logged on the master in /root/training_log*.txt.


For now, you have to install the following. We have an AMI with these dependencies already installed (ami-c0dd7db3). Dependencies:

  1. sbt 0.13 - installation instructions
  2. cuda 7.0 - installation instructions
  3. lmdb - apt-get install liblmdb-dev (optional, only if you want to use LMDB)
  4. leveldb - apt-get install libleveldb-dev (optional, only if you want to use LevelDB)


On EC2:

  1. For each worker node, create one volume (e.g., 100GB) and attach it to the worker (e.g., for instance, at /dev/sdf)

On the master:

  1. Clone the SparkNet repository.

  2. Set the SPARKNET_HOME environment variable to the SparkNet directory.

  3. Build Caffe by running the following:

     mkdir build
     cd build
     cmake ../libccaffe
     make -j 30
  4. Increase the Java heap space with export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx8g".

  5. Run mkdir /tmp/spark-events (Spark does some logging there).

  6. Build SparkNet by doing:

     sbt assembly

On each worker:

  1. Clone the SparkNet repository.
  2. Set the SPARKNET_HOME environment variable to the SparkNet directory.
  3. Build Caffe as on the master.
  4. Run mount /dev/xvdf /mnt2/spark to mount the volume you created earlier (assuming you attached the volume at /dev/sdf). Spark will spill data to disk here. If everything fits in memory, then this may not be necessary.

Example Apps


To run CifarApp, do the following:

  1. First get the Cifar data with

  2. Then submit the job with spark-submit

     $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --class apps.CifarApp SparkNetPreview/target/scala-2.10/sparknetpreview-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 5


To run ImageNet, do the following:

  1. Obtain the ImageNet files (ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar and ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar) by following the instructions here. This involves creating an account and submitting a request.

  2. On the master, create ~/.aws/credentials with the following content:

  3. Run ~/spark-ec2/copy-dir ~/.aws to copy the credentials to the workers (note that this command is sensitive to the placement of the slashes).

  4. Run the following script to put the ImageNet data on S3 in the appropriate format:

python $SPARKNET_HOME/scripts/ sparknet \
    --train_tar_file=/path/to/ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar \
    --val_tar_file=/path/to/ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar \
    --new_width=256 \

Note that in the above command, sparknet is the name of the S3 bucket, and you will have to change it to the name of your S3 bucket. This script will shuffle the training data, tar the validation images, and resize all of the images to be 256x256. 5. Submit a job on the master with

    spark-submit --class apps.ImageNetApp $SPARKNET_HOME/target/scala-2.10/sparknet-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar n sparknet

where n is the number of worker nodes in your Spark cluster and sparknet is the name of your S3 bucket (you have to change this to the correct name of your S3 bucket).

The SparkNet Architecture

SparkNet is a deep learning library for Spark. Here we describe a bit of the design.

Calling Caffe from Java and Scala

We use Java Native Access to call C code from Java. Since Caffe is written in C++, we first create a C wrapper for Caffe in libccaffe/ccaffe.cpp and libccaffe/ccaffe.h. We then create a Java interface to the C wrapper in src/main/java/libs/ This library could be called directly, but the easiest way to use it is through the CaffeNet class in src/main/scala/libs/Net.scala.

To enable Caffe to read data from Spark RDDs, we define a JavaDataLayer in caffe/include/caffe/data_layers.hpp and caffe/src/caffe/layers/java_data_layer.cpp.

Defining Models

A model is specified in a NetParameter object, and a solver is specified in a SolverParameter object. These can be specified directly in Scala, for example:

val netParam = NetParam ("LeNet",
  RDDLayer("data", shape=List(batchsize, 1, 28, 28), None),
  RDDLayer("label", shape=List(batchsize, 1), None),
  ConvolutionLayer("conv1", List("data"), kernel=(5,5), numOutput=20),
  PoolingLayer("pool1", List("conv1"), pooling=Pooling.Max, kernel=(2,2), stride=(2,2)),
  ConvolutionLayer("conv2", List("pool1"), kernel=(5,5), numOutput=50),
  PoolingLayer("pool2", List("conv2"), pooling=Pooling.Max, kernel=(2,2), stride=(2,2)),
  InnerProductLayer("ip1", List("pool2"), numOutput=500),
  ReLULayer("relu1", List("ip1")),
  InnerProductLayer("ip2", List("relu1"), numOutput=10),
  SoftmaxWithLoss("loss", List("ip2", "label"))

Conveniently, they can be loaded from Caffe prototxt files:

val sparkNetHome = sys.env("SPARKNET_HOME")
var netParameter = ProtoLoader.loadNetPrototxt(sparkNetHome + "/caffe/models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/train_val.prototxt")
netParameter = ProtoLoader.replaceDataLayers(netParameter, trainBatchSize, testBatchSize, channels, croppedHeight, croppedWidth)
val solverParameter = ProtoLoader.loadSolverPrototxtWithNet(sparkNetHome + "/caffe/models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/solver.prototxt", netParameter, None)

The third line modifies the NetParameter object to read data from a JavaDataLayer. A CaffeNet object can then be created from a SolverParameter object:

val net = CaffeNet(solverParameter)


Distributed Neural Networks for Spark







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  • Scala 52.7%
  • Python 40.6%
  • Java 4.9%
  • Shell 1.8%