Distributed Neural Networks for Spark. Details are available in the paper.
Start a Spark cluster using our AMI
Create an AWS secret key and access key. Instructions here.
andexport AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=
with the relevant values. -
Clone our repository locally.
Start a 5-worker Spark cluster on EC2 by running
SparkNet/ec2/spark-ec2 --key-pair=key \ --identity-file=key.pem \ --region=eu-west-1 \ --zone=eu-west-1c \ --instance-type=g2.8xlarge \ --ami=ami-c573c1b6 \ --copy-aws-credentials \ --spark-version=1.5.0 \ --spot-price=1.5 \ --no-ganglia \ --user-data SparkNet/ec2/cloud-config.txt \ --slaves=5 \ launch sparknet
You will probably have to change several fields in this command.
For example, the flags --key-pair
and --identity-file
specify the key pair you will use to connect to the cluster.
The flag --slaves
specifies the number of Spark workers.
Train Cifar using SparkNet
SSH to the Spark master as
. -
bash /root/SparkNet/data/cifar10/get_cifar10.sh
to get the Cifar data -
Train Cifar on 5 workers using
/root/spark/bin/spark-submit --class apps.CifarApp /root/SparkNet/target/scala-2.10/sparknet-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 5
That's all! Information is logged on the master in
Train ImageNet using SparkNet
Obtain the ImageNet data by following the instructions here with
wget http://.../ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar wget http://.../ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar
This involves creating an account and submitting a request.
On the Spark master, create
with the following content:[default] aws_access_key_id= aws_secret_access_key=
and fill in the two fields.
Copy this to the workers with
~/spark-ec2/copy-dir ~/.aws
(copy this command exactly because it is somewhat sensitive to the trailing backslashes and that kind of thing). -
Create an Amazon S3 bucket with name
. -
Upload the ImageNet data in the appropriate format to S3 with the command
python $SPARKNET_HOME/scripts/put_imagenet_on_s3.py $S3_BUCKET \ --train_tar_file=/path/to/ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar \ --val_tar_file=/path/to/ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar \ --new_width=256 \ --new_height=256
This command resizes the images to 256x256, shuffles the training data, and tars the validation files into chunks.
Train ImageNet on 5 workers using
/root/spark/bin/spark-submit --class apps.ImageNetApp /root/SparkNet/target/scala-2.10/sparknet-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 5 $S3_BUCKET
Start an EC2 instance with Ubuntu 14.04 and a GPU instance type (e.g., g2.8xlarge). Suppose it has IP address xxx.xx.xx.xxx.
Connect to the node as
:ssh -i ~/.ssh/key.pem [email protected]
Install an editor
sudo apt-get install emacs
. -
Open the file
sudo emacs /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
and delete everything before
ssh-rsa ...
so that you can connect to the node asroot
. -
Close the connection with
. -
Connect to the node as
:ssh -i ~/.ssh/key.pem [email protected]
Intall CUDA-7.5. The best instructions I've found are here.
echo "/usr/local/cuda-7.5/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/cuda.conf
Install sbt. Instructions here.
apt-get update
apt-get install awscli s3cmd
Install Java
apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
. -
Clone the SparkNet repository
git clone https://github.com/amplab/SparkNet.git
in your home directory. -
Build SparkNet with
cd ~/SparkNet
andsbt assemble
. -
Add the following to your
:export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-7.5/targets/x86_64-linux/lib export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx8g export SPARKNET_HOME=/root/SparkNet/
Some of these paths may need to be adapted, but the
directory should containlibcudart.so.7.5
(this file can be found withlocate libcudart.so.7.5
after runningupdatedb
). -
Create the file
and add the following:if [ "$BASH" ]; then if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi fi export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64
Spark expects
to be set in your~/.bash_profile
and the launch scriptSparkNet/ec2/spark-ec2
will give an error if it isn't there. -
Clear your bash history
cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history && history -c && exit
. -
Now you can create an image of your instance, and you're all set! This is the procedure that we used to create our AMI.