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370 lines (242 loc) · 30.5 KB

File metadata and controls

370 lines (242 loc) · 30.5 KB

Release Notes

8.0.0 (pending release)

  • #580 Multiple tweaks to diffSentences:
    • tokenization no longer takes quadratic time on pathological inputs (reported as a ReDOS vulnerability by Snyk); is now linear instead
    • the final sentence in the string is now handled the same by the tokenizer regardless of whether it has a trailing punctuation mark or not. (Previously, "foo. bar." tokenized to ["foo.", " ", "bar."] but "foo. bar" tokenized to ["foo.", " bar"] - i.e. whether the space between sentences was treated as a separate token depended upon whether the final sentence had trailing punctuation or not. This was arbitrary and surprising; it is no longer the case.)
    • in a string that starts with a sentence end, like "! hello.", the "!" is now treated as a separate sentence
    • the README now correctly documents the tokenization behaviour (it was wrong before)
  • #581 - fix some regex operations used for tokenization in diffWords taking O(n^2) time in pathological cases


Just a single (breaking) bugfix, undoing a behaviour change introduced accidentally in 6.0.0:

  • #554 diffWords treats numbers and underscores as word characters again. This behaviour was broken in v6.0.0.


This is a release containing many, many breaking changes. The objective of this release was to carry out a mass fix, in one go, of all the open bugs and design problems that required breaking changes to fix. A substantial, but exhaustive, changelog is below.


  • #497 diffWords behavior has been radically changed. Previously, even with ignoreWhitespace: true, runs of whitespace were tokens, which led to unhelpful and unintuitive diffing behavior in typical texts. Specifically, even when two texts contained overlapping passages, diffWords would sometimes choose to delete all the words from the old text and insert them anew in their new positions in order to avoid having to delete or insert whitespace tokens. Whitespace sequences are no longer tokens as of this release, which affects both the generated diffs and the counts.

    Runs of whitespace are still tokens in diffWordsWithSpace.

    As part of the changes to diffWords, a new .postProcess method has been added on the base Diff type, which can be overridden in custom Diff implementations.

    diffLines with ignoreWhitespace: true will no longer ignore the insertion or deletion of entire extra lines of whitespace at the end of the text. Previously, these would not show up as insertions or deletions, as a side effect of a hack in the base diffing algorithm meant to help ignore whitespace in diffWords. More generally, the undocumented special handling in the core algorithm for ignored terminals has been removed entirely. (This special case behavior used to rewrite the final two change objects in a scenario where the final change object was an addition or deletion and its value was treated as equal to the empty string when compared using the diff object's .equals method.)

  • #500 diffChars now diffs Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 code units.

  • #508 parsePatch now always runs in what was previously "strict" mode; the undocumented strict option has been removed. Previously, by default, parsePatch (and other patch functions that use it under the hood to parse patches) would accept a patch where the line counts in the headers were inconsistent with the actual patch content - e.g. where a hunk started with the header @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@, indicating that the content below spanned 3 lines in the old file and 6 lines in the new file, but then the actual content below the header consisted of some different number of lines, say 10 lines of context, 5 deletions, and 1 insertion. Actually trying to work with these patches using applyPatch or merge, however, would produce incorrect results instead of just ignoring the incorrect headers, making this "feature" more of a trap than something actually useful. It's been ripped out, and now we are always "strict" and will reject patches where the line counts in the headers aren't consistent with the actual patch content.

  • #435 Fix parsePatch handling of control characters. parsePatch used to interpret various unusual control characters - namely vertical tabs, form feeds, lone carriage returns without a line feed, and EBCDIC NELs - as line breaks when parsing a patch file. This was inconsistent with the behavior of both JsDiff's own diffLines method and also the Unix diff and patch utils, which all simply treat those control characters as ordinary characters. The result of this discrepancy was that some well-formed patches - produced either by diff or by JsDiff itself and handled properly by the patch util - would be wrongly parsed by parsePatch, with the effect that it would disregard the remainder of a hunk after encountering one of these control characters.

  • #439 Prefer diffs that order deletions before insertions. When faced with a choice between two diffs with an equal total edit distance, the Myers diff algorithm generally prefers one that does deletions before insertions rather than insertions before deletions. For instance, when diffing abcd against acbd, it will prefer a diff that says to delete the b and then insert a new b after the c, over a diff that says to insert a c before the b and then delete the existing c. JsDiff deviated from the published Myers algorithm in a way that led to it having the opposite preference in many cases, including that example. This is now fixed, meaning diffs output by JsDiff will more accurately reflect what the published Myers diff algorithm would output.

  • #455 The added and removed properties of change objects are now guaranteed to be set to a boolean value. (Previously, they would be set to undefined or omitted entirely instead of setting them to false.)

  • #464 Specifying {maxEditLength: 0} now sets a max edit length of 0 instead of no maximum.

  • #460 Added oneChangePerToken option.

  • #467 Consistent ordering of arguments to comparator(left, right). Values from the old array will now consistently be passed as the first argument (left) and values from the new array as the second argument (right). Previously this was almost (but not quite) always the other way round.

  • #480 Passing maxEditLength to createPatch & createTwoFilesPatch now works properly (i.e. returns undefined if the max edit distance is exceeded; previous behavior was to crash with a TypeError if the edit distance was exceeded).

  • #486 The ignoreWhitespace option of diffLines behaves more sensibly now. values in returned change objects now include leading/trailing whitespace even when ignoreWhitespace is used, just like how with ignoreCase the values still reflect the case of one of the original texts instead of being all-lowercase. ignoreWhitespace is also now compatible with newlineIsToken. Finally, diffTrimmedLines is deprecated (and removed from the docs) in favour of using diffLines with ignoreWhitespace: true; the two are, and always have been, equivalent.

  • #490 When calling diffing functions in async mode by passing a callback option, the diff result will now be passed as the first argument to the callback instead of the second. (Previously, the first argument was never used at all and would always have value undefined.)

  • #489 this.options no longer exists on Diff objects. Instead, options is now passed as an argument to methods that rely on options, like equals(left, right, options). This fixes a race condition in async mode, where diffing behaviour could be changed mid-execution if a concurrent usage of the same Diff instances overwrote its options.

  • #518 linedelimiters no longer exists on patch objects; instead, when a patch with Windows-style CRLF line endings is parsed, the lines in lines will end with \r. There is now a new autoConvertLineEndings option, on by default, which makes it so that when a patch with Windows-style line endings is applied to a source file with Unix style line endings, the patch gets autoconverted to use Unix-style line endings, and when a patch with Unix-style line endings is applied to a source file with Windows-style line endings, it gets autoconverted to use Windows-style line endings.

  • #521 the callback option is now supported by structuredPatch, createPatch, and createTwoFilesPatch

  • #529 parsePatch can now parse patches where lines starting with -- or ++ are deleted/inserted; previously, there were edge cases where the parser would choke on valid patches or give wrong results.

  • #530 Added ignoreNewlineAtEof option to diffLines

  • #533 applyPatch uses an entirely new algorithm for fuzzy matching. Differences between the old and new algorithm are as follows:

    • The fuzzFactor now indicates the maximum Levenshtein distance that there can be between the context shown in a hunk and the actual file content at a location where we try to apply the hunk. (Previously, it represented a maximum Hamming distance, meaning that a single insertion or deletion in the source file could stop a hunk from applying even with a high fuzzFactor.)
    • A hunk containing a deletion can now only be applied in a context where the line to be deleted actually appears verbatim. (Previously, as long as enough context lines in the hunk matched, applyPatch would apply the hunk anyway and delete a completely different line.)
    • The context line immediately before and immediately after an insertion must match exactly between the hunk and the file for a hunk to apply. (Previously this was not required.)
  • #535 A bug in patch generation functions is now fixed that would sometimes previously cause \ No newline at end of file to appear in the wrong place in the generated patch, resulting in the patch being invalid. These invalid patches can also no longer be applied successfully with applyPatch. (It was already the case that tools other than jsdiff, like GNU patch, would consider them malformed and refuse to apply them; versions of jsdiff with this fix now do the same thing if you ask them to apply a malformed patch emitted by jsdiff v5.)

  • #535 Passing newlineIsToken: true to patch-generation functions is no longer allowed. (Passing it to diffLines is still supported - it's only functions like createPatch where passing newlineIsToken is now an error.) Allowing it to be passed never really made sense, since in cases where the option had any effect on the output at all, the effect tended to be causing a garbled patch to be created that couldn't actually be applied to the source file.

  • #539 diffWords now takes an optional intlSegmenter option which should be an Intl.Segmenter with word-level granularity. This provides better tokenization of text into words than the default behaviour, even for English but especially for some other languages for which the default behaviour is poor.



  • #411 Big performance improvement. Previously an O(n) array-copying operation inside the innermost loop of jsdiff's base diffing code increased the overall worst-case time complexity of computing a diff from O(n²) to O(n³). This is now fixed, bringing the worst-case time complexity down to what it theoretically should be for a Myers diff implementation.
  • #448 Performance improvement. Diagonals whose furthest-reaching D-path would go off the edge of the edit graph are now skipped, rather than being pointlessly considered as called for by the original Myers diff algorithm. This dramatically speeds up computing diffs where the new text just appends or truncates content at the end of the old text.
  • #351 Importing from the lib folder - e.g. require("diff/lib/diff/word.js") - will work again now. This had been broken for users on the latest version of Node since Node 17.5.0, which changed how Node interprets the exports property in jsdiff's package.json file.
  • #344 diffLines, createTwoFilesPatch, and other patch-creation methods now take an optional stripTrailingCr: true option which causes Windows-style \r\n line endings to be replaced with Unix-style \n line endings before calculating the diff, just like GNU diff's --strip-trailing-cr flag.
  • #451 Added diff.formatPatch.
  • #450 Added diff.reversePatch.
  • #478 Added timeout option.


  • #365 Allow early termination to limit execution time with degenerate cases



  • Breaking: UMD export renamed from JsDiff to Diff.
  • Breaking: Newlines separated into separate tokens for word diff.
  • Breaking: Unified diffs now match "quirks"


v4.0.1 - January 6th, 2019

  • Fix main reference path - b826104


v4.0.0 - January 5th, 2019

  • #94 - Missing "No newline at end of file" when comparing two texts that do not end in newlines (@federicotdn)
  • #227 - Licence
  • #199 - Import statement for jsdiff
  • #159 - applyPatch affecting wrong line number with with new lines
  • #8 - A new state "replace"
  • Drop ie9 from karma targets - 79c31bd
  • Upgrade deps. Convert from webpack to rollup - 2c1a29c
  • Make ()[]"' as word boundaries between each other - f27b899
  • jsdiff: Replaced phantomJS by chrome - ec3114e
  • Add yarn.lock to .npmignore - 29466d8

Compatibility notes:

  • Bower and Component packages no longer supported


v3.5.0 - March 4th, 2018

  • Omit redundant slice in join method of diffArrays - 1023590
  • Support patches with empty lines - fb0f208
  • Accept a custom JSON replacer function for JSON diffing - 69c7f0a
  • Optimize parch header parser - 2aec429
  • Fix typos - e89c832


v3.4.0 - October 7th, 2017

  • #183 - Feature request: ability to specify a custom equality checker for diffArrays
  • #173 - Bug: diffArrays gives wrong result on array of booleans
  • #158 - diffArrays will not compare the empty string in array?
  • comparator for custom equality checks - 30e141e
  • count oldLines and newLines when there are conflicts - 53bf384
  • Fix: diffArrays can compare falsey items - 9e24284
  • Docs: Replace grunt with npm test - 00e2f94


v3.3.1 - September 3rd, 2017

  • #141 - Cannot apply patch because my file delimiter is "/r/n" instead of "/n"
  • #192 - Fix: Bad merge when adding new files (#189)
  • correct spelling mistake - 21fa478


v3.3.0 - July 5th, 2017

  • #114 - /patch/merge not exported
  • Gracefully accept invalid newStart in hunks, same as patch(1) does. - d8a3635
  • Use regex rather than starts/ends with for parsePatch - 6cab62c
  • Add browser flag - e64f674
  • refactor: simplified code a bit more - 8f8e0f2
  • refactor: simplified code a bit - b094a6f
  • fix: some corrections re ignoreCase option - 3c78fd0
  • ignoreCase option - 3cbfbb5
  • Sanitize filename while parsing patches - 2fe8129
  • Added better installation methods - aced50b
  • Simple export of functionality - 8690f31


v3.2.0 - December 26th, 2016


v3.1.0 - November 27th, 2016

  • #146 - JsDiff.diffArrays to compare arrays (@wvanderdeijl)
  • #144 - Split file using all possible line delimiter instead of hard-coded "/n" and join lines back using the original delimiters (@soulbeing)


v3.0.1 - October 9th, 2016

  • #139 - Make look nicer in (@takenspc)
  • #135 - parsePatch combines patches from multiple files into a single IUniDiff when there is no "Index" line (@ramya-rao-a)
  • #124 - IE7/IE8 failure since 2.0.0 (@boneskull)


v3.0.0 - August 23rd, 2016

Compatibility notes:

  • applyPatches patch callback now is async and requires the callback be called to continue operation


v2.2.3 - May 31st, 2016


v2.2.2 - March 13th, 2016


v2.2.1 - November 12th, 2015

  • #89 - add in display selector to readme (@FranDias)
  • #88 - Split diffs based on file headers instead of 'Index:' metadata (@piranna)


v2.2.0 - October 29th, 2015

v2.2.0 - October 29th, 2015

v2.1.3 - September 30th, 2015

  • #78 - fix: error throwing when apply patch to empty string (@21paradox)


v2.1.2 - September 23rd, 2015


v2.1.1 - September 9th, 2015


v2.1.0 - August 27th, 2015

  • #72 - Consider using options object API for flag permutations (@kpdecker)
  • #70 - diffWords treats \n at the end as significant whitespace (@nesQuick)
  • #69 - Missing count (@wfalkwallace)
  • #68 - diffLines seems broken (@wfalkwallace)
  • #60 - Support multiple diff hunks (@piranna)
  • #54 - Feature Request: 3-way merge (@mog422)
  • #42 - Fuzz factor for applyPatch (@stuartpb)
  • Move whitespace ignore out of equals method - 542063c
  • Include source maps in babel output - 7f7ab21
  • Merge diff/line and diff/patch implementations - 1597705
  • Drop map utility method - 1ddc939
  • Documentation for parsePatch and applyPatches - 27c4b77

Compatibility notes:

  • The undocumented ignoreWhitespace flag has been removed from the Diff equality check directly. This implementation may be copied to diff utilities if dependencies existed on this functionality.


v2.0.2 - August 8th, 2015

  • #67 - cannot require from npm module in node (@commenthol)
  • Convert to chai since we don’t support IE8 - a96bbad


v2.0.1 - August 7th, 2015

  • Add release build at proper step - 57542fd


v2.0.0 - August 7th, 2015

Compatibility notes:

  • this.removeEmpty is now called automatically for all instances. If this is not desired, this may be overridden on a per instance basis.
  • The library has been refactored to use some ES6 features. The external APIs should remain the same, but bower projects that directly referenced the repository will now have to point to the components/jsdiff repository.


v1.4.0 - May 6th, 2015


v1.3.2 - March 30th, 2015

  • #53 - Updated README.MD with Bower installation instructions (@ofbriggs)
  • #49 - Cannot read property 'oldlines' of undefined (@nwtn)
  • #44 - invalid-meta jsdiff is missing "main" entry in bower.json


v1.3.1 - March 13th, 2015


v1.3.0 - March 2nd, 2015


v1.2.2 - January 26th, 2015


v1.2.1 - December 26th, 2014

  • #41 - change condition of using node export system. (@ironhee)


v1.2.0 - November 29th, 2014

  • #37 - Add support for sentences. (@vmariano)
  • #28 - Implemented diffJson (@papandreou)
  • #27 - Slow to execute over diffs with a large number of changes (@termi)
  • Allow for optional async diffing - 19385b9
  • Fix diffChars implementation - eaa44ed


v1.1.0 - November 25th, 2014


v1.0.8 - December 22nd, 2013

  • #24 - Handle windows newlines on non windows machines. (@benogle)
  • #23 - Prettied up the API formatting a little, and added basic node and web examples (@airportyh)


v1.0.7 - September 11th, 2013

  • #22 - Added variant of WordDiff that doesn't ignore whitespace differences (@papandreou

  • Add 0.10 to travis tests - 243a526


v1.0.6 - August 30th, 2013
