MNE is a Python module for processing MEG and EEG data.
It is a project initiated:
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging Massachusetts General Hospital Charlestown, MA, USA
Available under the very permissive BSD (3-clause) license.
Even if this code is primarily developed at the Martinos Center, the purpose of opening it is to welcome contributions and feedback from users. This code is not the property of MGH / Martinos Center, so feel free to use it, modify it and add your name to this project.
Just click on the Downloads button at
The required dependencies to build the software are python >= 2.5, NumPy >= 1.4, SciPy >= 0.7.
To run the tests you will also need nose >= 0.10. and the MNE sample dataset (will be downloaded automatically when you run an example ... but be patient)
This packages uses distutils, which is the default way of installing python modules. The install command is:
python install
You can check the latest sources with the command:
git clone git://
or if you have write privileges:
git clone [email protected]:mne-tools/mne-python.git
Please report bugs you might encounter to: [email protected] or even better, open an issue on github.
You can launch the test suite using nosetests from the source folder.