#Ev3: Lego Robotics in Elixir
You can do whatever you want.
The goals of this project are:
- To give Elixir coders access to the EV3 via EV3DEV -- DONE --
- To implement a function domain language for interacting with the EV3 brick --DONE --
- To take full advantage of processes and OTP to ease the implementation of complex control software --TBD--
- To have fun!
This project was inspired by Torben Hoffmann. Thanks Torben!
- You will need a Lego Mindstorms EV3 kit
- A micro-SD card with EV3Dev on it
- Some way to communicate with the EV3 brick (Bluetooth or WiFi)
- Erlang and Elixir installed on both you computer and the EV3
Go to my blog for further instructions, pointers and examples.
I use the following shell script to quickly upload and install code on the EV3 brick:
On my computer's .bashrc file:
alias deploy-ev3='pushd ~/projects; tar -cf ev3.tar --exclude="*.git" --exclude="*.*~" --exclude=".gitignore" ev3; scp ev3.tar [email protected]:~jf/ev3.tar; popd'
On the EV3 brick, in my .bashrc file:
alias install-ev3='pushd ~;rm -r ev3;tar -xvf ev3.tar;popd'
You will need to modify them to fit your own context.