Winter 2018/2019
Instructor: Richard McElreath
Location: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 4th floor seminar room
When: 10am-11am Mondays & Fridays (see calendar below)
Text: Statistical Rethinking, 1st ed and 2nd ed draft chapters
We'll use the Experimental (development) branch of my R package, because it has new features to go with the new course notes. First, you need to install rstan
. Go to and find the instructions for your platform. Then you can install the rethinking
The code is all on github:
You can also run everything from the RStudio Cloud in your web browser. This is up-to-date with rethinking 1.80 and rstan 2.17.3 (as of 4 Dec 2018):
We'll use draft chapters for the 2nd edition of my book, Statistical Rethinking. If you have the password that I give out in lecture (attend class or watch the lectures), you can download them at this link:
I will also post problem sets and solutions here. Check the folders at the top.
I will add links to slides and videos in the calendar below. The slides will be posted here: The videos will be here:
01-Dec 3: The Golem of Prague <slides> <video>
02-Dec 7: Garden of Forking Data <slides> <video>
03-Dec 10: Geocentric Models <slides> <video>
04-Dec 14: Wiggly Orbits <slides> <video>
05-Jan 7: Spurious Waffles <slides> <video>
06-Jan 11: Haunted DAG <slides> <video>
07-Jan 14: Ulysses' Compass <slides> <video>
08-Jan 18: Model Comparison <slides> [video]
Jan 21/25: Conditional Manatees (Interactions)
Jan 28/Feb 1: Markov chain Monte Carlo / Maximum entropy & GLMs
Feb 4/8: Generalized Linear Models
Feb 11/15: Models with Memory (Multilevel models 1)
Feb 18/22: Adventures in Covariance (Multilevel models 2)
Feb 25/Mar 1: Missing Values & Measurement Error / Generalized Linear Madness (models beyond the GLM(M) framework)