Implements a GUI using Java, that allows to edit and run Sikuli scripts (currently Jython and JRuby are supported). It is an easy to use IDE focusing on the handling of the screenshots and images used in the typical Sikuli workflows.
It can also be used to run scripts from commandline.
2.1.0 - Current development focus
The IDE GUI features are being completely revised including some changes in the Look&Feel:
- Buttons and popup-menus
- thumbnail-images and their behavior on click (features and options)
- image preview feature (adjust pattern options and image optimization)
- global preferences
- per script preferences
- auto-complete including auto-capture
- recorder feature
- generic support for right-click (context menus)
... work in progress
Important information for the use of the 2.1.0 snapshot jars
Java 11+ and 64-Bit support required
Make sure you are using Java 11 or later when running SikuliX IDE 2.1.0 (either from commandline with java command or by double-clicking the jar-file).
Recommendation: Use the packages from AdoptOpenJDK.
The jars are system-specific
After download you will have jars, that only run on the system, they are built for:
- Windows: sikulixwin-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT-date-time-N.jar
- macOS: sikulixmac-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT-date-time-N.jar
- Linux: sikulixlux-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT-date-time-N.jar
... where *date*-*time*-*N*
is a timestamp of the time, the jar was created on OSSRH.
Feel free, to rename the jar to whatever you need/want.
Jython is included
The content of jython-2.7.2-slim.jar
available on Maven Central is included in the SikuliX IDE,
so Jython scripting is available out of the box.
JRuby supported, but not included
If you want to use Ruby scripting via JRuby support, you have to take care, that a JRuby jar (version 9.2.11+) is on the Java classpath when running the SikuliX IDE.
OpenCV support is included
The OpenCV libraries and the Java interface are included in the SikuliX IDE. It is based on the contents of
OpenPnP::OpenCV and currently on OpenCV version 4.5
Note on Linux
: The included libraries are built and tested on recent Ubuntu versions. In case of problems
or for not compatible Linux flavours you have to find a solution. Feel free, to post an issue
with complete information about your environment and your trials.
OCR support via Tesseract
OCR support is included via the package Tess4J and currently
on version 4.5.4
based on the Tesseract
libraries version 4.1.1
and Leptonica
libraries version 1.79
- Windows: the Tesseract pre-built libraries are included and automatically made available at runtime.
- macOS: preferably use HomeBrew to
brew install tesseract
, which should installversion 4.1.1
and take care for any dependencies - Linux: use a suitable way, to get the Tesseract and Leptonica libraries available on the system library path.
VNC and Android support suspended
The features are currently not available and might come back later.