Personal dotfiles repo. Includes:
- vim
- zsh
- bash
- python
- flask
- dynamodb
git checkout
cd dot-files/
Run 'all' as a parameter to setup everything; otherwise specify which dot file to setup.
./ (vim|zsh|python|all)
- C-N - Toggle Nerdtree
- C-P - ctrlp (default workdir is ~/Workspace)
- C-T - Open new tab
- C-W - Previous tab
- C-E - Next tab
- C-U - Gundo toggle
- C-B - Open bash tab
- C-Y - Open python tab
- F5 - Lint file. Supported filetypes: spec, ruby, puppet, javascript and python.
- F6 - Execute current file and place output in horizontal split.
- F7 - Tagbar toggle
- vv - Open vertical split
- ss - Open split
- bn - Next buffer
- bp - Previous buffer
- bB - Bash vsplit
- bP - Python vsplit
- ,q - Resize vsplit to the left
- ,r - Resize vsplit to the right
- ,e - Resize split up
- ,w - Resize split down
- ,h - Move left between vsplit
- ,l - Move right between vsplit
- ,k - Move up between split
- ,j - Move down between split
- ,H - Move vsplit to the left
- ,L - Move vsplit to the right
- ,K - Move split up
- ,J - Move split down
Other useful tips:
- :Gstatus - Git status
- :Gcommit - Git commit
- :Git - Git
- <Space> mapped to @q; Record macro to 'q' register and execute with <Space> (Default is comment line with #)
Vim mode zsh. Esc puts terminal in command mode.
For local zsh changes, use ~/.zshlocal file. For local bash changes, use ~/.bashlocal file.
Right handed git prompt once in a git directory.
Vagrant aliases:
- vs - vagrant status
- vu - vagrant up
- vd - vagrant destroy
- vss - vagrant ssh
- vh - vagrant halt
- vr - vagrant rdp
Maven aliases:
- mvdeploy - mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
- mvundeploy - mvn wildfly:undeploy
- mcp - mvn clean package
Git aliases:
- gs - git status
- gb - git branch
- gd - git diff --color
- gdt - git difftool
- gc - git clone
- gch - git checkout
- gr - git remote
- gm - git merge
- gmt - git mergetool
- gl - git log --oneline --decorate --color --graph
- gc - git commit
- gp - git pull
- gP - git push
- ga - git add
- gf - git fetch
- grm - git rm
- gconf - git config
- ginit - git init
- greset - git reset
- gst - git stash
JBoss control script (Make sure to set $JBOSS_HOME variable): jbctl (command)
- jbctl version - Check version
- jbctl hist - CLI history
- jbctl cmd - Open CLI
- jbctl start - Start JBoss
- jbctl stop - Stop JBoss
- jbctl restart - Restart JBoss
- jbctl home - Display JBoss home
- jbctl lssnap - Display snaps
- jbctl tksnap - Take snapshot
- jbctl rmsnap (snapshot name) - Delete snap
- jbctl lsdeploy (servergroup name) - Display deployments
- jbctl deploy (artifact, servergroup name) - Deploy artifact
- jbctl undeploy (artifact) - Undeploy artifact
- jbctl less - Open log in less
- jbctl tail - Tail -f log
- jbctl status - Check running state
- jbctl lsservers - List servers in domain
- jbctl phist (server name) - Show patch history
- jbctl sgrestart (servergroup name) - Restart a server group
Other aliases:
- ll - ls -l
- la - ls -la
- lh - ls -lh
- ltr - ls -ltr
- psg - ps aux | grep
pythonrc file for interactive shell. Includes tab completion, python shell history and certain shell functions (for replacing bash/zsh with python).
Sets up simple flask server running on port 8080, along with templates. Includes nginx configuration file for proxying port 80 to 8080. Use flaskctl to control.
Sets up a local instance of dynamodb. Use dynamodbctl to control.
Any bugs/concerns/issues/etc please email [email protected].