Personal dotfiles repo. Includes:
- vim
- bash
- i3
git checkout
cd dot-files/
Run 'all' as a parameter to setup everything; otherwise specify which dot file to setup.
./ (vim|bash|i3|all)
- C-A - Autocomplete
- C-N - Toggle Nerdtree
- C-P - ctrlp (default workdir is ~/Workspace)
- C-T - Open new tab
- C-W - Previous tab
- C-E - Next tab
- C-U - undotree toggle
- C-B - Open bash tab
- C-Y - Open python tab
- C-D - Open sqlite3 tab
- C-F - Fold
- C-L - Lint file. Supported filetypes: spec, ruby, javascript and python.
- C-G - Tagbar toggle
- vv - Open vertical split
- ss - Open split
- bn - Next buffer
- bp - Previous buffer
- bB - Bash vsplit
- bP - Python vsplit
- bD - sqlite3 vsplit
- ,q - Resize vsplit to the left
- ,r - Resize vsplit to the right
- ,e - Resize split up
- ,w - Resize split down
- ,h - Move left between vsplit
- ,l - Move right between vsplit
- ,k - Move up between split
- ,j - Move down between split
- ,H - Move vsplit to the left
- ,L - Move vsplit to the right
- ,K - Move split up
- ,J - Move split down
- ,a - Page up
- ,z - Page down
- \r - Compile/run. Works with bash, python3, go, c/c++, java, asm
- \d - Jedi definitions
- \g - Jedi assignments
- \n - Jedi usages
- \k - Jedi pydoc
- \t - Golang autocompletion
- \b - Set python breakpoint
- \q - Open PDB
- \jn - Java generate new class
- \jN - Java generate new class in file
- \jc - Java generate constructor
- \jts - Java generate ToString
- \jA - Java generate accessors
- \jI - Java add missing imports
- \jR - Java remove unused imports
- \gs - Git status
- \gd - Git diff
- \gb - Git blame
- \gc - Git commit
- \gp - Git pull
- \gP - Git push
- \cd - CD to current git dir
- \cm - Run CMake
- \m - Run make
- \ww - Open wiki. Use on a word to create/link new wiki. to create checkbox.
- \wt - Wiki tab
- <Space> - Clear search highlight
Other useful tips:
- :Dox - Generate doxygen
- :ServerRequest - Creates a server in vagrantlab environment, sets salt role, and boots
- :Hex - Toggle hex editor
- :ServerShellTab - Create a conqueterm shell in new tab with SSH to the vagrant box
- :ServerShellVSplit - Create a conqueterm shell in new vsplit with SSH to the vagrant box
- :ServerStart - Start VM in vagrantlab
- :ServerStop - Stop VM in vagrantlab
- <Space> mapped to @q; Record macro to 'q' register and execute with <Space> (Default is comment line with #)
For local bash changes, use ~/.bashlocal file.
Git prompt once in a git directory.
Vagrant aliases:
- vs - vagrant status
- vu - vagrant up
- vp - vagrant provision
- vd - vagrant destroy
- vss - vagrant ssh
- vh - vagrant halt
- vr - vagrant rdp
Maven aliases:
- mvdeploy - mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
- mvundeploy - mvn wildfly:undeploy
- mcp - mvn clean package
Git aliases:
- gs - git status
- gb - git branch
- gd - git diff --color
- gdt - git difftool
- gc - git clone
- gch - git checkout
- gr - git remote
- gm - git merge
- gmt - git mergetool
- gl - git log --oneline --decorate --color --graph
- gc - git commit
- gp - git pull
- gP - git push
- ga - git add
- gf - git fetch
- grm - git rm
- gconf - git config
- ginit - git init
- greset - git reset
- gst - git stash
Other aliases:
- ll - ls -l
- la - ls -la
- lh - ls -lh
- ltr - ls -ltr
- psg - ps aux | grep
i3 dot files.
Any bugs/concerns/issues/etc please email [email protected].