covid_log_log_diff Public
Forked from jeanimal/covid_log_log_diffCovid data plotted on a log new cases vs. log cases plot to emphasize a change in exponential trend.
HTML MIT License UpdatedApr 6, 2020 -
msd2015 Public
Modeling Social Data, Applied Mathematics, Columbia University (Spring 2015)
msd2019-notes Public
Scribe notes for Modeling Social Data, Columbia University (Spring 2019)
msd2019 Public
Modeling Social Data, Columbia University (Spring 2019)
rstats-ed Public
Forked from rstudio-education/rstats-edList of courses teaching R
1 UpdatedOct 5, 2018 -
msd2017-notes Public
Scribe notes for Modeling Social Data, Columbia University (Spring 2017)
msd2017 Public
Modeling Social Data, Columbia University (Spring 2017)
self_balancing_bikes Public
student code for the microsoft research data science summer school self-balancing bike project
flights Public
choose the frequent flier program for your most frequent flights
vowpal_wabbit Public
Forked from VowpalWabbit/vowpal_wabbitJohn Langford's original release of Vowpal Wabbit -- a fast online learning algorithm
vbmod_python Public
python version of vbmod (variational bayes for network modularity)
css2013 Public
Computational Social Science, Applied Mathematics, Columbia University (Spring 2013)
ddm Public
Data-driven modeling course, Applied Mathematics, Columbia University
fitnesshacks Public
various hacks for parsing/analyzing/visualizing workout data