This branch dives into how an app renders, makes minor adjustments to become more familiar with the Electron interface, and concludes with a major refactor of the process to show how easy it is to work with NPM.
Step One: On line 9 of index.html, add:
Step Two: Commit the change, and test your code by launching the app.
npm start
Step One: On lines 51 and 52 of main.js, add these two lines of code, then save:
width: 300,
height: 450,
Step Two: See the app in progress.
npm start
Step Three: While hovering over the app, type CMD + Option + I to open Google Dev Tools.
Step Four: Quit the process and return to main.js.
Step Five: Set line 56, resizable, to true, and save.
resizable: true,
Step Six: Relaunch the app to test resizable windows.
npm start
Step Seven: Open Dev Tools again (CMD + Option + I) and find the error in the console tab.
Step Eight: Remove line 93 from index.js, which is causing the error in the console dialog, and save.
REMOVE: sendNotification(weather)
Step Nine: Terminate and relaunch the app.
npm start
Step Ten: Open DevTools again to determine if the console error disappears.
Step One: On line 11 of main.js, add the following code chunk:
var menubar = require('menubar')
var mb = menubar()
mb.on('ready', function ready () {
console.log('app is ready')
// your app code here
Step Two: Comment out ALL remaining lines (18 - 95) of code on main.js
Step Three: Save. Then launch the app:
npm start
Step Four: Notice the Electron error pop-up.
Step Five: Return to package.json, and add a comma to the end of line 20.
"electron": "^1.6.8",
Step Six: On line 21, paste the following:
"menubar": "^5.2.3"
Step Seven: Install the new dependency and restart the app.
npm install
npm start
Step One: Close any open files in your text editor to avoid conflicts on a branch change.
Step Two: Commit any unstaged changes.
Step Three:
git checkout packaging