Python/Matlab scripts to segment human skull bone from CT scan , clean the segmented skull, convert the skull volume to mesh and inject holes to the healthy skull.
- Python 3.6
- MATLAB R2018b
- MeshLab v2016.12
- ITK-SNAP 3.6.0
- 3D Slicer 4.8.1 r26813
- dependency : pynrrd, pydicom.
- installation :
pip install pynrrd
,pip install -U pydicom
- usage :
1. change directory
2. run in the command window:python
- note : the script can read dicom files exported directly from CT machine for segmentation and can also read nrrd files converted from dicom files using 3D Slicer.
- dependency : 3D connected component analysis.
- installation :
pip install connected-components-3d
- usage :
1. change data_dir and save_dir to where you stored the original nrrd files and where you want to save the cleaned nrrd files to.
2. run in the command window:python
- dependency : PyMRT.
- installation :
pip install pymrt
- usage :
1. change pair_list : where you storied the cleaned nrrd files (it's recommended that skull data cleaning performed before defect injection). defected_dir : where to store the skull with defect to. implant_dir : where to store the removed part (i.e., the implant) to.
2. specify the size of defect to be injected into the skull, 128 recommended.
3. run in the command window:python
- note: the current code provide functionalities to generate cubic defect
and spherical dfectsgenerate_sphere(defect_size)
- dependency : Open3D, scikit-image, PyMCubes.
- installation :
pip install open3d
pip install scikit-image
pip install --upgrade PyMCubes
- usage :
- dependency : Polygon2Voxel, stlread.
- usage :
[F,V] = stlread('skullmesh.stl');
save Volume.mat to nrrd
import as sio, import nrrd