Python/Matlab scripts to segment human skull bone from CT scan , clean the segmented skull, convert the skull volume to mesh and inject holes to the healthy skull.
- Python 3.6
- MATLAB R2018b
- MeshLab v2016.12
- ITK-SNAP 3.6.0
- 3D Slicer 4.8.1 r26813
- Meshmixer 3.5.474
- dependency : pynrrd, pydicom.
- installation :
pip install pynrrd
,pip install -U pydicom
- usage :
1. change the directory
2. run in the command window:python
- note : the script can read dicom files exported directly from CT machine for segmentation and can also read nrrd files converted from dicom files using 3D Slicer. You need to specify the threshold for the skull segmentation, usually 100--max is recommended.
- dependency : 3D connected component analysis.
- installation :
pip install connected-components-3d
- usage :
1. change data_dir and save_dir to where you stored the original nrrd files and where you want to save the cleaned nrrd files to.
2. run in the command window:python
- dependency : PyMRT.
- installation :
pip install pymrt
- usage :
1. change pair_list : where you storied the cleaned nrrd files (it's recommended that skull data cleaning performed before defect injection). defected_dir : where to store the skull with defect to. implant_dir : where to store the removed part (i.e., the implant) to.
2. specify the size of defect to be injected into the skull, 128 recommended.
3. run in the command window:python
- note: the current code provide functionalities to generate cubic defect
and spherical dfectsgenerate_sphere(defect_size)
- dependency : Open3D, scikit-image, PyMCubes.
- installation :
pip install open3d
pip install scikit-image
pip install --upgrade PyMCubes
- usage :
- dependency : Polygon2Voxel, stlread.
- usage :
[F,V] = stlread('skullmesh.stl');
save Volume.mat to nrrd
import as sio, import nrrd
- dependency : Open3D, numpy-stl
- installation :
pip install open3d
pip install numpy-stl
- usage :
- note: calculate the actual size of the STL files in millimeter (mm), which is the size of the 3D printed model.
Contact Jianning Li if you have any inquiries.