How to install
$ npm install crawler
How to test
$ node test/simple.js
$ node test/testrunner.js
For now just check my lightning talk slides
Help & Forks welcomed! This is just starting for now.
Rough todolist :
- Make Sizzle tests pass (jsdom bug?
- More crawling tests
- Document the API
- Get feedback on featureset for a 1.0 release (option for autofollowing links?)
- Make sure jQuery is cached / Include latest release in tree or add dependency
- Check how we can support other mimetypes than HTML
- Add+test timeout parameter
var Crawler = require("node-crawler").Crawler;
var c = new Crawler({
"callback":function(error,result,$) {
$("#content a:link").each(function(a) {
// Queue a list of URLs, with default callback
c.queue(["","", ...]);
// Queue URLs with custom callbacks
"callback":function(error,result,$) {
$("div:contains(Thank you)").after(" very much");
// Queue some HTML code directly without grabbing (mostly for tests)
"html":"<p>This is a <strong>test</strong></p>"