Grecko is a restaurant website template built with Bootstrap 4. It is fully responsive, fast, accessible and search engine optimized.
- Full-screen slider
- Album page
- Gallery pages with Lightbox implementation
- Scroll animations using Animate.css and Intersection Observer API
- Semantic and valid HTML
- Valid CSS
- Google Fonts integration
- Custom Google map
- Lazy loader for images and iframes (lazysizes)
- High scores on PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse
- Menu pages with restaurant specific icons
- Automatically generate breakpoints programmatically using Cloudinary's API
- Fetching images via Cloudinary's public URLs, manipulating these on-the-fly and delivering the resulting images optimized
- Grunt-ready (remove unused CSS, perform minification, and inline critical CSS)
- Use shell scripting to automate optimization tasks
After downloading, simply edit the HTML and CSS files included with the template in your favorite text editor to make changes. To preview the changes you make to the code, you can open the index.html file in your web browser.
Marios Sofokleous (PictureElement)
© 2018 Marios Sofokleous (PictureElement). Code released under the MIT license.