This folder contains all the files needed to run the Wannier90 Tutorials. The instructions for how to run these may be found at.
The tutorials are as follows:
tutorial01: Gallium Arsenide, valence bands
tutorial02: Lead, 4 lowest states; Fermi surface
tutorial03: Silicon, 4 valence bands + 4 conduction bands; interpolated band structure
tutorial04: Copper, states around the Fermi level; Fermi surface
tutorial05: Diamond, valence states
tutorial06: Copper, states around the Fermi level; Fermi surface
tutorial07: Silane, valence states
tutorial08: Iron, states around the Fermi level
tutorial09: Barium Titanate
tutorial10: Graphite
tutorial11: Silicon
tutorial12: Benzene (gamma-only branch of algorithms)
tutorial13: (5,5) Carbon Nanotube (transport)
tutorial14: Linear chain of Na atoms (LCR transport)
tutorial15: (5,0) Carbon Nanotube (LCR transport)
tutorial16: Silicon (Boltzmann transport with BoltzWann module)
tutorial17: Iron - Spin-orbit-coupled bands and Fermi surface contours
tutorial18: Iron - Berry curvature and anomalous Hall conductivity
tutorial19: Iron - Orbital magnetization
tutorial20: LaVO3 - Disentanglement only in small (spherical) regions of k space
tutorial21: Gallium Arsenide - Symmetry-adapted Wannier functions
tutorial22: Copper - Symmetry-adapted Wannier functions
tutorial23: Silicon - G0W0 bands structure interpolation
tutorial24: Tellurium - gyrotropic effects
tutorial25: Gallium Arsenide - Nonlinear shift current
tutorial26: Gallium Arsenide - Selective localization and constrained centres
tutorial27: Silicon - Selected columns of density matrix algorithm for automated MLWFs
tutorial28: Diamond - plotting of MLWFs using Gaussian cube format and VESTA
tutorial29: Platinum - Berry curvature-like term and spin Hall conductivity
tutorial30: Gallium Arsenide - ac spin Hall conductivity
tutorial31: Platinum - Selected columns of density matrix algorithm for spinor wavefunctions
tutorial32: Tungsten - SCDM parameters from projectability
tutorial33: BC2N - Expansion coefficients for kdotp bands
tutorial34: Graphene - Projectability-disentangled Wannier functions
tutorial35: Silicon - Projectability-disentangled Wannier functions with custom projection functions