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487 lines (367 loc) · 17.7 KB

File metadata and controls

487 lines (367 loc) · 17.7 KB


Translations: 简体中文


Some images are huge in size, if they are read completely into memory will make the app crash due to insufficient memory, the image loading framework will usually sample and then load, then the size of the image will become smaller, but the content of the image will also become blurry

Therefore, it is necessary that ZoomImage can support subsampling when zooming, and the user can subsampling wherever he slides, and then display the clear original image fragments on the screen, so that it can display a clear picture when zooming without crashing the app


  • Exif Orientation. Support reading the Exif Orientation information of the image and then rotating the image
  • Tile Animation. Support transparency animation when displaying Tile, making the transition more natural
  • Background tiles. When switching sampleSize, the picture clarity changes step by step, making the transition more natural.
  • Pause load tiles. Pause loading of tiles during continuous transformations to improve performance
  • Stop load tiles. Listen to Lifecycle, stop loading tiles and release loaded tiles at stop to improve performance
  • Memory cache. Avoid repeated decoding and improve performance
  • Public Properties. Can read sampling size, picture information, tile list and other information


When will subsampling be enabled?

  • contentSize is smaller than contentOriginSize
  • The scaling factor of the sides of contentSize and contentOriginSize does not differ by more than 1f
  • On Android, it must be a type supported by BitmapRegionDecoder, non-Android platforms are fine as long as they are not GIFs

Use the subsampling feature

Components that integrate the image loading library can use the subsampling function without any additional work

ZoomImage and ZoomImageView do not have an integrated image loading library and require an additional call to the setSubsamplingImage() method to use the subsampling function


val zoomState: ZoomState by rememberZoomState()
LaunchedEffect(zoomState.subsampling) {
    val resUri = Res.getUri("files/huge_world.jpeg")
    val imageSource = ImageSource.fromComposeResource(resUri)
    painter = painterResource(Res.drawable.huge_world_thumbnail),
    contentDescription = "view image",
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    zoomState = zoomState,


val zoomImageView = ZoomImageView(context)

val imageSource = ImageSource.fromResource(context, R.raw.huge_world)


ImageSource is responsible for providing image data to ZoomImage for decoding. ZoomImage provides a variety of ImageSource implementations to support loading images from various sources, as follows:


The components of the Sketch, Coil, Glide, and Picasso series must create a SubsamplingImage based on data or uri after the image is loaded successfully. To support subsampling functionality, they all have their default SubsamplingImageGenerator implementation

If the default implementation cannot correctly convert model or data to ImageSource when creating SubsamplingImage or you need to intercept the creation process, then you can customize a SubsamplingImageGenerator and apply it. The following takes the Sketch component as an example. Other components are similar:

class MySketchComposeSubsamplingImageGenerator : SketchComposeSubsamplingImageGenerator {

  override fun generateImage(
    sketch: Sketch,
    request: ImageRequest,
    result: ImageResult.Success,
    painter: Painter
  ): SubsamplingImageGenerateResult? {
    // If the conditions are not met, skip the current SubsamplingImageGenerator
    if (true) {
      return null

    // If the conditions are not met, the generation fails and a failure result is returned.
    if (true) {
      return SubsamplingImageGenerateResult.Error("message")

    // Success
    val imageSource: ImageSource = ...
    val imageInfo: ImageInfo = ...
    val subsamplingImage = SubsamplingImage(imageSource, imageInfo)
    return SubsamplingImageGenerateResult.Success(subsamplingImage)

  override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
    if (this === other) return true
    return other != null && this::class == other::class

  override fun hashCode(): Int {
    return this::class.hashCode()

  override fun toString(): String {
    return "MySketchComposeSubsamplingImageGenerator"

val subsamplingImageGenerators =
  remember { listOf(MySketchComposeSubsamplingImageGenerator()).toImmutableList() }
val sketchZoomState = rememberSketchZoomState(subsamplingImageGenerators)
  zoomState = sketchZoomState,

class MySketchViewSubsamplingImageGenerator : SketchViewSubsamplingImageGenerator {

  override fun generateImage(
    sketch: Sketch,
    request: ImageRequest,
    result: ImageResult.Success,
    drawable: Drawable
  ): SubsamplingImageGenerateResult? {
    // If the conditions are not met, skip the current SubsamplingImageGenerator
    if (true) {
      return null

    // If the conditions are not met, the generation fails and a failure result is returned.
    if (true) {
      return SubsamplingImageGenerateResult.Error("message")

    // Success
    val imageSource: ImageSource = ...
    val imageInfo: ImageInfo = ...
    val subsamplingImage = SubsamplingImage(imageSource, imageInfo)
    return SubsamplingImageGenerateResult.Success(subsamplingImage)

  override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
    if (this === other) return true
    return other != null && this::class == other::class

  override fun hashCode(): Int {
    return this::class.hashCode()

  override fun toString(): String {
    return "MySketchViewSubsamplingImageGenerator"

val sketchZoomImageView = SketchZoomImageView(context)


If you customize mode or data, you must customize a SubsamplingImageGenerator and apply it, otherwise you will not be able to use the subsampling function

Exif Orientation

By default, ZoomImage will read the Exif Orientation information of the image, and then rotate the image, you can't disable it

Tile Animation

ZoomImage supports transparency animation when displaying Tile. The animation is enabled by default, with a duration of 200 milliseconds and a refresh interval of 8 milliseconds. You can pass tileAnimationSpec parameters to turn off animation or modify animation duration and refresh interval


val zoomState: ZoomState by rememberZoomState()

LaunchEffect(zoomState.subsampling) {
    // Turn off animations
    zoomState.subsampling.tileAnimationSpec = TileAnimationSpec.None

    // Modify the duration and refresh interval of the animation
    zoomState.subsampling.tileAnimationSpec = TileAnimationSpec(duration = 400, interval = 16)

    imageUri = "",
    contentDescription = "view image",
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    zoomState = zoomState,

Pause load tiles

ZoomImage divides the continuous transformation behavior into five types: SCALE, OFFSET, LOCATE, GESTURE, FLING, and supports configuring the specified type of continuous transformation to pause loading tiles, which can improve performance

The default configuration of ZoomImage is 'SCALE', 'OFFSET', 'LOCATE' three types of continuous transformations that pause the loading of tiles, 'GESTURE', The 'FLING' two types load tiles in real time, which you can configure via the pausedContinuousTransformTypes property


val zoomState: ZoomState by rememberZoomState()

LaunchEffect(zoomState.subsampling) {
    // All continuous transform types load tiles in real time
    zoomState.subsampling.pausedContinuousTransformTypes = 0

    // All continuous transform types pause loading of tiles
    zoomState.subsampling.pausedContinuousTransformTypes =
        TileManager.DefaultPausedContinuousTransformType or ContinuousTransformType.GESTURE or ContinuousTransformType.FLING

    imageUri = "",
    contentDescription = "view image",
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    zoomState = zoomState,

Stop load tiles

ZoomImage supports stopping subsampling, which free the loaded tile after stopping and no new tiles are loaded, and automatically reloads the tiles after restarting, you can configure it via the stopped attribute


val zoomState: ZoomState by rememberZoomState()

LaunchEffect(zoomState.subsampling) {
    // stop
    zoomState.subsampling.stopped = true
    // restart
    zoomState.subsampling.stopped = false

    imageUri = "",
    contentDescription = "view image",
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    zoomState = zoomState,


By default, ZoomImage automatically fetches the most recent Lifecycle and listens to its state, pausing or resuming subsampling at the Lifecycle stop or start

Get the latest Lifecycle in View through View.findViewTreeLifecycleOwner() API; in Compose, get Lifecycle through LocalLifecycleOwner.current API

Background tiles

ZoomImage uses background tiles to change sampleSize when switching sampleSize The change in the clarity of the picture also changes step by step, and the basemap will not be exposed during the process of loading new tiles, which ensures the continuity of the clarity change and the user experience is better

However, this feature uses more memory, which may affect fluency on devices with poor performance, and this feature is turned on by default, you can pass disabledBackgroundTiles property to close it


val zoomState: ZoomState by rememberZoomState()

LaunchEffect(zoomState.subsampling) {
    zoomState.subsampling.disabledBackgroundTiles = true

    imageUri = "",
    contentDescription = "view image",
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    zoomState = zoomState,

Memory Cache

The subsampling feature supports memory caching, which can cache Bitmap in memory, which can avoid repeated decoding and improve performance

Components that integrate the image loading library can use the memory caching feature without any additional work, while components that do not integrate the image loading library need to implement their own first TileImageCache Then set the tileImageCache property to use the memory cache feature


val zoomState: ZoomState by rememberZoomState()

LaunchEffect(zoomState.subsampling) {
  zoomState.subsampling.tileImageCache = MyTileImageCache()

    imageUri = "",
    contentDescription = "view image",
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    zoomState = zoomState,

After setting the tileImageCache property, the memory caching function is turned on, and it can be passed without modifying the tileImageCache property The disabledTileImageCache property controls the use of the memory cache feature


val zoomState: ZoomState by rememberZoomState()

LaunchEffect(zoomState.subsampling) {
    // Disable memory caching
  zoomState.subsampling.disabledTileImageCache = true
    // Memory caching is allowed
  zoomState.subsampling.disabledTileImageCache = false

    imageUri = "",
    contentDescription = "view image",
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    zoomState = zoomState,


ZoomImage uses BitmapRegionDecoder on the Android platform to decode images, and non-Android platforms use Skia to decode images, but they support limited image types. You can expand the supported image types through the RegionDecoder interface.

First implement the RegionDecoder interface and its Factory interface to define your RegionDecoder, refer to SkiaRegionDecoder and AndroidRegionDecoder

Then apply your RegionDecoder on SubsamplingState or SubsamplingEngine as follows:

val zoomState: ZoomState by rememberZoomState()

LaunchEffect(zoomState.subsampling) {
  zoomState.subsampling.regionDecoders = listOf(MyRegionDecoder.Factory())

  imageUri = "",
  contentDescription = "view image",
  modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
  zoomState = zoomState,

val sketchZoomImageView = SketchZoomImageView(context)
sketchZoomImageView.subsampling.regionDecodersState.value = listOf(MyRegionDecoder.Factory())

Public Properties

// compose
val zoomState: ZoomState by rememberZoomState()
SketchZoomAsyncImage(zoomState = zoomState)
val subsampling: SubsamplingState = zoomState.subsampling

// view
val sketchZoomImageView = SketchZoomImageView(context)
val subsampling: SubsamplingEngine = sketchZoomImageView.subsampling


  • Note: The relevant properties of the view version are wrapped in StateFlow, so its name is suffixed with State compared to the compose version
  • subsampling.ready: Boolean: Whether the image is ready for subsampling
  • subsampling.imageInfo: ImageInfo: The information of the image, including width, height, format, exif information, etc
  • subsampling.exifOrientation: ExifOrientation: The exif information of the image
  • subsampling.foregroundTiles: List<TileSnapshot>: List of current foreground tiles
  • subsampling.backgroundTiles: List<TileSnapshot>: List of current background tiles
  • subsampling.sampleSize: Int: The sample size of the image
  • subsampling.imageLoadRect: IntRect: The image load rect
  • subsampling.tileGridSizeMap: Map<Int, IntOffset>: Tile grid size map

Listen property changed

  • The relevant properties of the compose version are wrapped in State and can be read directly in the Composable function to implement listening
  • The relevant properties of the view are wrapped in StateFlow, and its collect function can be called to implement the listening