- Spain
- http://sanbra.es
trucky Public
Arduino app to control a toy truck
C++ GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedMay 28, 2020 -
shiny Public
Forked from rikschennink/shiny🌟 Shiny reflections for mobile websites
JavaScript UpdatedJan 16, 2019 -
Blotter Public
Forked from bradley/BlotterA JavaScript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web.
JavaScript Other UpdatedNov 28, 2018 -
generator-angular Public
Forked from yeoman/generator-angularYeoman generator for AngularJS
JavaScript UpdatedDec 3, 2016 -
angularjs-slider Public
Forked from angular-slider/angularjs-sliderSlider directive for AngularJS 1.X. No dependencies and mobile friendly.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2016 -
shopping-cart-angularjs Public
Forked from uno-de-piera/shopping-cart-angularjsShopping cart for AngularJS with paypal
JavaScript UpdatedApr 12, 2016 -
vagrant-magento2-apache-base Public
Forked from alankent/vagrant-magento2-apache-baseBase Vagrant image for building Magento 2 within
Shell UpdatedJan 21, 2016 -
gitignore Public
Forked from github/gitignoreA collection of useful .gitignore templates
MIT License UpdatedSep 12, 2015 -
material-design-lite Public
Forked from google/material-design-liteMaterial Design Lite Components in HTML/CSS/JS
CSS Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 7, 2015 -
symfony2-vagrant Public
Forked from irmantas/symfony2-vagrantSymfony2 Vagrant development setup with Nginx, MySQL,PhpMyAdmin, MongoDb and other handfull tools
Puppet UpdatedMay 5, 2015 -
GitHubSearcher Public
Forked from julitogtu/GitHubSearcherThis is an example about how to build a small SPA with AngularJS that consume the GitHub API to search repositories and view user information.
easings.net Public
Forked from ai/easings.netEasing Functions Cheat Sheet
CSS GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 29, 2015 -
jQuery-tinyDraggable Public
Forked from Pixabay/jQuery-tinyDraggableExtremely lightweight jQuery plugin for rendering DOM objects draggable.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 26, 2014 -
jquery-mousewheel Public
Forked from jquery/jquery-mousewheelA jQuery plugin that adds cross-browser mouse wheel support.
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 25, 2014 -
bootstrap3-dialog Public
Forked from nakupanda/bootstrap3-dialogMake use of Twitter Bootstrap's modal more monkey-friendly.
CSS UpdatedOct 23, 2014 -
VenoBox Public
Forked from nicolafranchini/VenoBoxresponsive jQuery lightbox plugin
JavaScript UpdatedOct 20, 2014 -
ngFx Public
Forked from MehulATL/ng-FxSimple, Beautiful animation library for Angular
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 15, 2014 -
bootstrap-material-design Public
Forked from mdbootstrap/mdb-ui-kitMaterial design theme for Bootstrap 3
jquery-focuspoint Public
Forked from jonom/jquery-focuspointjQuery plugin for 'responsive cropping'. Dynamically crop images to fill available space without cutting out the image's subject. Great for full-screen images.
JavaScript Other UpdatedSep 26, 2014 -