This extension bundles up all your most used jinja snippets for use in your HTML templates. Also I put in a few useful ones for things like generating numbers, joining lists, and the like.
Direct instalation is availible in the VS Code marketplace, just do a search for "Jinja2" and we should pop right up.
You can direct download the pluggin from Marketplace Site
Usage is really simple, all the snippets are prefixed with J. Open any HTML file and type J to see a full listing of all the availible snippets.
Prefix | Output |
jblock | {% block name %} {% endblock name %} |
jif | {% if cond %} {% endif %} |
jifelse | {% if cond %} {% else %} {% endif %} |
jextend | {% extends 'file' %} |
jfor | {% for A in B %} {% endfor %} |
jrandom | {{ range(MIN, MAX) | random }} |
jvar | {{ variable }} |
jfunc | {% function %} |
jround | {% float | round %} |
jjoin | {% list | join(',') %} |
jset | {% set A = B %} |
jurl | {{ url_for('dir', filename='file') }} |
jcall | {% call func %} {% endcall %} |
jfilter | {% filter cmd %} {% endfilter %} |
jinclude | {% include 'file' %} |
jfrom | {% from 'dir' import func %} |
jimg | <img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='A') }}" alt="B"> |
jhref | a href with url_for embed |
- 1.1 - Added jimg and jhref tags
- 1.0 - First working version released on vscode marketplace
Created by Wyatt Ferguson
For any comments or questions your can reach me on Twitter @wyattferguson