- Parser
- Remove p-Tags from type-Field.
- Update dependencies.
- Update fixtures (type-Fields and line endings).
- Template
- Update French and Russian translation files.
Important changes:
- Remove deprecated annotations (http://apidocjs.com/deprecated.html).
- Replace markdown parser markdown-it.
- Add path to config file (with
). - Add multiple input locations (with
). - Remove markdown config parameters, for custom configurations view MARKDOWN.md.
- Disable warning if packageJson.apidoc was defined.
- Add litcoffee and scala file extension.
- Add path to config file (with
- Add
to set a fixed language file without auto-detect the browser language. - Add word wrap for pure text examples.
- Add Brazilian, French, Polish and Russian translation files.
- Add
- Remove deprecated annotations (http://apidocjs.com/deprecated.html).
- Replace markdown parser with markdown-it.
- Add custom markdown parser support, view MARKDOWN.md for details.
- Add support for markdown in the type section. Example:
@apiParam {(CustomType)[http://...link-to-description.html]}
- Bugfix: Multiple bin parameters. 244
- Update template vendor lib path-to-regexp.
- Bugfix: Example overlaps navigation. 240
- Update dependencies.
- Add some version information for verbose / debug output.
- Bugfix: Parse blocks with unknown parameters (before the block was skipped).
- Bugfix: show correct block index.
- Update dependencies.
- Parser
- Unindent strings in description fields. Mulitlines start with the same leading whitespaces. 173
- Add parameter
for custom language regex.
- Add parameter
- Add Clojure parser for
files. - Extend parser to transfer own language regex.
- Update apidoc-core interface (replace arguments with setters).
- Add Clojure parser for
- Add chinese and dutch translations files.
- Bugfix: Path to apidoc-core.
Split apidoc code
apidoc is now only the CLI-Tool with UI-Template and file creation (as you know it). You can use apidoc without change anything.
apidoc-core (for developers) is the parser and response the api-data.
apidoc-example (for developers) are the test files for the apidoc-spec.
- Replace optimist (not maintained anymore) with nomnom:
true / false parameters can now be used, e.g. enable markdown (default)
or disable--no-markdown
. - Add parameter
. - Replace the custom Logger with winston.
- Replace optimist (not maintained anymore) with nomnom:
true / false parameters can now be used, e.g. enable markdown (default)
- Bugfix: Settings to enable / disable markdown (marked-gfm was previously used).
- Add generator.url and generator.name to the footer generator information (for custom ui-generators).
- Move handlebars_helper.js to utils/
- Remove grunt dependencies (test run with
npm run test
). - Change grunt-apidoc (0.10.0) to use always the latest version of apiDoc.
- Remove grunt dependencies (test run with
- Allow overwrite of packageInfo e.g. from grunt task (apidoc#177)
Bugfix: Extend parser regexp to allow inline comment-code (apidoc#180)
Bugfix: Slash only path in api triggered error (apidoc#159)
Bugfix: Scrollspy offset (apidoc#176)
Bugfix: Get package infos from package.json or apidoc.json (apidoc#169)
- Allow to include an external file which can set the markdown settings. (apidoc#166)
Add custom order in apidoc.json Append apiName or apiGroup in the
list:"order": [ "MyGroupName", "MyParameterName", "MyOtherParameterName" ]
Speed up rendering of subtemplates (apidoc#164)
Bugfix: Special char doesn't show in @apiGroup. (apidoc#163)
- Bugfix: apiGroupDescription from apiDefine not working. (apidoc#156)
- Bugfix: remove deprecated message for apiPermission. (apidoc#154)
- Bugfix: Testclient did not send JSON format. (apidoc#152)
- Bugfix: Python regex doublequote. (apidoc#151)
- Bugfix: Issue with multiple apiSuccessExample blocks. (apidoc#150)
Add as replacement for all (now) deprecated define and structure methods:
Remove unneeded methods since success and error response can be grouped:
Add for consistent usage:
, multiple permission usage in a block is allowed now. Permission names must be defined with @apiDefine.
with size and allowed values.
- Show deprecated message. Show details with
. - Improved error output.
- Turn off verbose output by default.
- Add debug output.
- Show deprecated message. Show details with
- Ignore other doc-language @-parameters (enables jsdoc, phpdoc, ... again).
- Add apidoc specification version to project file.
- Correctly handle Erlang comments.
- Bugfix: Markdown error on Empty description.
- Revised worker preProcess / postProcess functions.
- Change parser export names.
- Show size and allowed values in field description.
- Change template sample request to handle custom named groups.
- Update template vendor files (handlebars 2, requirejs)
- Added support for using path-to-regexp in sample request.
- Add
to apidoc.json for setup ajax requests (http://apidocjs.com/#configuration-template-settings). - Hide the ul for tabs if no content.
- Bugfix: Custom parsers not working. (apidoc#113)
- Add type for
@apiExample {type} Title
. - Add type switch in template.
- Append filetype to fields at ajax reuqest testform.
- Bugfix: Same file handling with regexp under win32. (apidoc#109)
- Add rudimentary support for direct api calls (test requests) from within the doc.
- New configuration var sampleUrl for
. - @apiSampleRequest
- New configuration var sampleUrl for
- Added ability to have forward slash (/) in parameter field names.
- Add parameter
for parse only the files and return the parsed data. - Allow perl comments between "=pod" and "=cut".
- Bugfix: Change RegExp for parameter values to handle all chars. (apidoc#97)
- Bugfix: Reserved parameter names. (apidoc#96)
- Bugfix: Multiple added url to api path after compared to other version. (apidoc#87)
- Bugfix: Docs do not generate without optional @api [title]. (apidoc#82)
- Bugfix: Escape example output in
. (apidoc#78)
- Changing font include to work on HTTPS.
- Some refactors and bugfixes.
- Enable markdown for all description fields.
- Add
configuration file for primary configuration overpackage.json
. (http://apidocjs.com/#configuration) - Add template specific configuration settings. (http://apidocjs.com/#configuration-template-settings)
- Add support for Perl (Doxygen) comment-style.
- Add simple CSS3 preloader.
- Add css for printing.
- Bugfix: Template IE8 compatibility. (apidoc#69)
- Update node version to 0.10.x.
- Add optional custom browser title with
. - Add optional url endpoint with
. - Bugfix: Template scrollbug. (apidoc#64)
Add new Functions:
Remove package.json path
. -
Change package.json path
. -
(with custom navigation titles). (http://apidocjs.com/#headerfooter) -
Remove template basic (easier to maintain), the default template will be re-designed in a future version too.
Update template libraries.
Add test cases.
- Preserve other files when copying template files to the destination output dir.
- Added a short-circuit check. (apidoc#41)
- Bugfix: Fix parsing of multiline string. (apidoc#34)
- Add support for CoffeeScript comment-style.
Add support for other comment-style. Now apiDoc supports:
- Erlang
- JavaScript (JavaDoc-Style: e.g. also useable in C#, Go, Dart, Java, PHP, TypeScript)
- Python
- Ruby
Add some programming language test cases.
Remove german code comments.
Upgrade all used node modules.
- Replace deprecated node-markdown with marked.
- Add cli parameter for marked
, watch all params with--help
. - Upgrade all used node modules.
- Bugfix: executable line delimiters. (again).
- Bugfix: Allow usage of structures and titles in the same block. (apidoc#21)
- Give some indication, in case file listing with fails. (apidoc#20)
- Allow multiple structure includes.
- Split and extend test-files.
- Bugfix: Fix parsing for empty lines and removing stars on data that spans over multiple lines. (apidoc#11)
- Remove http:// link to make https compliant. (apidoc#10)
- Extend Template with url-param "compare=1" to show the compare version on page view.
- Bugfix: Minor fix with double structure examples.
- Bugfix: Template not show @apiSuccessExample @apiErrorExample.
- Bugfix: executable line delimiters.
with a grouping ability. Example@apiParam (group) varname
. view @apiParam -
Add new Functions:
Minor Template-Bugfixes.
- Allow whitespace in apiName and apiGroup.
- Bugfix: Filter for directories.
- Update Node Modules to newer versions.
- Add
exclude option for Files / Directories, exampleapidoc -e node_modules/
- Bugfix: Check for a valid title in Template. (apidoc#7)
- Bugfix: Whitespace before comment block. (apidoc#2)
- Change templates, enable navigation scroll.
- Add @apiIgnore.
- Update grunt Modules.
- Bugfix: OSX executable.
- Official release.