diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 7c2daf58..9cda51ec 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ node_js:
- node
- npm run build
- |
if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "develop" ]; then
for prefixed_envvar in ${!DEV_*}; do
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ before_install:
- openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_18b2305b78c9_key -iv $encrypted_18b2305b78c9_iv -in config/id_rsa.enc -out ~/.ssh/id_rsa -d
- chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- echo -e "Host $HOST\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" >> ~/.ssh/config
- yarn global add now
- scp -o stricthostkeychecking=no -r ./dist root@$HOST:$BUILD_DIR
- cd ./docs && now -A $DOC_NOW_CONFIG -t $NOW_TOKEN && now alias -A $DOC_NOW_CONFIG -t $NOW_TOKEN
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
index 02ce6cbe..702acb3c 100644
--- a/docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -1,172 +1,78 @@
-# Antd Admin
-[![Ant Design](https://img.shields.io/badge/ant--design-^3.0.3-yellowgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design)
AntD Admin
-[![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/zuiidea/antd-admin.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin)
-[![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/pulls)
-## 特性
-* 基于[react](https://github.com/facebook/react),[ant-design](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design),[dva](https://github.com/dvajs/dva),[Mock](https://github.com/nuysoft/Mock) 企业级后台管理系统最佳实践。
-* 基于 Antd UI 设计语言,提供后台管理系统常见使用场景。
-* 基于[dva](https://github.com/dvajs/dva)动态加载 Model 和路由,按需加载。
-* 使用[umi](https://github.com/umijs/umi)本地调试和构建,其中 Mock 功能实现脱离后端独立开发。
-* 浅度响应式设计。
-## 更新日志
-### 5.0.0-beta
- * 感谢@sorrycc、@xiaohuoni [PR](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/pull/770)
- * 更新`roadhog`至`umi`
- 详见 [使用 umi 改进 dva 项目开发](https://github.com/sorrycc/blog/issues/66#issuecomment-408596579) | [umi model 用法](https://github.com/umijs/umi/issues/171)
-### 4.3.9
-* 更新`antd`至`3.0.3`,以及其它主要库,并解决升级带来的兼容问题。
-* 尽可能的保持`antd`的设计语言。
-### 4.3.7
-* 更新`chart`,新增[ECharts](https://github.com/ecomfe/echarts),[highCharts](https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts),[Recharts](https://github.com/recharts/recharts)演示。
-### 4.3.5
+A excellent front-end solution for enterprise applications.
-* 更新[dva](https://github.com/dvajs/dva)至`2.0.1`,感谢[@yangbin1994](https://github.com/yangbin1994)的[PR](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/pull/567)。
-### 4.3.4
+[![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/zuiidea/antd-admin.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/issues)
+![Travis (.org)](https://img.shields.io/travis/zuiidea/antd-admin.svg)
+[![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/pulls)
-* 更新[roadhog](https://github.com/sorrycc/roadhog)至`1.2.1`,修复闪屏问题。
-* 修复 build css 未压缩[#529](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/issues/529),classname 未 Hash[#477](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/issues/477)。
-* 更新登录成功使用 router 跳转[#479](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/issues/479)。
-### 4.3.0
+- Preview - [https://antd-admin.zuiidea.com](https://antd-admin.zuiidea.com)
+- Documentation - [https://doc.antd-admin.zuiidea.com](https://doc.antd-admin.zuiidea.com)
+- FAQ - [https://doc.antd-admin.zuiidea.com/#/faq](https://doc.antd-admin.zuiidea.com/#/faq)
+- ChangeLog - [https://doc.antd-admin.zuiidea.com/#/change-log](https://doc.antd-admin.zuiidea.com/#/change-log)
+## Features
-* 更新[roadhog](https://github.com/sorrycc/roadhog)至`1.0.0-beta.7`,得益于`webpack@3.4`,编译速度不减。
-* 基于使用 roadhog 的 dll 插件,开发时编译耗时减半。
-* 新增打包时按项目版本号生成文件目录。[#449](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/issues/449)
-* 更新`eslint`,并适当修改了`.eslintrc`。
+- Internationalization, extracting translation fields from source code, loading language packs on demand
+- Dynamic permissions, different permissions for different menus
+- Elegant and beautiful, Ant Design system
+- Mock data, local data debugging
-[More Change Log](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/wiki/Change-Log)
-## 开发构建
+## Usage
-### 目录结构
+1. Clone project code.
-├── /dist/ # 项目输出目录
-├── /mock/ # 数据mock
-├── /public/ # 公共文件,编译时copy至dist目录
-├── /src/ # 项目源码目录
-│ ├── /components/ # UI组件及UI相关方法
-│ ├── /layouts/ # 全局组件
-│ │ └── app.js # 页面入口
-│ │ └── index.js # 入口文件
-│ ├── /models/ # 数据模型
-│ ├── /pages/ # 页面组件
-│ │ └── document.ejs # html模版
-│ ├── /services/ # 数据接口
-│ ├── /themes/ # 项目样式
-│ │ ├── default.less # 全局样式
-│ │ └── vars.less # 全局样式变量
-│ ├── /utils/ # 工具函数
-│ │ ├── config.js # 项目常规配置
-│ │ ├── menu.js # 菜单及面包屑配置
-│ │ ├── config.js # 项目常规配置
-│ │ ├── request.js # 异步请求函数(axios)
-│ │ └── theme.js # 项目需要在js中使用到样式变量
-├── package.json # 项目信息
-├── .eslintrc # Eslint配置
-└── .umirc.js # umi配置
-└── .umirc.mock.js # mock配置
-└── .theme.config.js # 主题less编译配置
+git clone https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin.git my-project
+cd my-project
-pages中可参考 [duck 模式](https://medium.freecodecamp.org/scaling-your-redux-app-with-ducks-6115955638be)
-* components:组件(方法)为单位以文件夹保存,文件夹名组件首字母大写(如`DataTable`),方法首字母小写(如`layer`),文件夹内主文件与文件夹同名,多文件以`index.js`导出对象(如`./src/components/Layout`)。
-* routes:页面为单位以文件夹保存,文件夹名首字母小写(特殊除外,如`UIElement`),文件夹内主文件以`index.js`导出,多文件时可建立`components`文件夹(如`./src/routes/dashboard`),如果有子路由,依次按照路由层次建立文件夹(如`./src/routes/UIElement`)。
-### 快速开始
+2. Installation dependence.
-git clone https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin.git
+yarn install
-#开始前请确保没有安装roadhog、webpack到NPM全局目录, 国内用户推荐yarn或者cnpm
-npm i 或者 yarn install
+npm install
+3. Start local server.
npm run start
-打开 http://localhost:8000 #端口在package.json中cross-env后加上 PORT=8000指定
-npm run lint
-## FAQ
-* 项目打包后如何部署? [#269](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/issues/269)
-* 如何做权限管理? [#384](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/issues/384)
-* 如何使用 mock.js 模拟接口,怎么使用线上接口? [#348](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/issues/348)
-* 如何使用 Iconfont,如何使用本地的 svg 图标? [#270](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/issues/270)
-* 怎么按版本打包,上线时不影响正在访问的用户? [#449](https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/issues/449)
-* windows 处理 CRLF?[参考](http://blog.csdn.net/lysc_forever/article/details/42835203)
- ```bash
- git config --global core.autocrlf false
- ```
-## 参考
+4. After the startup is complete, open a browser and visit [http://localhost:7000](http://localhost:7000), If you need to change the startup port, you can configure it in the `.env` file.
-dashboard 设计稿: (已征得作者同意)
+> More instructions at [documentation](https://doc.antd-admin.zuiidea.com)。
-## 截屏
+## Browsers support
+Modern browsers and IE9.
+| [](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)IE / Edge | [](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)Firefox | [](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)Chrome | [](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)Safari | [](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)Opera |
+| --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- |
+| IE9, IE10, IE11, Edge| last 2 versions| last 2 versions| last 2 versions| last 2 versions
+## Contributing
+We very much welcome your contribution, you can build together with us in the following ways :smiley:
+- Use Ant Design Pro in your daily work.
+- Submit [GitHub issues](http://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/issues)s to report bugs or ask questions.
+- Propose [Pull Request](http://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin/pulls) to improve our code.
diff --git a/docs/_sidebar.md b/docs/_sidebar.md
index b3236207..e4ce764b 100644
--- a/docs/_sidebar.md
+++ b/docs/_sidebar.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- Getting started
- - [Quick Start](quickstart.md)
+ - [Quick Start](getting-started.md)
- Customization
- [Configuration](configuration.md)
- Guide
diff --git a/docs/configuration.md b/docs/configuration.md
index e69de29b..5aa10cf8 100644
--- a/docs/configuration.md
+++ b/docs/configuration.md
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# Configuration
+You can do some custom configuration in `/src/utils/config.js`:
+## siteName
+- Type `String`
+ Configure the site name, apply it to the login box, and display the title text at the top of the sidebar.
+## copyright
+- Type: `String`
+ Configure the copyright notice to apply to the login page, at the bottom of the `Primay` layout.
+## logoPath
+- Type: `String`
+ Configure the site logo to apply to the login box and the Logo display at the top of the sidebar.
+## apiPrefix
+- Type: `String`
+ Configure the prefix of the interface in the project. The interface related documents can be viewed [API configuration]()
+## fixedHeader
+- Type: `String`
+ Under the `Primary` layout, whether the top of the page is fixed when scrolling。
+## layouts
+- Type: `Array`
+ Configuration? Which routes use which layout, unspecified route uses the default layout `Public`, the project currently has `Primary` and `Public` layouts,
+ The default configuration is as follows:
+ ```js
+ layouts: [
+ {
+ name: 'primary',
+ include: [/.*/],
+ exlude: [/(\/(en|zh))*\/login/],
+ },
+ ],
+ ```
+ The object properties for each layout are as follows:
+ - `name` - The name of the layout;
+ - `include` - Specifies a list of routing rules that use this layout, which can be a regular expression or a string;
+ - `exlude` - Specifies a list of routing rules that do not use this layout, which can be a regular expression or a string.
+ > Note: `exlude` takes precedence over `include`, and the layout behind it has a higher priority than the previous layout. The development process may need to be combined with the layout in the `src/layouts` directory. For details, see [Using Layout]().
+## i18n
+- Type: `Object`
+ Configure internationalization, the default configuration is as follows:
+ ```js
+ i18n: {
+ languages: [
+ {
+ key: 'en',
+ title: 'English',
+ flag: '/america.svg',
+ },
+ {
+ key: 'zh',
+ title: '中文',
+ flag: '/china.svg',
+ },
+ ],
+ defaultLanguage: 'en',
+ }
+ ```
+ ### i18n.languages
+ - Type: `Array`
+ Specify which languages the app supports, and the object properties for each language are as follows:
+ - `key` - The `key` of the language is applied to the page url to distinguish the language, and also corresponds to the language package folder name in the `src/locales` directory;
+ - `title` - The name of the language, at the bottom of the login page, at the top of the `Primay` layout, the language switch is displayed;
+ - `flag` - The path of the flag icon of the language, the language switching display at the top of the `Primay` layout.
+ ### i18n.defaultLanguage
+ - Type: `String`
+ Configure the default language.
diff --git a/docs/getting-started.md b/docs/getting-started.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a9c90f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/getting-started.md
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Quick Start
+> Before delving into Ant Design React, a good knowledge base of [React](http://facebook.github.io/react/) 、 [ES2015+](http://es6.ruanyifeng.com/) 、 [Antd Design](https://ant.design/docs/react/introduce-cn) . Learn about [UmiJS](https://umijs.org/) , [Dva](http://github.com/dvajs/dva) . And properly installed and configured [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) v8 or above, [Git](https://git-scm.com/). It would be helpful if you have pre-existing knowledge on those.
+## Installation
+git clone https://github.com/zuiidea/antd-admin.git my-project
+cd my-project
+## Scaffolding
+The project layout is as follows:
+├── dist/ # Default build output directory
+├── mock/ # Mock files
+├── public/ # Static resource
+├── src/ # Source code
+│ ├── components/ # Components
+│ ├── e2e/ # Integrated Test Case
+│ ├── layouts/ # Common Layouts
+│ ├── locales/ # i18n resources
+│ ├── models/ # Global dva Model
+│ ├── pages/ # Sub-pages and templates
+│ ├── services/ # Backend Services
+│ │ ├── api.js # API configuration
+│ │ └── index.js # API export
+│ ├── themes/ # Themes
+│ │ ├── default.less # Less variable
+│ │ ├── index.less # Global style
+│ │ ├── mixin.less # Less mixin
+│ │ └── vars.less # Less variable and mixin
+│ ├── utils/ # Utility
+│ │ ├── config.js # Application configuration
+│ │ ├── constant.js # Static constant
+│ │ ├── index.js # Utility methods
+│ │ ├── request.js # Request function(axios)
+│ │ └── theme.js # Style variables used in js
+├── .editorconfig
+├── .env
+├── .eslintrc
+├── .gitignore
+├── .prettierignore
+├── .prettierrc
+├── .stylelintrc.json
+├── .travis.yml
+└── .umirc.js
+└── package.json
+## Development
+1. Install Dependencies.
+yarn install
+npm install
+2. Start local server.
+npm run start
+3. After the startup is complete, open a browser and visit [http://localhost:7000](http://localhost:7000), If you need to change the startup port, you can configure it in the `.env` file.
diff --git a/docs/quickstart.md b/docs/quickstart.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 21b5e034..00000000
--- a/docs/quickstart.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# getting-started
diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/configuration.md b/docs/zh-cn/configuration.md
index 21bac25d..69450fa5 100644
--- a/docs/zh-cn/configuration.md
+++ b/docs/zh-cn/configuration.md
@@ -99,4 +99,4 @@
- 类型: `String`
- 配置默认使用哪种语言。
+ 配置默认语言。
diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/getting-started.md b/docs/zh-cn/getting-started.md
index 649ab5ce..b9d11839 100644
--- a/docs/zh-cn/getting-started.md
+++ b/docs/zh-cn/getting-started.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ cd my-project
├── dist/ # 默认build输出目录
├── mock/ # Mock文件目录
├── public/ # 静态资源文件目录