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Gubernator is a frontend for displaying Kubernetes test results stored in GCS.

It runs on Google App Engine, and parses JSON and junit.xml results for display.

Adding a repository to the PR Dashboard

To make Gubernator's PR Dashboard work on another repository, it needs to receive webhook events.

Go to Settings -> Webhooks on the repository (or organization) you want to add.

Add a new webhook with these options:

Payload URL: Secret: Ask test-infra oncall. Select: "Send me everything"

Gubernator will use the events it receives to build information about PRs, so only updates after the webhook is added will be shown on the dashboard.



  • Get the "Gubernator Github Webhook Secret" (ask test-infra for help) and write it to github/webhook_secret.
  • Set up secrets.json to support Github OAuth logins. The skeleton might look like:
        "": {
            "session": "(128+  bits of entropy for signing secure cookies)",
            "github_client": {
                "id": "(client_id for the oauth application)",
                "secret": "(client_secret for the oauth application)"

GCS Layout

In order to correctly interpret jobs results, in GCS, Gubernator expects that any one job directory is laid out in a specific manner, and that job directories are laid out in a specific manner relative to each other.

Job Artifact GCS Layout

Every run should upload started.json, finished.json, and build-log.txt, and can optionally upload jUnit XML and/or other files to the artifacts/ directory. For a single build of a job, Gubernator expects the following layout in GCS:

├── artifacts         # all artifacts must be placed under this directory
│   └── junit_00.xml  # jUnit XML reports from the build
├── build-log.txt     # std{out,err} from the build
├── finished.json     # metadata uploaded once the build finishes
└── started.json      # metadata uploaded once the build starts

The following fields in started.json are honored:

    "timestamp": "seconds after UNIX epoch that the build started",
    "pull": "$PULL_REFS from the run",
    "repos": {
        "org/repo": "git version of the repo used in the test",

The following fields in finished.json are honored:

    "timestamp": "seconds after UNIX epoch that the build finished",
    "result": "SUCCESS or FAILURE, the result of the build",
    "metadata": "dictionary of additional key-value pairs that will be displayed to the user",

Any artifacts from the build should be placed under ./artifacts/. Any jUnit XML reports should be named junit_*.xml and placed under ./artifacts as well.

GCS Bucket Layout

In your bucket, a number of directories are required to store the output of all the different types of jobs:

├── logs                 # periodic and postsubmit jobs live here
│   └── other_job_name   # contains all the builds of a job
│       └── build_number # contains job artifacts, as above
└── pr-logs
    ├── directory                # symlinks for builds live here
    │   └── job_name             # contains all symlinks for a job
    │       └── build_number.txt # contains one line: location of artifacts for the build
    └── pull
        ├── batch                # batch jobs live here
        │   └── job_name         # contains all the builds of a job
        │       └── build_number # contains job artifacts, as above
        └── org_repo                 # jobs testing PRs for org/repo live here
            └── pull_number          # jobs running for a PR with pull_number live here
                └── job_name         # all builds for the job for this pr live here
                    └── build_number # contains job artifacts, as above