🛁 Адаптированные для JavaScript концепции Чистого кода
📦 Zero-configuration bundler for tiny modules.
Alfred5 workflow to easily open your projects with your favorite JetBrains product.
Wrapper of Inversify to inject your dependencies in the components, made with TypeScript and compatible with Vue, React and other component libraries.
Components and decorators to connect react with inversify.
express.js, tsoa, inversify, swagger, mongoose
An Obsidian plugin for day planning with a clean UI and a simple task format
ESLint plugin with rules that help validate proper imports.
gcal/outlook like calendar component
ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript. Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
orval is able to generate client with appropriate type-signatures (TypeScript) from any valid OpenAPI v3 or Swagger v2 specification, either in yaml or json formats. 🍺
Runtipi is a homeserver for everyone! One command setup, one click installs for your favorites self-hosted apps. ✨
Validate credit cards as users type.
⏱️Zero CPU overhead, zero dependency, true event-loop blocking sleep ⏱️
🏃 Asynchronous side effects, without the nonsense
useMemo and useCallback but with a stable cache
🐝 PostCSS plugin for writing Tatar Style Sheets
🎨 UI controls as React Hooks to control your component state from outside
A webpack/rspack plugin and a node-based CLI tool that facilitates the sharing of Typescript definition files across microapps
Implementation examples of module federation , by the creators of module federation
React + TypeScript app built using the clean architecture principles in a more functional way.
Load modules according to tsconfig paths in webpack.
NodeJS library that generates Typescript or Javascript clients based on the OpenAPI specification
Now easily solve the problem of infinite scrolling!
Микробиблиотека для склонения слов в русском языке
Light-weight and fast library to decline Russian names
Rename react-native app with just one command