This boilerplate uses TypeScript and Jest as testing framework. Test files should are picked based on their name, here's a few examples that will get picked up by Jest:
You can customize the regexp and jest configuration by editing the package.json
# Get Yarn
npm install -g yarn
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Run tests once
yarn test
# Run tests with Jest-CLI custom arguments (
yarn test --clearCache --debug
# Run tests for a specific file
yarn test MyFile.test.ts
A few other NPM scripts are provided for convenience, they all support custom arguments as described above.
# Run tests once with coverage
# Coverage report available in ./coverage/index.html
yarn test:cover
# Run all tests in watch mode without coverage
yarn test:watch
# Run the tests with watch mode only for files changed since the last Git commit
yarn test:changed
# Run tests for CI environment (optimized for TravisCI)
yarn test:ci