The cornerstone-tools
vNext branch is a preview branch for upcoming major API changes. When new changes are merged, if all tests are passing, a new version is cut and published to NPM under the next
tag. When enough progress has been made, a more formal deprecation and adoption strategy will be announced as this API replaces v2.
You can track this version's progress here. Any/all help in determining our API target, completing issues, finding bugs, etc. is appreciated.
Via NPM: (preferred)
Latest stable release:
npm install --save cornerstone-tools
Pre-release, unstable, mostly for contributors:
npm install --save cornerstone-tools@next
See the live examples and wiki for documentation (Soon to be replaced by on how to use this library
A common setup when using modules:
// Load NPM packages
import Hammer from "hammerjs"; // npm install --save hammerjs
import * as cornerstone from "cornerstone-core"; // npm install --save cornerstone-core
import * as cornerstoneTools from "cornerstone-tools";
// Specify external dependencies
cornerstoneTools.external.cornerstone = cornerstone;
cornerstoneTools.external.Hammer = Hammer;
How To Contribute:
- Fork this repository
- Clone the forked repository
- Before committing code, create a branch-per-feature, or branch-per-bug
- Create pull requests against
This project uses webpack to build the software.
Common Tasks:
Update dependencies (after each pull):
npm install
Running the build:
npm start
Automatically running the build and unit tests after each source change:
npm run watch