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File metadata and controls

193 lines (158 loc) · 4 KB


Hadoop into Docker container

docker run --hostname=quickstart.cloudera --privileged=true -t -i -p 7180 4239cd2958c6 /usr/bin/docker-quickstart

couldera run:

HDFS common commands

help ( Distributed File System )

hdfs dfs -help
hdfs dfs -help copyFromLocal
hdfs dfs -help ls
hdfs dfs -help cat
hdfs dfs -help setrep

list files

hdfs dfs -ls /user/root/input
hdfs dfs -ls hdfs://hadoop-local:9000/data

output example:

-rw-r--r--   1 root supergroup       5107 2017-10-27 12:57 hdfs://hadoop-local:9000/data/Iris.csv
             ^ factor of replication

change factor of replication

hdfs dfs -setrep -w 4 /data/file.txt

create folder

hdfs dfs -mkdir /data 

copy files from local filesystem to remote

hdfs dfs -put /home/root/tmp/Iris.csv /data/
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /home/root/tmp/Iris.csv /data/

copy files from local filesystem to remote with replication factor

hdfs dfs -Ddfs.replication=2 -put /path/to/local/file /path/to/hdfs

copy ( small files only !!! ) from local to remote ( read from DataNodes and write to DataNodes !!!)

hdfs dfs -cp /home/root/tmp/Iris.csv /data/

remote copy ( not used client as pipe )

hdfs distcp /home/root/tmp/Iris.csv /data/

read data from DataNode

hdfs get /path/to/hdfs /path/to/local/file
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal /path/to/hdfs /path/to/local/file

remove data from HDFS ( to Trash !!! special for each user)

hdfs rm -r /path/to/hdfs-folder

remove data from HDFS

hdfs rm -r -skipTrash /path/to/hdfs-folder

clean up trash bin

hdfs dfs -expunge

file info ( disk usage )

hdfs dfs -du -h /path/to/hdfs-folder

is file/folder exists ?

hdfs dfs -test /path/to/hdfs-folder

list of files ( / - root )

hdfs dfs -ls /
hdfs dfs -ls hdfs://

the same as previous but with = hdfs://

hdfs dfs -ls /path/to/folder
hdfs dfs -ls file:///local/path   ==   (ls /local/path)

show all sub-folders

hdfs dfs -ls -r 

standard command for hdsf

-touchz, -cat (-text), -tail, -mkdir, -chmod, -chown, -count ....

Hadoop governance, administration

filesystem capacity

hdfs dfs -df -h

file system check, reporting, file system information

hdfs fsck /

balancer for distributed file system, necessary after failing/removing/eliminating some DataNode(s)

hdfs balancer

administration of the filesystem

hdfs dfsadmin -help

show statistic

hdfs dfsadmin -report

HDFS to "read-only" mode for external users

hdfs dfsadmin -safemode
hdfs dfsadmin -upgrade
hdfs dfsadmin -backup

job execution

hadoop jar {path to jar} {classname}
jarn jar {path to jar} {classname}

Hortonworks sandbox




SSH access

ssh root@localhost -p 2222

ambari password reset

  • shell web client (aka shell-in-a-box): localhost:4200 root / hadoop
  • ambari-admin-password-reset
  • ambari-agent restart
  • login into ambari: localhost:8080 admin/{your password}

Zeppelin UI


install jupyter for spark

PARK_MAJOR_VERSION is set to 2, using Spark2
Error in pyspark startup:
IPYTHON and IPYTHON_OPTS are removed in Spark 2.0+. Remove these from the environment and set PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON and PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS instead.
just set variable to using Spart1 inside script: SPARK_MAJOR_VERSION=1